04.02 - Abstract in atti di convegno
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 303.440
Totale 303.440
Nazione #
IT - Italia 303.440
Totale 303.440
Città #
Genova 218.299
Rapallo 49.634
Genoa 33.862
Bordighera 1.643
Totale 303.438
Nome #
Chirurgia delle resezioni intestinali estese. Sindrome da intestino corto. Fisiopatologia e trattamento. 2.195
Melanoma anorettale. Case report. Quale intervento? 1.488
Increased circulating osteoclast precursors and activated T cells are involved in bone impairment in phenylketonuria 1.142
Nodulo necrotico solitario del fegato: segnalazione di tre casi. 683
I comportamenti e le rappresentazioni dell’attaccamento nei bambini adottati tardivamente e lo stato attuale della mente nelle madri adottive: una ricerca pilota. 509
Ileal Pouch-Anal Anastomosis nel trattamento della Colite Ulcerosa. Anastomosi manuale o meccanica? 286
Valutazione dell’efficienza fotosintetica in risposta a stress da zinco nelle Pteridofite 278
1, 10, 100, how many floristic databases are there in Italy? 275
Che cosa conservare? Il problema dell’oggetto del restauro, tra opera d’arte, monumento, bene, ambiente, preesistenza 247
Produzione endogena di ROS e cronicizzazione del danno a carico dell’epitelio respiratorio per esposizione a metalli di transizione. 190
Effetto citotossico su fibroblasti L929 di estratti grezzi di alghe fitoplanctoniche (Chlorella minutissima e Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata). 188
Ernia di Richter : a case report. Considerazioni clinico-terapeutiche. 183
The Italian version of the Wagnild & Young Resilience Scale a preliminary data 179
Abscisic acid is an endogenous stimulator of insulin release from human pancreatic islets with cyclic ADP-ribose as second messenger. 176
Using unsupervised learning to determine risk level for left ventricular diastolic dysfunction2014 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) 174
Community as a Key-Player in Disaster Mitigation 164
Ureteral Suspension Facilitates Surgery for Deep Pelvic Endometriosis 151
Validazione del software Xbeach attraverso l'utilizzo di immagini da webcam. 148
THU0632-HPR The Neck Bournemouth Questionnaire, an Item Response Theory Study: 146
Caso clinico di rottura di aneurisma dell'arteria splenica: diagnosi precoce in PS e trattamento mediante angiografia interventistica. 145
Non-instantaneous synaptic transmission in spiking neuron networks and equivalence with delay distribution 141
Smart Security: data analysis and inference for evidence-based security policies in the “Smart City” 140
Emostasi attraverso elettrocoagulazione con corrente bipolare oppure sutura laparoscopica dopo escissione chirurgica di endometriomi ovarici bilaterali: studio prospettico randomizzato 137
La trasposizione succlavio-carotidea nel trattamento della sindrome da furto della succlavia. 137
L'azitromicina induce l'eliminazione di diversi plasmodi in Klebsiella pneumoniae- 137
Towards a Precise UML-Based Development Method 136
Atherosclerosis in Women With Endometriosis. 135
A new model of computer-simulation for reconstructive surgery procedures 135
A stochastic knapsack problem with nonlinear capacity constraint 134
AB1235-HPR Chronic Neck Pain Influences Jaw Muscles Recruitment During a Biting Task 134
Specific gene expression signatures of low-grade gliomas (LGG) 133
Morphology of monolayer MgO films on Ag(100): Switching from corrugated islands to extended flat terraces 132
Preparazione di materiali funzionalizzati a base di PLA stereocomplesso 132
Progestogen-only contraceptive pill compared with combined oral contraceptive in the treatment of pain symptoms caused by endometriosis in patients with migraine without aura 131
The determinants of IT adoption by SMEs. An agenda for research. 131
FRI0588-HPR Validation of the Italian Neck Bournemouth Questionnaire: Construct Validity, Responsiveness and Interpretability 131
A new photodegradable molecule as a low impact ballast water biocide: efficacy screening on marine organisms from different trophic levels 129
Investment rankings via an objective measure of riskiness: a case study 128
L'enteroclisi-TC multistrato del colon (E-TCMS) associata alla tecnica "split-bolus": metodica integrata per la valutazione degli ureteri in donne con endometriosi intestinale 128
Tutorials at the MODELS 2005 Conference 127
Changes in the size of rectovaginal endometriotic nodules infiltrating the rectum during hormonal therapies 125
New clerodane diterpenoids from Salvia buchananii Hedge 125
A multifrequency EMR and magnetic characterization of synthetic powdered hematite. 124
The Regional Seismic network of North-western Italy: the current station distribution and the actual seismic data acquisition, processing and dissemination systems 124
Human Natural Killer Cells exposed to IL-2, IL12, IL-18 or IL-4 differently modulate priming of naïve T cells by monocyte-derived Dendritic Cells. 124
A global overview of isotopic heterogeneities in the oceanic mantle 124
Biological activity of constituents of Salvia chamaedryoides 124
Asthma in women with endometriosis 123
