Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 10.853
Totale 10.853
Nazione #
IT - Italia 10.853
Totale 10.853
Città #
Genova 7.378
Genoa 1.257
Vado Ligure 1.125
Rapallo 1.059
Bordighera 34
Totale 10.853
Nome #
An integrated artificial vision framework for assisting visually impaired users 167
A dataset of stereoscopic images and ground-truth disparity mimicking human fixations in peripersonal space 166
A fast joint bioinspired algorithm for optic flow and two-dimensional disparity estimation 158
Virtual Reality to Simulate Visual Tasks for Robotic Systems 152
The (in)effectiveness of simulated blur for depth perception in naturalistic images 148
A Neural Model for Coordinated Control of Horizontal and Vertical Alignment of the Eyes in Three-Dimensional Space 146
A cortical model for binocular vergence control without explicit calculation of disparity 144
A stereoscopic augmented reality system for the veridical perception of the 3D scene layout 141
Natural perception in dynamic stereoscopic augmented reality environments 141
A systematic analysis of a V1–MT neural model for motion estimation 139
Assessment of stereoscopic depth perception in augmented reality environments based on low-cost technologies 138
Bio-Inspired Active Vision Paradigms in Surveillance Applications 138
A neuromorphic control module for real-time vergence eye movements on the iCub robot head. 138
The Perceptual Quality of the Oculus Rift for Immersive Virtual Reality 136
Calibrated depth and color cameras for accurate 3D interaction in a stereoscopic augmented reality environment 134
Human-computer interaction approaches for the assessment and the practice of the cognitive capabilities of elderly people 133
A Quantitative Comparison of Speed and Reliability for Log-Polar Mapping Techniques 131
An affordable stereoscopic 3D augmented reality system for life-like interaction 131
Assessment of the visuo-motor coordination in the peripersonal space through augmented reality environments 130
Graphics processing unit-accelerated techniques for bio-inspired computation in the primary visual cortex 129
Human-Centric Machine Vision 128
A Hierarchical System for a Distributed Representation of the Peripersonal Space of a Humanoid Robot 127
A virtual reality simulator for active stereo vision systems 125
Machine Vision - Applications and Systems 125
An oculus rift based exergame to improve awareness in disabled people 124
Simulated disparity and peripheral blur interact during binocular fusion 123
An Integrated Virtual Environment for Visual-based Reaching 122
Adjustable linear models for optic flow based obstacle avoidance 117
An Active System for Visually-Guided Reaching in 3D across Binocular Fixations 116
A Computational Model for the Neural Representation and Estimation of the Binocular Vector Disparity from Convergent Stereo Image Pairs 116
Embedding Fixation Constraints into Binocular Energy-based Models of Depth Perception 114
Adaptive read-out mechanisms of disparity population codes: reaching the theoretical disparity-size correlation limit with minimal binocular resources 114
A space-variant model for motion interpretation across the visual field 114
How a Population-based Representation of Binocular Visual Signal Can Intrinsically Mediate Autonomous Learning of Vergence Control 113
Veridical Perception of 3D Objects in a Dynamic Stereoscopic Augmented Reality System 113
An integrated neuromimetic architecture for direct motion interpretation in the log-polar domain 110
A virtual holographic display case for museum installations 110
Early Perception-Action Cycles in Binocular Vision: Visuomotor Paradigms and Cortical-like Architectures 110
The Perspective Geometry of the Eye: Toward Image-Based Eye-Tracking 109
Vergence control with a neuromorphic iCub 109
Real-time simulation of large-scale neural architectures for visual features computation based on GPU 108
A visual computing approach for estimating the motility index in the frail elder 106
Motion interpretation using adjustable linear models 105
AR ‘Sonny’ Levi 3D viewer: Augmented Reality app for Sonny Levi’s exhibition at Salone Nautico 104
Design strategies for direct multi-scale and multi-orientation feature extraction in the log-polar domain 103
A virtual reality tool for disparity statistics in the peripersonal space 102
A neural model for binocular vergence control without explicit calculation of disparity 101
A Virtual Reality Tool for Benchmarking Active Stereo Vision Systems in the Peripersonal Space 101
Interaction in an Immersive Collaborative Virtual Reality Environment: A Comparison Between Leap Motion and HTC Controllers 101
A Biologically-Inspired Model to Predict Perceived Visual Speed as a Function of the Stimulated Portion of the Visual Field 101
null 100
VRead Viewer 100
A geometric model of spatial distortions in virtual and augmented environments 100
