Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 6.877
Totale 6.877
Nazione #
IT - Italia 6.877
Totale 6.877
Città #
Genova 4.875
Vado Ligure 758
Rapallo 642
Genoa 591
Bordighera 11
Totale 6.877
Nome #
A shear–shear torsional beam model for nonlinear aeroelastic analysis of tower buildings 167
Tuned Mass Damper optimization for the mitigation of human-induced vibrations of pedestrian bridges 163
Equivalent nonlinear beam model for the 3-D analysis of shear-type buildings: Application to aeroelastic instability 144
Gust buffeting of long-span bridges: Double Modal Transformation and effective turbulence 143
null 131
Proper Orthogonal Decomposition in wind engineering. Part 1: A state-of-the-art and some prospects 131
Effective wind actions on ideal and real structures 125
Relationships among aerodynamic admittance functions, flutter derivatives and static coefficients for long-span bridges 124
A turbulence model based on principal components 122
Generalized Equivalent Spectral Model for Serviceability Analysis of Footbridges 119
Equivalent spectral model for pedestrian-induced forces on Footbridges: A generalized formulation 116
Experimental investigation of the aeroelastic behavior of a complex prismatic element 113
On the effect of mechanical non-linearities on vortex-induced lock-in vibrations 113
Seismic Response of Multi-supported Structures by Proper Orthogonal Decomposition 112
Passive control of human-induced footbridge vibrations 111
Probabilistic assessment of the dynamic interaction between multiple pedestrians and vertical vibrations of footbridges 111
A critical analysis of simplified procedures for footbridges’ serviceability assessment 110
Proper Orthogonal Decomposition in Wind Engineering: Part 2: Theoretical Aspects and Some Applications 109
Human-Induced Vibrations on Two Lively Footbridges in Milan 109
A spectral approach for the analysis of pedestrian-induced vibrations of footbridges 108
null 108
Some research perspectives in galloping phenomena: critical conditions and post-critical behavior 106
Human-structure interaction in pedestrian bridges: A probabilistic approach 106
Equivalent spectral model and maximum dynamic response for the serviceability analysis of footbridges 105
Parametric resonance of flexible footbridges under crowd-induced lateral excitation 103
Aeroelastic stability and wind-excited response of complex lighting poles and antenna masts 103
Dynamic response of Euler-Bernoulli beams to resonant harmonic moving loads 103
Probabilistic analysis of human-structure interaction in the vertical direction for pedestrian bridges 102
Serviceability assessment of footbridges in unrestricted pedestrian traffic conditions 101
Aeroelastic behavior of complex lighting poles and antenna masts 97
Analytical and numerical estimate of footbridges’ maximum dynamic response to unrestricted pedestrian traffic 97
Dynamic approach to the wind loading of structures: Alongwind, crosswind and torsional response 96
Closed form solution for the principal representation of turbulence fields 95
Aerodynamic admittance functions of bridge deck sections by CWE 92
Vibration serviceability of footbridges: a closed-form solution 91
Simplified procedures for vibration serviceability analysis of footbridges subjected to realistic walking loads 88
A loading model for the interpretation of lateral vibrations of flexible footbridges 88
Equivalent Timoshenko linear beam model for the static and dynamic analysis of tower buildings 86
Wind Actions on Long-Span Bridges 85
Un modello di eccitazione parametrica per l’analisi delle vibrazioni laterali indotte da folla su ponti pedonali flessibili 85
Digital simulation of 3-D turbulence fields by Proper Orthogonal Decomposition 85
The role of walking parameter variability in serviceability assessment of footbridges 84
Uncertainty propagation in the serviceability assessment of footbridges 84
Deterministic and stochastic approaches in the vibration serviceability assessment of pedestrian bridges 83
Wind-induced instability of complex lighting poles and antenna masts: static and aeroelastic experimental study 81
3-D simulation of turbulence fields based on turbulence principal components 77
Turbulence effects on lateral galloping of prismatic structures 76
Analytical methods for estimating the gust-excited response of cantilever vertical structures 75
Aerodynamic admittance functions of bridge deck sections by CWE 74
Gust buffeting of long-span bridges by Double Modal Transformation 73