Biological activities of extracts and constituents of Salvia tingitana Etl. (Lamiaceae) 123
Caratterizzazione di microRNA neurali nell'anfiosso 122
The whole spectrum of salvage surgery for laryngeal cancer recurring after RT: From endoscopic resections to open-neck partial and total laryngectomies 122
GEMS: underwater spectrometer for long-term radioactivity measurements 122
Assessment of the visuo-motor coordination in the peripersonal space through augmented reality environments 122
Abstracts of the 10th International Conference on Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle Wasting, Rome, Italy, 8-10 December 2017 (Part 1) 121
AIRE gene polymorphisms in systemic sclerosis associated with autoimmune thyroiditis. In: International Workshop Systemic Sclerosis. 119
Simplex and Diamond Hierarchies: Models and Applications 119
The Citrus collection in the Hanbury Botanical Gardens. 118
Analisi proteomica di Boletus edulis Bull. infestato da Hypomyces chrysospermus Tul. & C. Tul. 118
Nevo di Spitz atipico, recidivante e maligno 118
Homophilic interaction of NTBA, a member of the CD2 molecular family: induction of cytotoxicity and cytokine release in human NK cells 118
Cytochrome C Oxidase Expression in Retinal Rod Outer Segment Disks. 118
HCV vertical transmission: long-term prospective study 118
Aromatase and endometriosis: estrogens play a role 118
Caring for Older People with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: a Grounded Theory Study 118
Il linguaggio grafico come progetto di conoscenza critica finalizzata alle responsabilità urbane e socio culturali del progetto. 117
A new self-adaptive pheromone model for ant colony optimization applied to scheduling 117
Localization of the Cyclic ADP-Ribose–Dependent Calcium Signaling Pathway in Bovine Rod Outer Segments 117
Functional response of mussels to bacterial challenge 117
Initial sticking coefficient of O2 on Ag (001) 117
Ripple Wave Vector Rotation in Anisotropic Crystal Sputtering 117
HCV vertical transmission: long-term prospective study 117
Implementation and validation of a wave hindcast/forecast model for the Western Mediterranean 117
A multi indicators approach for comparing emergency departments 117
Functionalised AFM Probes for the Investigation of Integrin Distribution on the Surface of Osteosarcoma-Derived Osteoblasts 116
CDX2 expression in ovarian teratomatous cells with intestinal differentiation. 116
27 Quality of life assessment in palliative care 116
Abstract Book - XLIV Congresso Nazionale AIEOP | 13-15 ottobre 2019, Catania (Italy) - C0018 Qualità e sicurezza in emato-oncologia pediatrica: il fenomeno delle cure infermieristiche compromesse in Italia. 116
Assimilation of remote sensing observations into a continuous distributed hydrological model: impacts on the hydrologic cycle 116
A method for detection of neuraminidase antibody in serum 115
A Photochromic Bacterial Photoreceptor with Potential for Super-Resolution Microscopy 115
Boron Isotope Evidence for Shallow Fluid Transfer Across Subduction Zones by Serpentinized Mantle 115
Proteomic patterns in plasma and peritoneal fluid of women with endometriosis. 115
Vaginal danazol in women with rectovaginal endometriosis and pain symptoms persisting after the insertion of the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device. 115
The syntectonic emplacement of the Late Variscan Capo Ferro granitoids (HGMC, NE Sardinia, Italy) 114
Activity of Bay 12-8039 against well-characterised antibiotic resistant S.pyogenes. 114
Ki-67, bcl-2, and M30 CytoDEATH in endometriotic lesions. 114
Dyspareunia and Quality of Sex Life After Laparoscopic Excision of Endometriosis. 114
Abscisic acid transport in human erythrocytes 114
"Va in onda il delitto": Profili narrativi fra scienza e fiction nei dibattiti televisivi 114
Anatomia, istologia e composizione chimica delle foglie di Alyssum bertolonii e Alyssum montanum, in rapporto all’accumulo di nickel 113
Dynamics of channel bifurcations in non cohesive sediments. 113
Migraine in women with endometriosis. 113
Specialist nurse education and competence in remote telemonitoring of heart failure patients with implanted heart devices: a qualitative study 113
Surgical Therapy of Soft-Tissue Tumors of the Extremities: a Computer-Aided Approach 112
MGT/HTFC Hybrid System Emulator Test Rig: Experimental Investigation on the Anodic Recirculation System 112
Immunohistochemical localization of hydroxysteroid sulfotransferase and sulfatase in the brain of Rana esculenta tadpoles 112
Totale 18.742

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2018/20192.610 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.588 1.022
2019/202075.862 966 998 4.263 1.899 5.038 6.460 13.875 1.791 4.701 19.606 11.922 4.343
2020/202112.400 655 681 687 865 673 1.546 769 708 2.304 626 1.220 1.666
2021/202248.084 643 4.765 1.900 5.917 1.976 3.086 2.918 12.327 2.286 4.629 857 6.780
2022/202360.535 6.367 3.730 1.246 5.897 9.211 10.647 453 4.775 10.397 682 6.060 1.070
2023/202425.362 1.623 4.177 946 3.467 2.484 5.069 2.057 2.416 1.661 1.215 247 0
Totale 308.159