Apparecchiatura per la visione olografica virtuale 99
Read-out rules for short-latency disparity-vergence responses from populations of binocular energy units: the effect of vertical disparities 98
Empirical horopter explained by the statistics of disparity patterns in natural space 98
Detection of 3D position of eyes through a consumer RGB-D camera for stereoscopic mixed reality environments 98
A cortical model for vergence control: advantages of space-variant geometry of the cortical domain 97
Insert your own body in the oculus rift to improve proprioception 97
Local feature extraction in Log-Polar images 96
A recursive approach to the design of adjustable linear models for complex motion analysis 95
Adaptive Motion Pooling and Diffusion for Optical Flow Computation 95
Going to a Virtual Supermarket: Comparison of Different Techniques for Interacting in a Serious Game for the Assessment of the Cognitive Status 95
Bio-inspired Active Vision for Obstacle Avoidance 95
Population coding for a reward-modulated Hebbian learning of vergence control 94
FFV1MT: A V1-MT feedforward architecture for optical flow estimation 94
Recognition of Daily Activities by embedding hand-crafted features within a semantic analysis 94
A Joint Bioinspired Architecture for Fast Optic Flow and Two-dimensional Disparity Estimation 93
Designing Assistive Tools for the Market 93
null 92
Walking in Augmented Reality: An Experimental Evaluation by Playing with a Virtual Hopscotch 92
Perception and Action in Peripersonal Space: A Comparison between Video and Optical See-Through Augmented Reality Devices 92
Investigating Natural Interaction in Augmented Reality Environments using Motion Qualities 91
A Computational Model for the Binocular Vector Disparity Estimation 89
Reading binocular energy population codes for short-latency disparity-vergence eye movements 86
Advances in Human-Computer Interactions: Methods, Algorithms, and Applications 85
How embedding prior constraints improves coding and decoding strategies in a neural distributed architecture for depth perception 82
Rappresentazione stereoscopica tridimensionale perfezionata di oggetti virtuali per un osservatore in movimento 79
Studying natural human-computer interaction in immersive virtual reality: A comparison between actions in the peripersonal and in the near-action space 79
Decoding MT motion response for optical flow estimation: An experimental evaluation 78
Comparing real walking in immersive virtual reality and in physical world using gait analysis 78
Evaluation of a virtual reality system for ship handling simulations 72
Improved three-dimensional stereoscopic rendering of virtual objects for a moving observer 71
Binocular Vision Statistics in the Peripersonal Space: The Active Observer Perspective 70
Statistical disparity patterns experienced by an active observer in the peripersonal space 70
Stereoscopic fusion with gaze-contingent blur 69
Grasping objects in immersive Virtual Reality 68
Virtual Reality System for Ship Handling Simulations: A Case Study on Nautical Personnel Performance, Observed Behaviour, Sense of Presence and Sickness 67
Enhanced Log-Polar implementation of Blind-Spot model 66
RiNeo MR: A mixed-reality tool for newborn life support training 65
A study on the role of feedback and interface modalities for natural interaction in virtual reality environments 59
Context-Sensitive Recurrent Filters for Visual Motion Analysis 58
Systematic Phase-based interpretation of early vision processing 58
A Mixed Reality system for the simulation of emergency and first-aid scenarios 58
Cortical architectures for early joint coding of 3D dynamic visual parameters: complex feature mapping and distributed representations. 57
Can Neuromorphic Computer Vision Inform Vision Science? Disparity Estimation as a Case Study 56
A Virtual Reality Game Design for Collaborative Team-Building: A Proof of Concept 54
Visual computing methods for assessing the well-being of older people 52
Slow Rogaining: An Innovative Teamwork Model for Computer Science Education 51
Engineering Reliable Interactions in the Reality-Artificiality Continuum 51
Totale 10.237
Categoria #
all - tutte 35.727
article - articoli 8.609
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 20.527
curatela - curatele 863
other - altro 1.432
patent - brevetti 710
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 3.586
Totale 71.454

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.980 0 0 0 0 0 257 454 173 235 424 341 96
2020/2021790 60 86 43 71 57 65 27 68 71 145 53 44
2021/20221.430 67 76 67 114 58 122 67 297 85 128 41 308
2022/20231.297 123 87 16 121 189 199 35 87 224 12 189 15
2023/2024971 49 104 35 103 61 207 78 48 41 20 96 129
2024/20251.255 103 177 79 179 451 266 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 11.084