Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 9.727
Totale 9.727
Nazione #
IT - Italia 9.727
Totale 9.727
Città #
Genova 6.714
Rapallo 1.056
Vado Ligure 977
Genoa 953
Bordighera 27
Totale 9.727
Nome #
One-to-two global-local interaction in a cable-stayed beam observed through analytical, finite element and experimental models 187
Aeroelastic stability of a symmetric multi-body section model 179
Optimal design of low-frequency band gaps in anti-tetrachiral lattice meta-materials 176
Optimal design of the band structure for beam lattice metamaterials 154
High-frequency parametric approximation of the Floquet-Bloch spectrum for anti-tetrachiral materials 137
Parametric design of the band structure for lattice materials 136
Anisotropic peridynamics for homogenized microstructured materials 135
Comparative study of vibration-based parametric identification techniques for a three-dimensional frame structure 133
Damping performance of two simple oscillators coupled by a visco-elastic connection 133
Nonlinear interactions in the planar dynamics of cable-stayed beam 132
Mitigation of three-dimensional vibrations of a frame structure using magneto-rheological dampers 126
Optimal design of auxetic hexachiral metamaterials with local resonators 125
Acoustic wave polarization and energy flow in periodic beam lattice materials 123
Damage identification in elastic suspended cables through frequency measurement 122
Long-term structural monitoring of the damaged Basilica S. Maria di Collemaggio through a low-cost wireless sensor network 122
Design of damper viscous properties for semi-active control of asymmetric structures 121
Vibrations of a taut cable with a transverse hysteretic device 120
"Advanced applications in the field of structural control and health monitoring after the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake" 119
Non-linear interactions in the flexible multi-body dynamics of cable-supported bridge cross-sections 119
A parametric multi-body section model for modal interactions of cable-supported bridges 115
A European Association for the Control of Structures joint perspective. Recent studies in civil structural control across Europe 115
Semiactive control using MR dampers of a frame structure under seismic excitation 114
Bloch wave filtering in tetrachiral materials via mechanical tuning 112
Design of acoustic metamaterials through nonlinear programming 111
null 110
Multi-directional seismic assessment of historical masonry buildings by means of macro-element modelling: Application to a building damaged during the L'Aquila earthquake (Italy) 109
A novel layered topology of auxetic materials based on the tetrachiral honeycomb microstructure 109
Nonlinear dynamics of a parametric analytical model for beam-cable-beam structures 108
Dynamics of masonry walls connected by a vibrating cable in a historic structure 108
An integrated approach to the design of wireless sensor networks for structural health monitoring 107
Cable-deck dynamic interactions at the International Guadiana Bridge 106
A multi-parameter perturbation solution for the inverse eigenproblem of nearly-resonant N-dimensional Hamiltonian systems 104
Passive control of wave propagation in periodic anti-tetrachiral meta-materials 104
null 103
Static and dynamic response of elastic suspended cables with thermal effects 99
Asymptotic approximation of the band structure for tetrachiral metamaterials 99
Dynamic testing and health monitoring of historic and modern civil structures in Italy 98
"Seismic protection of frame structures through semi-active dissipative braces" 97
Analytical and computational methods for modeling mechanical filters against Bloch wave propagation 97
Acoustic waveguide filters made up of rigid stacked materials with elastic joints 96
"Seismic protection and retrofitting through nonlinear fluid viscous damper interconnecting substructures" 94
"Passive control of the aeroelastic instability of a symmetric multi-body sectional model" 94
"One-to-two global-local quadratic interaction in a cable-stayed beam: analytical prediction and experimental validation" 92
"Dynamic identification of a modern bell tower: resonance cancellation through stiffening intervention" 92
Dynamic testing and health monitoring via wireless sensor networks in the post-earthquake assessment of structural conditions at L’Aquila 92
"Semi-active control of the three-dimensional seismic response of a frame structure through non-collocated acceleration feedback" 91
Ambient vibration tools to validate the rigid diaphragm assumption in the seismic assessment of buildings 90
"High amplitude forced oscillations of a modern bell tower in Rome" 89
Multi-parametric sensitivity analysis of the band structure for tetrachiral acoustic metamaterials 89
null 87
null 87
