Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 5.835
Totale 5.835
Nazione #
IT - Italia 5.835
Totale 5.835
Città #
Genova 3.634
Rapallo 817
Vado Ligure 685
Genoa 657
Bordighera 42
Totale 5.835
Nome #
Laurin e Walberan. Introduzione, traduzione dall'altotedesco medio e commento 160
The Field Surgery Manual Which Became a Medical Commonplace Book: Hans von Gersdorff's Feldtbuch der Wundarzney (1517) Translated into Low German 145
Albus Dumbledore und Severus Snape, Albus Silente e Severus Piton. I nomi di Harry Potter in tedesco e italiano: strategie traduttive a confronto 140
Painted Eyes, Magical Sieves and Carved Runes: Charms for Catching and Punishing Thieves in Medieval and Early Moder Germanic Tradition 139
Invisibility cloaks and magic belts: garments and fashion accessories in the Middle High German Dietrich cycle 134
Behüde mich vor vngerechtem gude. Were Goods Won in Game “Unjustified”? Medieval Gambling 132
An Old Norse Manuscript to Die and Kill for: Víktor Arnar Ingólfsson’s Flateyjargáta 125
Against the Dangers of Travel: Journey Blessings and Amulets in the Medieval and Early Modern Germanic Tradition 125
The Manuscript Version of Hans von Gersdorff’s Feldtbuch der Wundarzney in Copenhagen GKS 1663 4o and its Relation to the Printed Tradition 124
Charms and Blessings in the Middle Low German Medical Tradition 119
A medical dictionary for personal usage: the Latin-Low German glossary on fol. 179r-204r of Copenhagen, Royal Library, GKS 1663 4to 115
Physical Impairment in the First Surgical Handbooks Printed in Germany 112
Bilingual Glosses in Hieronymus Brunschwig’s Buch der Cirurgia: a Handbook as a Source for Historical Surgical Terminology 108
Faroese: a National Language under Siege? 98
Stephan von Dorpat and His Low German Translation of the Disticha Catonis 97
Dat Boek der Wundenartzstedye und der niederdeutsche chirurgische Fachwortschatz 97
...e a Santa Rosa (CA) Beowulf incontrò Roland. La “Chanson de Roland” riscritta nella serie a fumetti “Kid Beowulf” di Alexis E. Fajardo 96
Holger Deifuss, Hystoria von dem wirdigen ritter sant Wilhelm. Kritische Edition und Untersuchung einer frühneuhochdeutschen Prosaauflösung, Frankfurt/M., Berlin, Bern, Brüssel, New York, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang 2005 95
The Faroese Oral Tradition on Charlemagne and its Relation to European Literature 94
Cultural References in Lost Anthroponomastics: Revealing or Misleading Hints? 94
Dat Kinder bock: a Low German Pediatric Medical Book in Copenhagen, Kongelige Bibliothek, GKS 1663 4to 94
Ásmund á austrvega: The Faroese Oral Tradition on Ásmund and its Relation to the Icelandic Saga 92
Classical and Vernacular Terminology in the 1525 English Version of Hieronymus Brusnchwig’s Buch der Cirurgia 90
La ballata faroese di Olaf il Santo tra agiografia e leggenda 88
Anna Katharina Richter - Transmissionsgeschichten: Untersuchungen zur dänischen und schwedischen Erzählprosa in der Frühen Neuzeit 87
The 1518 Low German edition of Hieronymus Brunschwig's Buch der Cirurgia and its terminology 86
Additions and Interpolations in the Low German Version of Hans von Gersdorff's Feldtbuch der Wundarzney 85
The Low German Translation of Hieronymus Brunschwig’s Buch der Cirurgia and its Rendering of Surgical Lexicon 84
Linguistica germanica oggi: Bilanci e prospettive. Atti XXXIV Convegno Associazione Italiana di Filologia Germanica. Genova 6-8 giugno 2007. In memoria di Pier Giorgio Negro 83
Dietrich in the Faroes: Echoes of the German Dietrichepik in the Faroese Oral Tradition 83
Eine neue niederdeutsche Fassung des Longinussegens zur Blutstillung 80
The Ever-Lasting Rules of Death? The Reception and Adaptation of the Pseudo-Hippocratic Capsula Eburnea in German Medical Literature 79
Coppie sinonimiche bilingui nel lessico del Buch der Cirurgia di Hieronymus Brunschwig 77
Voremunde hebben: children, elderly and impaired people in Eike von Regow's Sachsenspiegel 77
Storia delle lingue scandinave 74
À la guerre comme à la guerre but with caution: Protection charms and blessings in the Germanic tradition 73
Conflict solving through magic in the Germanic language area: the case of charms against thieves 72
The Role of Woman in Medieval Sweden on the Evidence of the Earliest Legal Texts 71
I nomi degli animali nell'epica teodoriciana medio altotedesca 70
The Fantastic and the Supernatural in the Saga Ósvalds konúngs hins helga: Patterns and Functions 70
The Beginnings of Till Eulenspiegel's Reception in Scandinavia 69
Surgeon or Lexicographer? The Latin-German Glossaries in Addendum to Hans von Gersdorff's Feldtbuch der Wundarzney 67
Zur Überlieferung von Hans von Gersdorffs Feldtbuch der Wundarzney: Die Handschrift Kopenhagen GKS 1663 4tound ihr Verhältnis zu den Druckfassungen 66
Tra esperienza diretta e tradizione classica: la terminologia di due manuali chirurgici tedeschi protomoderni 63
From Glosses to Dictionaries. The Beginnings of Lexicography 63
Potere e autorità nel lessico e nella fraseologia del Sachsenspiegel di Eike von Repgow 62
L'influsso bassotedesco sulla fraseologia dello svedese tra Medioevo ed Età Moderna 62
Klassische und volkssprachliche Terminologie in der englischen Fassung von 1525 von Hieronymus Brunschwigs Buch der Cirurgie 61
