Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 4.514
Totale 4.514
Nazione #
IT - Italia 4.514
Totale 4.514
Città #
Genova 1.603
Genoa 1.104
Rapallo 964
Vado Ligure 756
Bordighera 87
Totale 4.514
Nome #
Creative Food Cycle Installation 110
AC+ Agri-Cultures, Agro-Cities, Eco-productive Landscapes. Agricultural Parks as Key Studies. Barcellona - Llobregat. Liguria - Albenga 108
Passaggio a Ouest, rigenerare la Val Polcevera- Crossland, a view from the Bridge 106
FAV, Urban living Room - Inter-Faces, SENSCITY, Montpellier FAV 13eme édition 100
Agro.Med.Cities: riflessioni e approcci propositivi al paesaggio agricolo Mediterraneo 98
FAV, Urban living Room - Inter-Faces 97
Foreword and Framework: Gavoglio-KWS, Rebel Matters/Social Batters III 97
City Greening: strategie per il paesaggio urbano tra estetica e salubrità 94
Crosslands: resilient and new metropolitan polarities in the peri-urban river spaces of the Mediterranean Coast 90
Advanced Urbanism / GIC-Lab Approaches 87
Proactive approaches to the Mediterranean AgroCities 86
Creative food cycles: A cultural approach to the food life-cycles in cities 85
Creative Food Cycles Experience. Goa CFC-festinar: a virtual banquet for an innovating research celebration 82
Advanced Urbanism, GicLab Approaches. 82
Agriculture, tourism and heritage as devices for drawing the mediterranean landscape 78
Advanced AgriCulture. Verso una nuova identità della campagna: modello Prosumer 76
Advanced AgriCulture. Verso una nuova identità della campagna: modello Prosumer 75
A Landscape Infra-structures Research. ROMA TUSCOLANA Pilot Project. 74
Advanced Agriculture. 73
MedCoast AgroCities: Albenga GlassCity, from the GlassCity to the GreenCity 73
Advanced Urbanism, Conceptual Keys 68
MedCoast AgroCities. New operational strategies for the development of the Mediterranean agro-urban areas 68
The Perception of Space and Time in the New Rural-Peripheries 67
Agriculture as Heritage 67
Advanced Urbanism. Unige approaches. 66
Final consideration. General conclusions and final decalogo. 66
Advanced Urbanism: new ways for Design 66
Mediterranean Landscapes – State of art, issues and perspectives of Mediterranean agriculture 65
Foreword and Framework: Med.Net, KA-AU & Resili(g)ent Cities 65
Resili(g)ence, Intelligent Cities, Resilient Landscapes (GicLab Approach).Installation 65
Resiligence - Intelligent Cities/Resilient Landscapes 63
Under Megacities, agro-land-layers. Future Food Fab Fields (FFFF) 62
Albenga GlassCity - From the GlassCity to the GreenCity 62
Final Considerations and outputs - Gavoglio-KWS, Rebel Matters/Social Batters III 62
Foreword: Resili(g)ence - Intelligent Cities/Resilient Landscapes 61
Dream, Theme, Complementary Cities. Urban Tourism, Impact Factors. 60
MedCoast AgroCities. New operational strategies for the development of the Mediterranean agro-urban areas 60
From seaside to experiential tourism: the new trends in the Latin Arc 59
MedCoast Agrocities into the Mediterranean Landscapes. State of art, issues and perspectives of Mediterranean agriculture 58
Architettura su commissione 58
Resilient agriculture, Resilienza come approccio operativo 57
The Resili(g)ence of contemporary cities 55
Key-cases of study. Research and Exhibition: International Resiligence Atlas 54
All you can live! Touristic Perspectives within Contemporary Liguria 54
Rethinking the Mediterranean identity - The ‘new’ advanced rural-coast landscape 53
Future perspectives for the Mediterranean rural-coastal landscape 53
Genova-Phase 3- Consumption to Disposition- Food Shakers-Food Remakers 52
GOA REASONED RECIPES BOOK. Prototyping, experimentation and innovation to rethink the food waste. 52
Azioni Verdi per città innovative. Il nuovo Paesaggio Agroalimentare Green Actions for innovative cities. The new Agri-Food Landscape 50
Resili(g)ence and Agro-Urban approach, from the global framework to the Genoese dimension. 50
MedCoast AgroCities, la dimensione agricola del Mediterraneo 48
MED NET 3. Backstage gallery 47
Food waste as resource: new bio-materials on designing alternative food cycles experiences 45
