Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 14.431
Totale 14.431
Nazione #
IT - Italia 14.431
Totale 14.431
Città #
Genova 9.179
Genoa 1.939
Rapallo 1.691
Vado Ligure 1.605
Bordighera 17
Totale 14.431
Nome #
Il consolidamento del Viadotto sul Polcevera 409
Scala a cassetta, Scala a chiocciola, Scala a collo, Scala a elementi innestati, Scala a forcella, Scala a forchetta, Scala a giorno, Scala a gradini sfalsati, Scala a libro, Scala a lumaca, Scala a pertica, Scala a pioli fissa, Scala a pioli mobile, Scala a pozzo, Scala a prova di fumo, Scala a sbalzo, Scala a scomparsa, Scala a tenaglia, Scala a vite, Scala a volo, Scala ad anima, Scala aerea, Scala alla cappuccina, Scala alla marinara, Scala alla palladiana, Scala alla romana, Scala antincendio, Scala anulare, Scala circolare, Scala curvilinea, Scala di sicurezza esterna, Scala doppia, Scala elicoidale, Scala ellittica, Scala esterna, Scala meccanica, Scala mobile, Scala protetta, Scala retrattile, Scala simmetrica, Scalea, Scalera, Scalinata, Scalino, Scalone 308
Quartiere INA Casa a Forte Quezzi. Genova, Genova 1956-57 Luigi Carlo Daneri 270
Architetture in Liguria dopo il 1945 181
The Conservation of the “Modern”: Franco Albini and the Museum of the Treasury of San Lorenzo in Genoa 149
The impact of the energy performance improvement of the historic buildings on the environmental sustainability 148
Centri storici e adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici Linee guida dal caso studio di Ferrara 134
Towards a systematic approach for energy refurbishment of historical buildings: the case study of Albergo dei Poveri in Genoa, Italy 133
Renewable energy sources for rural architecture in fragile landscapes 125
The energy performance improvement of historic buildings and their environmental sustainability assessment 120
The future of modern and contemporary city 115
Guida agli interventi di recupero dell’edilizia diffusa nel Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre 113
Le dighe del quartiere Diamante a Genova Begato: problemi di manutenzione e di riqualificazione 111
Archetips, Symbols, Memory. Which Tectonic in Digital Culture? 110
Solar powered energy and eco-efficiency in a UNESCO site. Criteria and recommendations for the National Park of Cinque Terre, Italy 110
"Quality evalution of 20th Century Residential Building Stocks: an European Project" 105
An interdisciplinary and inter-University doctoral experience in "Preservation of the Architectural Heritage" 100
Rural architecture and landscape between tradition and innovation 99
Conservation and Management of Cultural Landscape: The Archaeological Park of Tilmen Hoyuk, Turkey 99
Previous analyses towards preservation on historical sites: the case of Genoa, Italy 98
Il destino dell’architettura rurale 97
Historical Buildings and Energy 96
“Guidelines” for sustainable rehabilitation of the Rural Architecture 95
Conservation strategies for historical sites. Preservation and managment between town planning and single interventions in Genova, Italy 94
Construction vs Design: a pedagogy for basic education 92
Sustainability and Heritage: a challenge for contemporary culture 91
Il Mattatoio di Testaccio a Roma. Costruzioni e trasformazioni del complesso dismesso 90
Low energy consumption building envelope: few notes on evaluation criteria for a more efficient energy use in buildings 88
Acting upon 20th Century Architectures: Environmental Issues and Questions 88
Conservation of Modern Architecture and the Adaptation of New Requirements 87
Building envelopes and environmental sustainability. Design criteria according to European standards 86
Teaching construction history 86
Memory, values and destiny of twentieth century inheritance 86
Guidelines for eco-efficiency in the UNESCO site of Cinque Terre: an example of best practice 86
Investimmo: a decision-making tool for long-term investment strategies in housing maintenance and refurbishment 85
Sustainable refurbishment of italian built heritage: research and education goals and methods 85
Rural architecture in Europe between tradition and innovation. Researches, ideas, actions 84
A “Comprehensive Sustainability”. New design paradigms and methods for maintaining, conserving and managing monuments and traditional architecture. 83
Teaching construction in a school of Architecture: the importance of connections and details 82
Architecture rurale et paysage 82
Rural architecture between tradition and innovation 81
Acting upon the recent inheritance. Sustainability and responsability towards the contemporary 81
Energy saving in the restoration of Italian residential buildings: working methodologies applied to building stocks edified in the middle of XXth century 80