A nonlinear monodimensional beam model for the dynamic analysis of the mast pumping phenomenon in sailing boats 87
null 87
Structural health monitoring of the Basilica S. Maria di Collemaggio' 86
null 85
"Multi-parameter perturbation methods for the eigensolution sensitivity in discrete systems exhibiting multiple frequency veering" 84
"Temperature effects on the static and dynamic response of elastic suspended cables" 83
Modal interactions around a multiple frequency veering in cable-stayed structures 82
Computational design of innovative mechanical metafilters via adaptive surrogate-based optimization 82
null 80
Modal interactions in the nonlinear dynamics of a beam–cable–beam 80
"Parametric interactions in the nonlinear sectional dynamics of suspended and cable-stayed bridges" 79
"Mitigation of seismic vibration by semi-active control" 78
"Parametric identification of analytical and finite element models for a three-dimensional frame" 77
"A flexible multi-body model for the dynamics and aeroelastic stability of cable-supported bridge cross-sections." 76
"Il ruolo della conoscenza e dell'analisi dei materiali e delle strutture nei progetti di intervento sui palazzi storici dell'Università dell'Aquila" 75
"Multi-parameter perturbation solution for the direct and inverse eigenproblem in internally resonant Hamiltonian systems" 75
"La Basilica di Santa Maria di Collemaggio. La storia, le attività, il terremoto del 2009, gli studi per la ricostruzione.'' 75
"Il comportamento degli edifici della Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Aquila durante la sequenza sismica dell’Aprile 2009" 72
"Aeroelastic stability of a symmetric multi-body sectional model" 72
"Role and perspectives of modal identification in rapid and permanent structural monitoring after an earthquake." 72
"Optimization of viscous coupling between adjacent structures excited by ground motion" 72
"Seismic retrofitting of the recently-built edifices of the Engineering Faculty of L’Aquila" 71
Veering phenomena in cable-stayed bridge dynamics 68
Free and forced wave propagation in beam lattice metamaterials with viscoelastic resonators 68
"Modal interactions in flexible structures with energy transfer from low- to high-frequency" 67
"Static and dynamic response of elastic suspended cables under diffused damage and uniform thermal load" 66
"Damage identification in suspended cables through dynamic measures" 66
New insights in the modal identification of a monumental structure from long-term seismic structural monitoring 64
Nonlinear viscous dampers interconnecting adjacent structures for seismic retrofitting 63
"Modelling solutions for the linear dynamics of coupled TMD-bridge systems" 63
Machine-Learning Techniques for the Optimal Design of Acoustic Metamaterials 63
"Sistemi per la gestione di opere civili in servizio" 61
Identification of parametric non-physical linear systems to reproduce seismic induced response 61
"Metodi perturbativi per la soluzione del problema modale inverso in sistemi dinamici risonanti a molti gradi di libertà" 60
"Resonance identification in a modern bell tower exhibiting high amplitude oscillations" 60
"Fenomeni di interazione lineare nell’analisi sismica di ponti strallati" 59
"Modelli analitici, ad elementi finiti e misti per l'interazione dinamica cavo-trave nelle strutture strallate" 59
"Identificazione del danno in cavi sospesi attraverso misure dinamiche" 58
"Palazzo Gualtieri" 55
"La valutazione della sicurezza strutturale nella gestione delle opere civili esistenti" 55
"Dynamic interactions in cable-stayed systems" 54
Linear and nonlinear dynamics of a beam-cable-beam model 54
"La sicurezza delle strutture nella gestione delle opere civili" 54
Wave propagation properties of one-dimensional acoustic metamaterials with nonlinear diatomic microstructure 52
"Controllo con una massa accordata dell'instabilità aeroelastica di un cavo sospeso" 51
"Seismic analyis of complex masonry buildings" 51
"Osservazioni di oscillazioni locali nel ponte strallato sul fiume Guadiana" 50
"La modellazione dei cavi nell'analisi sismica dei ponti strallati" 50
"Monitoraggio strutturale mediante reti di sensori wireless: il caso della Basilica di Collemaggio" 48
Totale 9.127
Categoria #
all - tutte 29.610
article - articoli 15.760
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 3.599
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 10.251
Totale 59.220

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.603 0 0 0 0 0 0 420 158 248 443 253 81
2020/2021756 44 41 57 41 44 127 93 63 74 66 56 50
2021/20221.368 29 81 69 105 94 113 75 327 56 124 106 189
2022/20231.347 146 105 47 161 153 258 8 107 226 10 98 28
2023/2024624 42 77 21 73 51 69 36 80 28 25 41 81
2024/20251.114 112 200 131 161 254 255 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 10.021