Tuned-Mass-Damper optimization for human-induced footbridge vibrations 71
Effective wind actions on structures 69
Double Modal Transformation and effective turbulence for the gust buffeting of long-span bridges 69
A spectral model for pedestrian loading of footbridges 68
Time varying mean extraction for stationary and nonstationary winds 68
Galloping of slender tower buildings based on a shear-shear torsional equivalent beam model 67
"Modelling solutions for the linear dynamics of coupled TMD-bridge systems" 63
Uncertainty propagation in serviceability assessment of footbridges 63
Numerical simulation of turbulent wind fields at airports in complex terrain 62
Aerodynamic admittance functions of streamlined bodies: the indicial approach by CWE 62
Lighter Structures. Design and Check of behaviour by testing 61
An equivalent nonlinear beam model for the aeroelastic analysis of shear-type buildings 60
Double Modal Transformation and effective wind actions on structures 58
Valutazione probabilistica dei venti intensi lungo le linee ferroviarie AV/AC italiane 56
Effetti della variazione spaziale del moto sismico sulla risposta dinamica delle strutture 52
An extended spectral approach for the vibration serviceability assessment of footbridges 52
Buffeting forces on long span bridges 51
Ponti Pedonali - Valutazione delle vibrazioni indotte dall'uomo 51
Principal representation of turbulence fields: a double POD procedure 49
POD methods and applications in wind engineering 49
Risposta all’azione del vento di ponti di grande luce: Doppia trasformazione modale e turbolenza efficace 47
Il ruolo fondamentale della sperimentazione per la verifica della progettazione e il collaudo – Il caso di una passerella pedonale in Viale De Gasperi in Milano 45
Pedestrian-Induced Vibrations of Footbridges: An Extended Spectral Approach 43
Fatigue life assessment of a slender lightning rod due to wind excited vibrations 41
Maximum dynamic response of linear elastic SDOF systems based on an evolutionary spectral model for thunderstorm outflows 39
Probabilistic assessment of the dynamic response of floors under multi-pedestrian walking loads 35
Human-induced vibrations of floors: A probabilistic approach 34
Thunderstorm gust response factor: General tendencies and sensitivity analysis 30
Human-induced loading and dynamic response of footbridges in the vertical direction due to restricted pedestrian traffic 29
Seismic response of multi-supported structures by proper orthogonal decomposition 26
Alongwind dynamic response of slender vertical structures: thunderstorm outflows vs extra-tropical cyclones 25
Interval serviceability assessment of footbridges 24
Serviceability Assessment of Footbridges Via Improved Interval Analysis 24
Vibration Serviceability Assessment of a Historic Suspension Footbridge 23
Dynamic response of floors induced by a single walking pedestrian including walking path variability 22
Thunderstorm gust response factor: A closed-form solution 21
Double Proper Orthogonal decomposition for representing and simulating turbulence fields 21
Numerical validation of the generalized equivalent spectral model through crowd dynamics simulations 20
Experimental Simulation of Thunderstorm Profiles in an Atmospheric Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel 20
Dynamic Response of Slender Vertical Structures Subjected to Thunderstorm Outflows 17
Dynamic characterization and vibration serviceability assessment of a historic suspension footbridge 14
Gust Factor of the Alongwind Response of Structures Subjected to Thunderstorm Outflows 14
Experimental and Numerical Characterization of the Dynamic Behaviour of a Historic Suspension Footbridge 14
Human-induced loading due to bidirectional pedestrian traffic 14
Fractional-order filter approximations for efficient stochastic response determination of wind-excited linear structural systems 12
Experimental validation of crowd-induced loading on footbridges 6
Totale 7.071
Categoria #
all - tutte 21.444
article - articoli 10.582
book - libri 228
conference - conferenze 9.513
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.121
Totale 42.888

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.134 0 0 0 0 0 0 272 100 149 328 214 71
2020/2021520 36 31 40 24 44 53 62 35 55 52 50 38
2021/2022894 12 53 71 86 26 69 56 205 31 83 94 108
2022/2023794 80 41 14 68 132 129 12 68 158 8 67 17
2023/2024429 38 77 17 48 23 34 27 25 26 13 37 64
2024/2025828 66 133 123 116 210 180 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.071