Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 8.913
Totale 8.913
Nazione #
IT - Italia 8.913
Totale 8.913
Città #
Genova 6.307
Rapallo 955
Genoa 831
Vado Ligure 803
Bordighera 17
Totale 8.913
Nome #
UbiquiTo-S: A Preliminary Step Toward Semantic Adaptive Web Services 178
Fitness Trackers and Wearable Devices: How to Prevent Inference Risks? 152
Preventing Disclosure of Personal Data in IoT Networks 149
User data discovery and aggregation: The CS-UDD algorithm 147
A modular approach for user modelling 142
A Framework for Personal Data Protection in the IoT 142
A Recommender System as a Support and Training Tool 140
Supporting users to take informed decisions on privacy settings of personal devices 138
Interacting with Annotated Objects in a Semantic Web of Things Application 137
Resources and users in the tagging process: approaches and case studies 136
A Recommendation Approach for User PrivacyPreferences in the Fitness Domain 136
On the application of personalization techniques to news servers on the WWW 133
Users Modeling for Adaptive Call Centers 131
A Multidimensional Framework for the Representation of Ontologies in Adaptive Hypermedia Systems 125
Interacting With Social Networks of Intelligent Things and People in the World of Gastronomy 125
Towards the identification of propaedeutic relations in textbooks 123
Integrating Social Media into an Instructional Design Support System 122
Adaptation and personalization on board cars: a framework and its application to tourist services 121
Goals, tasks and Application domains as the guidelines for defining a framework for User modelling 120
Semantic video annotation for accessible resources in flipped classrooms 120
Multi-dimensional intelligence in Smart Physical Objects 119
Simulation-Based CALL Teacher Training 118
Adaptation and Recommendation Techniques to Improve the Quality of Annotations and the Relevance of Resources in Web 2.0 and Semantic Web-Based Applications 117
null 116
Responsive Web and Adaptive Web for Open and Ubiquitous Learning 114
Extracting dependency relations from digital learning content 113
UbiquiTO: a Multi-Device Adaptive Guide 112
Adaptive Systems in the Era of the Semantic Web and Social Web, a survey 111
The Role of Ontologies in Context-Aware Recommender Systems 110
Interacting with a Social Web of Smart Objects for Enhancing Tourist Experiences 110
Tag-Based User Modeling for Social Multi-Device Adaptive Guides 110
Escaping the Big Brother: An empirical study on factors influencing identification and information leakage on the Web 105
Principles to Design Smart Physical Objects as Adaptive Recommenders 104
Increasing Performances and Personalization in the Interaction with a Call Center System 103
Towards a tag-based user model: how can user model benefit from tags? 102
Toward a user-adapted question/answering educational approach 101
Design of a Framework for Personalized Microlearning 100
Seamless integration of desktop and mobile learning experience through an ontology-based adaptation engine: Report of a pilot-project 99
The Importance of Adaptivity to Provide Onboard Services. A Preliminary Evaluation of an Adaptive Tourist Information Service Onboard Vehicles 96
Semantic Web and Internet of Things Supporting Enhanced Learning 95
Strategies for personalizing the access to news servers 94
An adaptive system for the personalized access to news 93
Ipermedia adattativi per l'accesso a informazioni in rete 92
Adapting the Interaction in a Call Centre 92
User data distributed on the social web: how to identify users on different social systems and collecting data about them 91
A model for adaptive accessibility of everyday objects in smart cities 91
iCITY - A social adaptive multi-device recommender guide 90
A review of mobile learning in cloud computing environment 89
iCITY - an adaptive social mobile guide for cultural events 86
Interaction with Objects and Objects Annotation in the Semantic Web of Things 86
WantEat: interacting with “social” networks of intelligent things and people in the world of enogastronomy 85
PRET: Prerequisite-enriched terminology. A case study on educational texts 85
