Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 13.133
Totale 13.133
Nazione #
IT - Italia 13.133
Totale 13.133
Città #
Genova 8.903
Genoa 1.806
Rapallo 1.260
Vado Ligure 1.139
Bordighera 25
Totale 13.133
Nome #
Aeroelastic stability of a symmetric multi-body section model 181
3-D wind-excited response of slender structures: Closed form solution 179
A shear–shear torsional beam model for nonlinear aeroelastic analysis of tower buildings 172
Tuned Mass Damper optimization for the mitigation of human-induced vibrations of pedestrian bridges 168
A numerical algorithm for the aerodynamic identification of structures 156
A continuous approach to the aeroelastic stability of suspended cables in 1:2 internal resonance 153
Equivalent nonlinear beam model for the 3-D analysis of shear-type buildings: Application to aeroelastic instability 148
A direct approach for the evaluation of the conventional modes within the GBT formulation 145
3-D gust effect factor for slender vertical structures 136
A Methodology for the Study of Coupled Aeroelastic Phenomena 134
Dynamic modeling of taut strings carrying a traveling mass 132
A linear curved-beam model for the analysis of galloping in suspended cables 132
A GBT Model for the Analysis of Composite Steel-Concrete Beams with Partial Shear Interaction 131
A refined model for calculating 3-D equivalent static wind forces on structures 130
Generalized equivalent spectrum technique 128
Critical conditions of galloping for inclined square cylinders 128
Partial interaction analysis of multi-component members with the D-GBT approach 127
Statistical analysis of high return period wind speeds 124
Linear instability mechanisms for coupled translational galloping 122
Analytical and numerical approaches to nonlinear galloping of internally-resonant suspended cables 118
A critical analysis of simplified procedures for footbridges’ serviceability assessment 117
Closed form prediction of 3-D wind-excited response of slender structures. 116
Full scale behavior of a small size vertical axis wind turbine 116
A first step towards a map of Italian extreme winds. Part 2: Results, ripercussion on standards, design implications 115
On the effect of mechanical non-linearities on vortex-induced lock-in vibrations 115
Non-linear Galloping of Sagged Cables in 1:2 Internal Resonance 114
A spectral approach for the analysis of pedestrian-induced vibrations of footbridges 114
Double modal transformation and wind engineering applications 114
Passive control of human-induced footbridge vibrations 113
Human-Induced Vibrations on Two Lively Footbridges in Milan 112
Uncertainties in the evaluation of one degree-of-freedom galloping onset 110
A nonlinear discrete model for wind-excited suspended cables 109
Non-linear discrete models for the stochastic analysis of cables in turbulent wind 108
Some research perspectives in galloping phenomena: critical conditions and post-critical behavior 108
Equivalent spectral model and maximum dynamic response for the serviceability analysis of footbridges 107
A complete dynamic approach to the Generalized Beam Theory cross‐section analysis including extension and shear modes 106
An explicit solution for the dynamics of a taut string of finite length carrying a traveling mass: the subsonic case 106
Some critical issues on the distribution of the maximum value of the wind-excited response of structures 106
Parametric resonance of flexible footbridges under crowd-induced lateral excitation 105
Aeroelastic behavior of complex lighting poles and antenna masts 105
"Passive control of the aeroelastic instability of a symmetric multi-body sectional model" 105
A first step towards a map of Italian extreme winds. Part 1: General principles and analysis methodology 104
Serviceability assessment of footbridges in unrestricted pedestrian traffic conditions 104
Dynamic response of Euler-Bernoulli beams to resonant harmonic moving loads 104
Analytical and numerical estimate of footbridges’ maximum dynamic response to unrestricted pedestrian traffic 103
Statistical analysis of extreme wind speeds in the Straits of Messina 102
Dynamic Identification of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine 102
A generalized gust factor technique for evaluating the wind–induced response of aeroelastic structures sensitive to vortex-induced vibrations 101
A loading model for the interpretation of lateral vibrations of flexible footbridges 100
The three-hinged arch as an example of piezomechanic passive controlled structure 99
