Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 13.782
Totale 13.782
Nazione #
IT - Italia 13.782
Totale 13.782
Città #
Genova 10.335
Rapallo 1.377
Genoa 1.076
Vado Ligure 974
Bordighera 20
Totale 13.782
Nome #
Organic bendable and stretchable field effect devices for sensing applications 180
A framework for representing interaction tasks based on tactile data 175
Stability and Robustness Analysis of a Two Layered Hierarchical Architecture for the Closed Loop Control of Robots in the Operational Space 159
Underwater intervention robotics: An outline of the Italian national project Maris 156
Inversion of Matrices and Matrix Functions as a Nonlinear Discrete System: stability and Sensitivity Analysis 151
Design of a Humanoid Robot Eye: Models and Experiments 146
A Distributed, Real-Time Approach to Multi-Robot Uniform Frequency Coverage 145
The Design and Development of the DIST-Hand Dextrous Gripper 144
An embedded tactile and force sensor for robotic manipulation and grasping 144
Manipulators Trajectory Tracking with Reduced Order Velocity Observers 144
Large Scale Capacitive Skin for Robots 144
Skin spatial calibration using force/torque measurements 143
Design of an embedded networking infrastructure for whole-body tactile sensing in humanoid robots 143
Soft dielectrics for capacitive sensing in robot skins: performance of different elastomer types 142
A toolbox for supporting the design of large-scale capacitive tactile systems 141
Piezoelectric polymer films for tactile sensors 140
Parallel force-position control mediated by tactile maps for robot contact tasks 138
Electromechanical characterization of piezoelectric PVDF polymer films for tactile sensors in robotics applications 136
A minimalist algorithm for multirobot continuous coverage 134
Experimental evaluation of pheromone structures for ant colony optimization: application to the robot skin wiring problem 133
AMADEUS: Advanced Manipulation for Deep Underwater Sampling 133
Models for the Design of Bioinspired Robot Eyes 131
Human hand recognition from robotic skin measurements in human-robot physical interactions 130
The Control Architecture of the AMADEUS Gripper 128
Hybrid learning control for Constrained manipulators 127
A tactile-based fabric learning and classification architecture 127
Multi-Robot Uniform Frequency Coverage of Significant Locations in the Environment 127
Application and experimental validation of pheromone design in ant colony optimization: the problem of robot skin wiring 126
Methods and Technologies for the Implementation of Large-Scale Robot Tactile Sensors 125
Smooth Attitude Feedback Control with Non-Holonomic Constraints 124
Optimal Control for Active Identification of Unknown Systems 122
AMADEUS: Advanced MAnipulator for DEep Underwater Sampling 122
Application of Learning techniques in the hybrid control of mechanical manipulators 121
Architecture and design of a robotic mastication simulator for interactive load testing of dental implants and the mandible 121
A sensorized glove for experiments in cloth manipulation 119
Implementation of Listing's Law for a Robot Eye 118
Advances in tactile sensing and touch based human-robot interaction 118
A real-time data acquisition and processing framework for large-scale robot skin 117
On internal models for representing tactile information 117
Attitude Feedback Control: Unconstrained and Non-holonomic constrained cases 117
Contact Force canonical Decomposition and the Role of Internal Forces in Robust grasp Planning Problems 116
Hybrid Learning Control techniques for the Manipulation of Rigid Objects 116
Guest Editorial Special Issue on Robotic Sense of Touch 115
Inkjet printed organic thin film transistors based tactile transducers for artificial robotic skin 115
A Learning Procedure for Position and Force control for constrained manipulators 115
Skinning a robot: design methodologies for large-scale robot skin 115
MAC-EYE: a Tendon Driven Fully Embedded Robot Eye 114
Matrices of inkjet printed OFETs for the realization of artificial robotic skin 114
On Perceptual Advantages of Active Robot Vision 114
Guidance of 3D Underwater non Holonomic Vehicle Via Projection on Holonomic Solutions 113
Smoothness of a Feedback Control Law for a Nonholonomic 3D Vehicle 113
Computational Models for the Simulation of Contact Phenomena in Multibody Systems 113
Grasp planning for the coordinated manipulation of rigid objects 113