MED.NET3 RESILI(G)ENCE: Intelligent Cities/Resilient Landscapes 45
The Latin Arch, the relationship with water and the rediscovery of the riverfront 44
Med.Net AgroCities: proactive role in the Mediterranean system 44
RATION(AL) FOOD ATLAS. Second life for urban waste. 42
Odessa Relaunched. ReCitying Urban Values 38
Scan Map: MedCoast AgroCities 38
Towards a new kind of techno-social empathicities in new Real and Virtual relational Hyper-Land-Spaces 35
An urban linear park on the runways of the old airport 35
Gavoglo KAAU Summer Workshop 35
L’agricoltura come strategia operativa resiliente 34
From the global food system to the local dimension: the urban food strategies 33
The drawing and the dimension of protected agriculture into the Mediterranean landscape 33
Aree rurali e governo del territorio. Tradizione, evoluzione, innovazione 31
Dal mondo analogico all'hyper-reality. I cambiamenti urbani, sociali e tecnologici del nuovo millennio 30
Ecosystem Services and Rural Innovation: The Liguria Region Case Study 29
Resili(g)ence. Città Resili(g)ence e Urbanistica Avanzata 29
Agro-cities, Agri-cultures, productive grounds: How food cycles shape our land and urban society 28
Utopie democratiche 28
Accumulazione Spettacolare 26
Food as a means of change for cities and landscapes 26
Nuovi approcci operativi per i territori agro-urbani del Mediterraneo 25
The provision of ecosystem services along the Italian coastal areas: a correlation analysis between environmental quality and urbanization 23
Tempo e Spazio, dalla metropoli al cyberspazio 23
Coastal Urbanization and Ecosystem Services Depletion: An Italian Case Study 20
Innovazione rurale, servizi ecosistemici, e processi di urbanizzazione in Liguria, tra costa ed entroterra 20
The way of flowers. A story that starts with the Mediterranean coast and becomes global 20
Technology as an enabler of a new ecosystem responsive urbanism. Interview with Carlo Ratti (CRA Studio) 17
Sustainability, tourism and new lifestyles in a compromise landscape. 16
Sull’infrastruttura, un arcipelago dialogico. L’evoluzione dell’infrastruttura territoriale attraverso le sfide contemporanee 16
Ripensare la visione policentrica: nuovi modelli integrati costa/entroterra 15
Servizi di comunità e nuovo welfare. L’accessibilità come criterio di progetto: il caso genovese 13
Knitted Food: food and eco-textiles. New perspectives for sustainable urban production systems 12
Urban green infrastructures: innovazione, ecosistema e città 12
MedCoast AgroCities: una ricerca sulle nuove strategie operative per lo sviluppo sostenibile delle città agro-urbane mediterranee 12
Il carattere d’innovazione nei nuovi ecosistemi spaziali extra-urbani 12
Odessa Relaunched- ReCitying Urban Values. Piano Strategico ed operazioni urbane 11
Climate Equity and Climate Gentrification. Impatti sociali, economici e territoriali delle misure per il cambiamento climatico, Atti del Convegno Urbanpromo PhD Green VI Edizione, Firenze, 10 novembre 2023 8
AgroCities, Adaptive Cities: dalla rivoluzione del cibo all'evoluzione digitale 8
AgroCities, Adaptive Cities: dalla rivoluzione del cibo all'evoluzione digitale 6
Integrated coast-inland patterns in Liguria: ecosystem services between plans, policies and innovation 5
New tool supporting teachers in designing online interactive content - lessons learned from experiences in Poland, Italy, Bulgaria, Greece and Sweden 5
Integrated coast-inland patterns in Liguria: ecosystem services between plans, 151 policies and innovation 2
Totale 4.869
Categoria #
all - tutte 17.891
article - articoli 3.366
book - libri 1.232
conference - conferenze 5.427
curatela - curatele 1.383
other - altro 1.905
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 4.394
Totale 35.598

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020514 0 0 0 0 0 0 62 38 43 203 148 20
2020/2021282 7 4 15 4 31 20 42 38 30 45 10 36
2021/2022763 18 52 9 85 35 49 27 182 44 78 19 165
2022/20231.209 85 94 14 96 171 181 7 118 194 42 180 27
2023/2024919 31 97 26 128 50 140 100 66 31 59 54 137
2024/2025898 129 132 90 126 252 160 9 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.869