Contemporary architecture in historical contexts: for a system of values 80
Lacune e "vuoti" urbani 79
Historical Heritage: from energy consumer to energy producer. The case study of the ‘Albergo dei Poveri’ of Genoa, Italy 79
The "Albergo dei Poveri" in Genova: conserving and using in the uncertainty and in the provisional 79
L'ex Mattatoio di Testaccio a Roma 78
Designing the future of non-monumental heritage 78
Dizionario degli Elementi Costruttivi 77
“Eco”-construction pedagogy facing the built environment 77
CONSERVATION/REGENERATION: The Modernist Neighbourhood 77
Guidelines for Conservation and Maintenance of Rural Architecture in Protected Areas 76
INA-Casa quarters in Genoa: construction culture, pathologies, preservation 76
EPIQR: uno strumento per la diagnosi e la stima degli interventi 75
Technology of Architecture towards Conservation 75
Area Bordina a Settimo Torinese: riqualificare, risanare, rigenerare 75
Guidelines for eco-efficiency in the UNESCO site of Cinque Terre: an example of best practice 75
An Integrated Approach for an Archaeological and Environmental Park in South-Eastern Turkey. Tilmen Höyük 74
Design per il parco archeologico 73
Guide for maintenance and rehabilitation of rural architecture in the “Regional Park of Aveto” (Liguria) 73
Veture, isolamento a, rivestimento a 73
Architettura rurale nel Parco del Beigua. Guida alla manutenzione e al recupero. 73
Il contributo delle pavimentazioni all'identità locale dei nuclei rurali 73
Material, Immaterial, Perception and Suggestion. Intervening on Modern Architecture through Digital Technologies 73
Degrado e diagnostica nel complesso di edifici in Piazza Rossetti, Genova ( arch. C. Daneri) 72
Memory, Values and Destiny of Twentieth Century Inheritance 72
Allettamento 72
Riqualificare l’ediizia recente. Un software per la gestione dei patrimoni immobiliari 71
Analisi e progetto 71
Rural architecture between tradition and innovation 71
Conservation, Restoration and “new life” of archaeological sites: the park of Tilmen Hoyük in Turkey 71
Sustainable refurbishment of Italian post war residential building stock: use of solar energy 71
Architettura in Liguria dal 1945 a oggi 71
Paesaggi ed energia. Un equilibrio delicato 70
Technical innovation and GIS to qualify recovery processes 70
Preserving and Improving Energy Efficiency in Modern Architecture. Efficacy of Digital Tools. 69
Il restauro dell'Hotel Miramare a Genova 68
Il recupero dell’ex Collegio dei Gesuiti di Alessandria 67
Una tecnologia per l’architettura costruita. Forme, strutture e materiali nell’edilizia genovese e ligure 67
I "Seminari di Tecnologia dell'Architettura" 67
Smart management of historical heritage 67
Il ruolo delle analisi nei progetti di recupero 66
Aree antiche come "lacune urbane"? Riflessioni su alcuni interventi a Genova 66
“Energy” and existing buildings: chance or problem for their architectural persistence? 66
Manutenzione programmata e gestione: una via per la conservazione sostenibile degli edifici scolastici 66
Improving energy performance of Italian post war residential building stock 66
Architettura rurale nei parchi naturali della Liguria. Guide per la manutenzione e il recupero dell’architettura rurale 66
Architetture per la ricostruzione: innovazione e tradizione nella cultura genovese 65
Alzata 65
La Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Architettonici e del Paesaggio e il Laboratorio di Metodiche Analitiche per il Restauro e la Storia del Costruito (MARSC). 65
Il consolidamento e la conservazione 64
I corpi scala 64
Guida al recupero degli elementi caratterizzanti l'architettura del territorio del G.A.L. Mongioie 64
INA-Casa quarters in Genoa: construction culture, pathologies, preservation 64
Sustainability and Heritage: from a case study, new horizon of research 64
Guida alla manutenzione e al recupero dell’edilizia e dei manufatti rurali. 64
Riqualificare l'edilizia contemporanea. Valutazione Progetto Intervento Sicurezza 63
Towards a systematic approach for energy refurbishment of historical buildings: the case study of Albergo dei Poveri in Genoa 63
Intonaci in terra e vetro, 62
Totale 9.060
Categoria #
all - tutte 43.392
article - articoli 10.597
book - libri 4.724
conference - conferenze 14.234
curatela - curatele 1.309
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 12.528
Totale 86.784

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.398 0 0 0 0 0 0 494 80 243 827 514 240
2020/2021770 39 40 24 22 72 78 45 39 243 52 39 77
2021/20222.226 36 213 133 300 74 122 129 578 83 205 34 319
2022/20232.168 245 86 43 213 352 398 13 173 396 33 172 44
2023/20241.202 81 163 34 87 69 235 92 47 78 55 113 148
2024/20251.972 229 313 141 194 534 359 202 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 14.801