On the contribution of Angelo Luongo to Mechanics: in honor of his 60th birthday 99
Bimodal planar galloping of suspended cables in 1:1 internal resonance 98
A revisitation of the paradox of discontinuous trajectory for a mass particle moving on a taut string 97
Generalised beam theory (GBT) for stiffened sections 97
Aeroelastic forces on yawed circular cylinders: quasi-steady modelling and aerodynamic instability 96
Dynamics of taut strings traveled by train of forces 96
A Nonlinear Model of Curved Beam for the Analysis of Galloping of Suspended Cables 95
Galloping critical conditions on yawed square cylinders 95
On the effect of twist angle on nonlinear galloping of suspended cables 94
3-D gust effects on slender vertical structures 93
Simplified procedures for vibration serviceability analysis of footbridges subjected to realistic walking loads 92
Vibration serviceability of footbridges: a closed-form solution 92
"A flexible multi-body model for the dynamics and aeroelastic stability of cable-supported bridge cross-sections." 92
Instability Mechanisms of Skewed Circular Cylinders 91
The new Italian map of extreme wind speeds 91
A novel straightforward dynamic approach for the evaluation of extensional modes within GBT ‘cross-section analysys’ 91
Influence of wind mean force on cable aeroelastic instability 90
Vibrazioni di una passerella pedonale ad arco ribassato 90
'Theoretical and experimental response of a steel-arch footbridge 89
Probabilistic analysis of Italian extreme wind: Reference velocity and return criterion 89
Equivalent Timoshenko linear beam model for the static and dynamic analysis of tower buildings 89
Wind-excited response of harbor crane structural elements 88
A reduced model for nonlinear response of cables in turbulent wind 88
Analytical methods for estimating the gust-excited response of cantilever vertical structures 88
Stability analysis of taut strings carrying a moving mass 87
Uncertainty propagation in the serviceability assessment of footbridges 87
Un modello di eccitazione parametrica per l’analisi delle vibrazioni laterali indotte da folla su ponti pedonali flessibili 86
Probabilistic 3-D turbulence modeling for gust buffeting of structures 86
The role of walking parameter variability in serviceability assessment of footbridges 86
Non-linear galloping of iced suspended cables with two-to-one internal resonance 86
Weakly nonlinear dynamics of taut strings traveled by a single moving force 86
Postcritical behavior of cables undergoing two simultaneous galloping modes 85
Quasi-static model for the aerodynamic instability of yawed circular cylinders 85
The new CNR-DT 207/2008 guidelines on actions and effects of wind on structures 84
"Aeroelastic stability of a symmetric multi-body sectional model" 84
Deterministic and stochastic approaches in the vibration serviceability assessment of pedestrian bridges 83
Dynamics of taut strings undergoing large changes of tension caused by a force-driven traveling mass 83
Double modal transformation in continuous modeling 82
Stabilità aeroelastica flesso-torsionale di sezioni doppiamente simmetriche 80
Dry galloping in inclined cables: Linear stability analysis 80
Nonlinear Generalized Beam Theory for open thin-walled members 80
Turbulence effects on lateral galloping of prismatic structures 78
Wind response of structures by Double Modal Transformation 78
Experimental investigation on the aerodynamic behaviour of square cylinders with rounded corners 78
Probabilistic turbulence modeling and uncertain gust buffeting 77
Multi-modal nonlinear galloping in suspended cables: analytical and numerical approaches 76
On the influence of the torsional stiffness on non-linear galloping of suspended cables 75
A spectral model for pedestrian loading of footbridges 75
Nonlinear interaction between galloping modes 71
Tuned-Mass-Damper optimization for human-induced footbridge vibrations 71
Totale 10.413
Categoria #
all - tutte 40.178
article - articoli 22.352
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 15.343
curatela - curatele 182
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.301
Totale 80.356

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.470 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 300 629 403 138
2020/2021774 57 68 48 55 60 77 35 77 69 87 68 73
2021/20221.740 31 146 93 177 63 164 117 414 67 158 120 190
2022/20231.559 146 90 11 177 249 262 18 127 296 15 140 28
2023/2024701 37 133 19 80 39 81 36 52 52 28 55 89
2024/20252.018 131 248 161 141 332 275 303 406 21 0 0 0
Totale 13.359