Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 13.258
Totale 13.258
Nazione #
IT - Italia 13.258
Totale 13.258
Città #
Genova 8.511
Genoa 2.126
Rapallo 1.386
Vado Ligure 1.194
Bordighera 41
Totale 13.258
Nome #
A statistical study on temporary work and occupational accidents: specific risk factors and risk management strategies 269
A perspective on Seveso accident based on cause-consequences analysis by three different methods 177
Approximate solution of the inverse Richards' problem 171
Fluctuating fast chemical reactions in a batch process modelled by stochastic differential equations 167
Numerical solution of moving boundary problems in diffusion processes with attractive and repulsive interactions 166
On the non-linear Maxwell-Cattaneo equation with non-constant diffusivity: Shock and discontinuity waves 158
Coal dust emissions: From environmental control to risk minimization by underground transport. An applicative case-study. 158
Using non-equilibrium biosorption column modelling for improved process efficiency 151
A short-cut analytical model of hydrocarbon pool fire of different geometries, with enhanced view factor evaluation 149
Port safety and the container revolution: A statistical study on human factor and occupational accidents over the long period 146
Biodiesel Production via Transesterification: Process Safety Insights from Kinetic Modeling 145
Implementation techniques in front-tracking methods for moving boundary problems with singularities 144
Improving the statistical accuracy of dimensional analysis correlations for precise coefficient estimation and optimal design of experiments 144
Interoperable simulation for asymmetric threats in maritime scenarios: A case based on virtual simulation and intelligent agents 144
Solid dissolution in a batch process with intraparticle diffusion and lumped kinetics 142
Dangerous good transportation by road: from risk analysis to emergency planning 142
Modelling of reaction-diffusion processes in ore leaching with nonlinear Kinetics 134
A Maximum Likelihood-based Method for the Nonlinear Estimation of Equilibrium Adsorption Parameters 134
On the identification of approximate models 132
Systematical analysis of chemical methods in metal nanoparticles synthesis 132
Use of inverse modelling techniques for the estimation of heat transfer coefficients to fluids in cylindrical conduits 130
Biological removal of heavy metals from acid wastewaters 130
An improved model of an ASR pyrolysis reactor for energy recovery 129
A pattern recognition approach to the solution of optimal singular control problems 128
A review on hydrogen production from hydrogen sulphide by chemical and photochemical methods 128
Nanotechnology in machining processes: recent advances 128
Statistical sensitivity analysis of packed column reactors for contaminated wastewater 127
An eco-friendly process for zerovalent bismuth nanoparticles synthesis 125
Application of interval analysis to the reconciliation of process data when models subject to uncertainties are used 122
Membrane processes for water recovery and decontamination 122
Dynamics of a reverse osmosis unit with application to pulsating regimes for process optimization 120
Inverse estimation of temperature profiles in landfills using heat recovery fluids measurements 120
Montecarlo simulation of a ballistic selective etching process in (2+1) dimensions 119
Bismuth oxide-related photocatalysts in green nanotechnology: A critical analysis 119
Dangerous good transportation by road: from risk analysis to emergency planning 119
Reconciliation of process measurements when data are subject to detection limits 118
Surface dynamics and breakdown patterns of a random solid subject to a biased 3D etching 118
Cobalt cementation in an ethanol-water system: Kinetics and morphology of metal aggregates 118
Optimal design of sequential experiments for error-in-variables models 118
Development of a theoretical framework for the evaluation of risk connected to accidental oxygen releases 117
Parameter Estimation in Simultaneous Phase and Reaction Equilibria 117
Influence of the electrode thickness on the performance of composite electrodes for SOFC 116
Ethylene-air mixtures under flowing conditions: A model-based approach to explosion conditions 116
Conservation and improvements in water resource management: A global challenge 116
optimization of composite electrodes for SOFCs 115
Copper adsorption on calcium alginate beads: equilibrium pH-related models 115
Reconciliation of flow rate measurements in the presence of solid particles 115
Dynamic scaling of a reaction-limited decay process 114
Monte Carlo modelling of wet-chemical lithography with masks 114
Cleaner production of nitric acid by heat transfer optimization: a case study 111
Improved remediation processes through cost-effective estimation of soil properties from surface measurements 111
A general method for the solution of inverse problems in transport phenomena 110