La materia teodoriciana al di fuori dell'area tedesca: Il Laurin in Scandinavia 60
Un Beowulf per bambini nel ventunesimo secolo. La serie a fumetti Kid Beowulf di Alexis E. Fajardo 60
The conflation between conservation an innovation in an inedited fifteenth-century courtroom blessing preserved in München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cgm 351 60
Funzioni lessicali e fraseologia storica: opportunità e peculiarità 59
La figura dell’interprete nella Lega Anseatica: 'Wer he erst unrecht getolket, men solde den tolke den tunge mit der wortelen afsniden' 57
Pecore, cani e balene. Il lessico della natura nei testi giuridici faroesi medievali 57
Nomi nascosti (e falsi) nella sceneggiatura della serie CBS Person of interest 57
Riflessioni metodologiche sulla classificazione delle prime grammatiche del tedesco 55
Introduzione a Francesco Sangriso, Il tramonto dell’eroe: la figura di Teoderico il Grande nella Þiðreks saga fra epica eroica e romanzo cortese, Genova, ECIG, 2009 54
Coping with a foreign language for specific purposes in the early sixteenth century: the Low German translation of Hieronymus Brunschwig’s Buch der Cirurgia 54
Swa breðel seo, sea þystel - fiat tamquam pulviß ante facies venti: Threat of Retribution for Thieves in the Germanic Tradition 52
Die niederdeutsche Fassung des Feldtbuchs der Wundarzney in Kopenhagen, Kongelige Bibliotek, GKS 1663 4o. Edition und Kommentar 51
Marianne Kalinke, St Oswald of Northumbria. Continental metamorphoses. With an Edition and Translation of Ósvalds saga and Van sunte Oswaldo deme konninghe, Tempe: Arizona Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies 2005 50
Prefazione 50
From Glosses to Dictionaries? An Introduction 49
Helmut Tervooren, unter Mitarbeit v. Carola Kirschner u. Johannes Spicker, Van Masen tot op den Rijn. Ein Handbuch zur Geschichte der mittelalterlichen volkssprachlichen Literatur im Raum von Rhein und Maas, Berlin: E. Schmidt 2006 48
Faroese: una lingua nazionale sotto assedio? 45
Faroese Oral Tradition and Icelandic Saga: The Case of the Asmund Cycle 44
Die handschriftliche Überlieferung des Feldtbuchs der Wundarzney: Luzern, Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek, Pp 27 4o 42
The Translations of Brunschwig's Cirurgia and von Gersdorff's Feldtbuch der Wundarzney into Low German: Reception and Transmission of Scientific Texts in 16th-century Germany 39
Imaginary Creatures Causing Real Diseases: Projective Etiology in Medieval and Early Modern Medicine 39
Cibo e salute nelle tradizioni germaniche medievali: un approccio filologico 39
Crittografia magica: l'esempio di un inedito incantesimo d'amore tedesco del XV secolo 34
“Only for Specialist” Medical Charms: Holistic Therapy in the German Medieval and Early Modern Tradition 26
Insprinc haptbandun, inuar uigandun: Magical (?) Remedies to Escape from Imprisonment in the Germanic Tradition 24
The German Translations of Lanfranc of Milan’s Chirurgia parva: from Latin to Vernacular or from One Vernacular to the Other? 19
The Translational Practice of a Low German Surgeon 17
Incontri Filologici: Studi in onore di Claudia Händl - Philologische Begegnungen: Festschrift für Claudia Händl 16
Nomi e cataloghi onomastici come artificio letterario nella tradizione neidhartiana: gli antroponimi nella canzone Der widerdries 15
Liber ordinis rerum 13
Vocabularius theutonicus 12
Medieval Glossaries from North-Western Europe: Tradition and Innovation 12
Vocabularius brevilogus 12
Vocabularius quadriidiomaticus 12
The Germanic Translations of Lanfranc’s Surgical Works as Example of Global Circulation of Knowledge 11
Stralsund Vocabulary 11
Surgical Handbooks Translated into Low German 10
Die Rezeption des Laurins im 21. Jahrhundert: Zwei Fallstudien aus der literarischen und filmischen Produktion für Jugendliche 10
Medieval Scandinavian Glossaries 10
The Environmental Causes of the Plague and their Terminology in the German Pestbücher of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries 10
Preventing Miscommunication: Early Modern German Surgeons as Specialized Translators 10
From the Printing Press to the Quill: The Reuse of von Gersdorff’s Feldtbuch der Wundarzney in Manuscript Medical Collections 9
Middle Low German Glossaries 9
Introduction 8
Preface 8
The German Translations of William of Saliceto’s Surgery and their Impact on the Later Surgical Tradition in the Vernacular Language 8
Jens Christian Svabo’s Glossary: The Oral Tradition at the Beginning of Faroese Lexicography 7
Introduzione 6
Einführung 6
Totale 6.007
Categoria #
all - tutte 16.665
article - articoli 5.307
book - libri 1.422
conference - conferenze 401
curatela - curatele 492
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 9.043
Totale 33.330

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020998 0 0 0 0 0 125 183 53 96 318 174 49
2020/2021363 13 18 27 38 17 42 38 34 26 57 31 22
2021/2022817 17 54 20 108 41 57 49 197 62 75 15 122
2022/20231.000 92 60 16 170 114 158 8 89 180 9 78 26
2023/2024471 30 88 7 39 24 69 39 46 23 18 37 51
2024/2025768 64 134 47 69 305 149 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.013