Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 6.715
Totale 6.715
Nazione #
IT - Italia 6.715
Totale 6.715
Città #
Genova 5.121
Rapallo 669
Vado Ligure 465
Genoa 455
Bordighera 5
Totale 6.715
Nome #
A complete characterization of phase space measurements 155
Covariant localizations in the torus and the phase observables 142
Geometric Phase and Sequential Measurements in Quantum Mechanics 136
Wavelet transforms and discrete frames associated to semidirect products 131
Properties of the range of a state operator 130
Galilei invariant wave equations 129
Conditional probabilities in quantum mechanics 128
Classical pairing and quantum group duality 125
Square-integrable imprimitivity systems 123
A Theorem of Ludwig Revisited 122
Strong Correlation Measurements in Quantum Mechanics 121
Generalized orthogonality relations and SU(1,1)-quantum tomography 119
Symmetries of the quantum state space and group representations 117
Square-integrability of induced representations of semidirect products 117
Conditional Probabilities on Orthomodular Lattices 116
On the decompositions of a quantum state 115
Spectral Properties of Observables and Convex Mappings in Quantum Mechanics” 114
Quantum Mechanics of the Quaternionic Hilbert Spaces based upon the Imprimitivity Theorem 114
A theorem of Soler, the theory of symmetry and Quantum Mechanics 112
Positive operator valued measures covariant with respect to an abelian group 109
Positive operator valued measures covariant with respect to an irreducible representation 108
The Measurement Statistics Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics: Possible Values and Possible Measurement Results of Physical Quantities 108
Sigma-Convex Structures of the Sets of States and Probability Measures in Quantum Mechanics 106
Quantum Symmetries and the Weyl-Wigner Product of Group Representations 105
Integrability of the quantum adiabatic evolution and geometric phases 105
Constructing Extremal Compatible Quantum Observables by Means of Two Mutually Unbiased Bases 105
Representations of super Lie groups: some remarks 100
Mathematical Foundations of Classical Embeddings of Quantum Mechanical State Spaces 100
Teleportation and measurement 99
Quantum Logics and Ideal Measurements of the First-kind 99
On the Non-Unique Decomposability of Quantum Mixtures 99
Frames from imprimitivity systems 98
Symmetry groups in quantum mechanics and the theorem of Wigner on the symmetry transformations 98
Unitary representations of super Lie groups and applications to the classification and multiplet structure of super particles 98
Square integrability modulo a subgroup 97
Problems of the Proposition-State Structure of Quantum Mechanics 96
Logical and Mathematical Structures of Quantum Mechanics 96
Probability Structures for Quantum State Spaces 95
Phase space observables and isotypic spaces 95
Quantum Mechanics and p-adic Numbers 93
On some Nonunitary Representations of the Poincaré Group 92
The Logic of Quantum Mechanics 92
On discrete frames associated with semidirect products 91
Nuclear Collective Motion from a Group Theoretical Standpoint 90
Ideal, First-kind Measurements in a Proposition-state Structure 90
Toward a Generalized Probability Theory: Conditional Probability 88
Hilbert Spaces Representations of Poincaré Group for Landau Gauge 88
Conditional Probabilities in Quantum Mechanics II 88
The Copenhagen Variant of the Modal Interpretation and Quantum Theory of Measurement 87
On the Quantum Theory of Sequential Measurements 86
Super Vector Bundles 86
Quantum Theory of Measurement and the Modal Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics 85
Group theoretical quantum tomography 85
Conditional Probabilities in Quantum Mechanics I 84
The Theory of Symmetry Actions in Quantum Mechanics: with an application to the Galilei group 82
On the Logic of Quantum Mechanics 82
Unitary representations of super groups and Mackey theory 82
Conditional Probability in Quantum Measurement Theory 80
On State Transformations Induced by Yes-No Experiments, in the Context of Quantum Logic 77
Super G-spaces 76
Properties of States in Quantum Logic 76
On Accardi's notion of complementary observables 76
Quantum Measurement and Probability 72
Conditional Probability and Strong Correlations in the Quantum Theory of Measurement 70
On the Structure of the Proposition Lattice Associated with Quantum Systems 67
Nontransitive Imprimitivity Systems for the Galilei Group 67
Unitary Measurements of Discrete Quantities in Quantum Mechanics 65
The Statistics of Unbounded Observables in Hilbert-Spaces Quantum Mechanics 48
Totale 6.727
Categoria #
all - tutte 17.235
article - articoli 13.880
book - libri 481
conference - conferenze 1.002
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.872
Totale 34.470

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.152 0 0 0 0 0 0 282 116 175 317 192 70
2020/2021371 32 30 39 19 21 44 14 24 47 31 40 30
2021/2022770 15 46 45 101 62 75 57 158 31 75 25 80
2022/2023794 74 24 6 52 131 172 18 44 145 6 101 21
2023/2024279 28 47 2 32 24 55 15 18 11 3 6 38
2024/2025521 19 88 42 58 167 143 4 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.727