A multi-robot coordination system based on RFID technology 112
A real-time distributed architecture for large-scale tactile sensing 112
Local force control loop approach in bilateral control of master-slave systems 112
Strategies for Control and Coordination within Multiarm Systems 111
AMADEUS: Dual-arm workcell for co-ordinated and dexterous manipulation 111
A middleware for whole body skin-like tactile systems 110
Computer aided modelling and simulation of complex mechanical systems 109
Development of an Integrated Tactile Sensor System for Clothes Manipulation and Classification Using Industrial Grippers 109
Towards autonomous robotic skin spatial calibration: A framework based on vision and self-touch 109
Comments on the properties of the operational matrices of integration and differentiation for Fourier trigonometric functions 108
Implementation of learning control techniques using descriptor systems methods 108
Design of a Humanoid Robot Eye 107
Teleoperations with shared explicit contact force control 107
Heuristic approaches for the optimal wiring in large scale robotic skin design 106
Dexterous Manipulation of rigid objects using Learning Hybrid Control Techniques 106
Contact-based robot control through tactile maps 106
Contact modelling and tactile data processing for robot skins 106
A real-time middleware for the acquisition of tactile data from large-scale robot skin 104
Towards automated self-calibration of robot skin 101
Skinware 2.0: a real-time middleware for robot skin 101
On the convergence of spectral methods for the solution of linear descriptor systems 101
Task Space Robot Control: Convergence Analysis and Gravity Compensation Via Integral Feedback 101
The ROBOSKIN project: challenges and results 101
On the Recognition of Human Hand Touch from Robotic Skin Pressure Measurements Using Convolutional Neural Networks 100
PatrolGRAPH: a Distributed Algorithm for Multi-Robot Patrolling 99
On the problem of the automated design of large-scale robot skin 99
Tactile Images Generation from Contacts Involving Adjacent Robot Links 98
Towards the creation of tactile maps for robots and their use in robot contact motion control 97
Real-time reconstruction of contact shapes for large area robot skin 97
The Functional and Algorithmic Design of Amadeus Multirobot Workcell 96
Grasp force planning for the coordinated manipulation of rigid objects 96
Contact Force Decomposition for the Grasping of Rigid Objects 94
On a Two Level Hierarchical Structure for the Dynamic Control of Multifingered Manipulation 94
Modelling contact phenomena within the dynamic simulation of advanced robotic structures 94
Implementation of listing's law for a tendon driven robot eye  94
Tactile sensing: steps to artificial somatosensory maps 93
Spectral methods for the solution of linear descriptor systems using Fourier functions 92
Processing of tactile/force measurements for a fully embedded sensor 91
A flexible and robust large scale capacitive tactile system for robots 90
Detaching Phenomena in the Learning Control of Rigid Objects 89
On the stabilization of the unicycle model projecting a holonomic solution 88
Models for the Design of a Tendon Driven Robot Eye 88
Coordinate transformation and on-line planning for position/force control of constrained robots 86
System for guiding self-propelled apparatus and method therefore | [System und Verfahren zur Steuerung einer selbsfahrenden Vorrichtung] 86
Sistemi di guida per apparecchi semoventi e metodo per tale guida 85
Multi-agent control architecture for large scale multi-robot system 85
Experimental analysis of different pheromone structures in an ant colony optimization algorithm in robotic skin design 84
Totale 11.567
Categoria #
all - tutte 40.617
article - articoli 13.036
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 23.625
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 675
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 3.281
Totale 81.234

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.293 0 0 0 0 0 0 521 263 328 616 439 126
2020/20211.078 99 102 112 99 51 77 76 86 84 152 72 68
2021/20221.680 36 74 159 185 45 142 100 358 94 151 162 174
2022/20231.652 149 125 13 131 204 288 22 136 263 12 286 23
2023/2024735 39 113 14 97 43 89 27 36 65 41 42 129
2024/20251.075 66 184 78 95 376 275 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 13.984