Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 4.198
Totale 4.198
Nazione #
IT - Italia 4.198
Totale 4.198
Città #
Genova 2.873
Vado Ligure 526
Rapallo 416
Genoa 381
Bordighera 2
Totale 4.198
Nome #
Symmetry properties of mixed and heat photo-assisted noise in the quantum hall regime 137
Environmental induced renormalization effects in quantum Hall edge states due to 1/f noise and dissipation 126
Spin current pumping in helical Luttinger liquids 126
Symanzik's method applied to fractional quantum Hall edge states 125
Tunneling between helical edge states through extended contacts 124
Neutral modes edge state dynamics through quantum point contacts 122
Electrical switching and interferometry of massive Dirac particles in topological insulator constrictions 122
High-Power Collective Charging of a Solid-State Quantum Battery 120
Generating and controlling spin-polarized currents induced by a quantum spin Hall antidot 111
Charge tunneling in fractional edge channels 111
Minimal Excitations in the Fractional Quantum Hall Regime 110
Anomalous Charge Tunneling in Fractional Quantum Hall Edge States at a Filling Factor nu=5/2 108
Crystallization of levitons in the fractional quantum Hall regime 102
Spectral noise for edge states at the filling factor nu= 5/2 97
Multiple quasiparticle Hall spectroscopy investigated with a resonant detector 95
Polarized heat current generated by quantum pumping in two-dimensional topological insulators 95
Photoassisted shot noise spectroscopy at fractional filling factor 88
Relevance of Multiple Quasiparticle Tunneling between Edge States at nu = p/(2np+1) 87
Finite frequency noise for edge states at filling factor nu=2/5 87
Finite frequency noise spectroscopy for fractional Hall states at v = 5/2 86
Enhancing photon squeezing one leviton at a time 86
Hong-Ou-Mandel characterization of multiply charged Levitons 82
Quantum supercapacitors 81
Wigner function approach to single electron coherence in quantum Hall edge channels 80
Nonlocal interference and Hong-Ou-Mandel collisions of single Bogoliubov quasiparticles 80
Quasiparticle agglomerates in the Read-Rezayi and anti-Read-Rezayi states 79
Multiple-quasiparticle agglomerates at nu=2/5 77
Minimal excitation states for heat transport in driven quantum Hall systems 77
Electron quantum optics in ballistic chiral conductors 76
Single quasiparticle and electron emitter in the fractional quantum Hall regime 74
Electronic quantum optics beyond the integer quantum Hall effect 74
Electronic Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometry in two-dimensional topological insulators 73
Decoherence and relaxation of a single electron in a one-dimensional conductor 72
Quasiparticle agglomerates and environmental effects in the fractional quantum Hall edge states at nu=5/2 71
Non-Abelian BF theory for 2+1 dimensional topological states ofmatter 71
Two-electron coherence and its measurement in electron quantum optics 70
Interaction effects in a multi-channel Fabry-Pérot interferometer in the Aharonov-Bohm regime 66
Charging and energy fluctuations of a driven quantum battery 61
Dissipative dynamics of an open quantum battery 58
Real-time decoherence of landau and levitov quasiparticles in quantum hall edge channels 56
Ultrafast charging in a two-photon Dicke quantum battery 53
Characterization of a Two-Photon Quantum Battery: Initial Conditions, Stability and Work Extraction 51
Qutrit quantum battery: Comparing different charging protocols 50
Collisional interferometry of Levitons in quantum Hall edge channels at nu=2 50
Hong-Ou-Mandel heat noise in the fractional quantum Hall regime 49
Levitons in superconducting point contacts 46
New Directions in the Physics of One-dimensional Electron Systems 39
Electronic Wave-Packets in Integer Quantum Hall Edge Channels: Relaxation and Dissipative Effects 39
Enhancing coherent energy transfer between quantum devices via a mediator 36
Relaxation and revival of quasiparticles injected in an interacting quantum Hall liquid 35
Single-electron excitations and interactions in integer quantum Hall systems at nu=2 31
Off-Resonant Dicke Quantum Battery: Charging by Virtual Photons 31
Suppression of the radiation squeezing in interacting quantum Hall edge channels 29
Delta- T noise for fractional quantum Hall states at different filling factor 28
Analytically Solvable Model for Qubit-Mediated Energy Transfer between Quantum Batteries 22
Boosting energy transfer between quantum devices through spectrum engineering in the dissipative ultrastrong coupling regime 21
Wave-particle duality of electrons with spin-momentum locking: Double-slit interference and single-slit diffraction effects of electrons on the surface of three-dimensional topological insulators 20
Comparing different operating regimes of a Dicke quantum battery 15
IBM Quantum Platforms: A Quantum Battery Perspective 9
null 6
Controlling Energy Storage Crossing Quantum Phase Transitions in an Integrable Spin Quantum Battery 5
Totale 4.308
Categoria #
all - tutte 16.152
article - articoli 14.972
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 867
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 313
Totale 32.304

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020710 0 0 0 0 0 0 187 86 109 183 113 32
2020/2021469 30 32 53 35 52 35 13 56 65 43 36 19
2021/2022613 18 30 35 66 37 42 27 149 51 56 21 81
2022/2023499 33 42 5 49 58 76 1 42 71 5 106 11
2023/2024273 19 40 16 52 15 19 10 6 9 12 20 55
2024/2025577 32 79 35 79 206 139 7 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.308