Off-lattice anomalous diffusion in a thin sticks system 108
Detection and removal of unfeasible solutions in kinetic models described by differential algebraic equations 106
An experimental evaluation of an etching simulation model for photochemical machining 106
Scaling effects and front propagation in a class of reaction-diffusion equations: From classic to anomalous diffusion 105
Boron removal from water: Needs, challenges and perspectives 105
Influence of the temperature on oxygen reduction on SOFC composite electrodes: theoretical and experimental analysis 104
Modelling of an ASR countercurrent pyrolysis reactor with nonlinear kinetics 103
Biomedical applications of anodic porous alumina 103
CFD analysis of regenerative chambers for energy efficiency improvement in glass production plants 101
Adsorption of ammonium on clinoptilolite in presence of competing cations: Investigation on groundwater remediation 101
Copper biosorption onto Rhizopus Oligosporus: pH-edge tests and related kinetic and equilibrium modelling 99
Preparation and characterization of PbTiO 3-epoxy resin compositionally graded thick films 99
Generalized mathematical modelling of spray barriers 99
A switching pressure approach in simulation and optimization of a reverse osmosis unit 99
A generalized tearing procedure for solving systems of algebraic equations: applications to physical-chemical equilibria 98
Modelling approach to the evaluation of explosion limits of ethylene-air mixtures at flowing conditions for industrial process optimisation 98
Enhanced Oil Spill Remediation by Adsorption with Interlinked Multilayered Graphene 98
Synthesis of copper nanoparticles in ethylene glycol by chemical reduction with vanadium (+2) salts 97
Nanoscale topographical characterization of orbital implant materials 97
Modeling Human Modifier Diffusion 95
Optimal solution of processes described by systems of differential-algebraic equations 94
Discrete modelling of a multiparticle diffusion process and front propagation: Dynamics and source effects 94
Total site heat integration considering pressure drops 93
Human Modifier Diffusion in Social Networks 92
A study of the relationship between temporary work and occupational accidents. Specific risk factors and risk management strategies 92
Safety opportunities for the synthesis of metal nanoparticles and short-cut approach to workplace risk evaluation 92
Process data reconciliation in the presence of non-uniform measurement errors 91
Simulation of power plant environmental impacts within the extended marine framework 90
A general procedure for the estimation of diffusivities in solids 90
Standardisation of heavy metals biosorption tests: equilibrium and modelling study 89
null 87
Experimental investigation on concentration profiles and fluctuations of dense gases in wind tunnel 87
New trends in the synthesis of nanoparticles by green methods 87
New procedure for optimal design of sequential experiments in kinetic models 86
Potential of Simulation in Nanosurfaces Formation 84
A Bayesian belief network for local air quality forecasting 83
Bi nanoparticles synthesis by a bottom-up wet chemical process 82
Including fluctuations of water content in feed streams and products for the optimal management of water resources 80
Kinetic analysis and safety implications in biodiesel transesterification process 78
Optimal Design of Cogeneration Systems in Industrial Plants Combined with District Heating/Cooling and Underground Thermal Energy Storage 77
An oil pipeline catastrophic failure: Accident scenario modelling and emergency response development 77
Application of iterative dynamic programming to problems with time-invariant parameters 76
Mass transfer effects in copper surface chemical etching through masks 74
Top-down synthesis of metal nanoparticles by surface disaggregation in a stirred tank [Sintesi top-down di nanoparticelle di metallo ferromagnetico in un serbatoio agitato sigillato] 72
Some remarks on the use of the inverse hessian matrix of the likelihood function in the estimation of statistical properties of parameters 71
Generalisation of the solution of the inverse Richards' problem 71
Security Management Systems In Logistics: An Innovative Approach In Solution Design 71
Multicomponent hydrocarbon pool fire: Analytical modelling and field application 70
Totale 11.281
Categoria #
all - tutte 43.256
article - articoli 37.182
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 4.251
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 230
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.593
Totale 86.512

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.261 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 245 527 395 94
2020/2021792 43 65 50 77 51 96 58 67 65 86 64 70
2021/20221.627 36 89 109 199 76 121 89 397 99 130 76 206
2022/20231.686 153 97 34 187 214 255 6 133 326 8 250 23
2023/2024984 65 128 23 129 95 137 58 82 46 27 72 122
2024/20252.156 90 230 85 203 418 296 312 476 46 0 0 0
Totale 13.586