A Multidimensional Semantic Framework for Adaptive Hypermedia Systems. 84
A Semantic Framework for Adaptive Hypermedia Systems 83
User-adapted Web of things for accessibility 83
MUSE: A Multidimensional Semantic Environment for Adaptive Hypermedia Systems 82
A Multidimensional Approach for the Semantic Representation of Taxonomies and Rules in Adaptive Hypermedia Systems 82
Wheeling around with Wanteat: exploring mixed social networks in the gastronomy domain. 82
Virtualization of Objects and Adaptive Interaction in an Inclusive Web of Things 81
Internet of Things: An Opportunity for Advancing Universal Access 81
Personalized and Adaptive Services on Boarda Car: An Application for Tourist Information 76
Web Services and Semantic Web for Adaptive Systems 75
Integrating Heterogeneous Adaptation Techniques to Build a Flexible and Usable Mobile Tourist Guide 73
Design of Adaptive Micro-Content in Second Language Acquisition 73
Exploiting user models for personalizing news presentations 72
User modeling and User Profile Syndication in the Social Web 72
Cross-Systems Identification of Users in the Social Web 72
Personalization and adaptation for on-board information system: a prototype and its evaluation 72
An Ontology-Driven Transformation Engine for Mobile Language Learning 72
Visualisation analysis for exploring prerequisite relations in textbooks 72
UMAP 2018 intelligent user-adapted interfaces: Design and multi-modal evaluation (IUadaptMe) workshop chairs' welcome 72
Artificial Agents and Intelligent Agents: Paradigms, Applications and Future Trends 71
Prerequisite or Not Prerequisite? That’s the Problem! An NLP-based Approach for Concept Prerequisites Learning 71
Tecnologia internet e comunicazione aziendale: realtà e prospettive 70
Evaluation of an on-vehicle adaptive tourist service 70
Interoperable User Profiles in Social Systems for Improving Searching 69
ACM IUI'17 Proceedings summary for SmartLearn workshop - Intelligent Interfaces for Ubiquitous and Smart Learning 69
MASTROcarONTE a Multiagent Adaptive System for Tourist Recommendations Onboard the car, which Observes the Needs and Tailors the hElps 68
8th international workshop on personalization approaches in learning environments pale 2018 66
Social Tagging in eLearning. Recommendations from Virtual Fellow-Students 65
Keynote talk: Augmented, adaptive, accessible, and inclusive things 63
CEUR Workshop Proceedings: Preface 61
MM-learning e personalizzazione nell’apprendimento delle lingue straniere 57
Retrieval of Personal Public Data on Social Networks. The risks for privacy 57
Digital Storytelling in a Museum Application Using the Web of Things 56
ConversIAmo: Improving Italian Question Answering Exploiting IBM Watson Services 55
Interaction with linked digital memories 51
Adaptive Management of the Answering Process for a Call Center System 51
Talking in Italian About AI with a Chatbot: A Prototype of a Question-Answering Agent 50
An Adaptive Tourist Guide in Mobile Context 49
Special Section on Data Capture and Analysis to Support Learning Engagement 48
PRELEARN @ EVALITA 2020: Overview of the prerequisite relation learning task for Italian 40
Sail with columbus: Navigation through tangible and interactive storytelling 39
null 37
A Visual Comparison interface for educational videos 37
Digging into prerequisite annotation 34
ACM UMAP 2020 Chairs' Welcome 33
ACM UMAP 2020 Welcome from the Chairs 30
WoTEdu: A Multimodal Interactive Storytelling System 30
Totale 8.964
Categoria #
all - tutte 28.407
article - articoli 6.368
book - libri 180
conference - conferenze 18.142
curatela - curatele 889
other - altro 185
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.643
Totale 56.814

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.473 0 0 0 0 0 0 299 202 176 396 286 114
2020/2021747 102 41 59 45 39 55 55 46 102 76 58 69
2021/20221.321 30 65 80 142 28 99 79 277 60 113 38 310
2022/20231.141 102 50 8 80 157 189 12 99 199 11 209 25
2023/2024631 29 90 24 84 45 106 32 33 34 10 15 129
2024/2025860 35 142 127 89 216 247 4 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 9.142