Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 9.755
Totale 9.755
Nazione #
IT - Italia 9.755
Totale 9.755
Città #
Genova 6.194
Genoa 1.619
Vado Ligure 1.056
Rapallo 856
Bordighera 30
Totale 9.755
Nome #
Boundary Layer Separation Control on a Flat Plate with Adverse Pressure Gradients Using Vortex Generators. 165
Correlations for the prediction of intermittency and turbulent spot production rate in separated flows 158
Inspection of the dynamic properties of laminar separation bubbles: free‑stream turbulence intensity effects for different Reynolds numbers 154
Analysis of the Reynolds stress component production in a laminar separation bubble 148
Unsteady Flow Evolution Through a Turning Midturbine Frame Part 1: Time-Resolved Flow 143
Synchronization of multi-plane measurement data by means of POD: application to unsteady boundary layer transition 141
An accurate data base on laminar-to-turbulent transition in variable pressure gradient flows 139
A wavelet-based intermittency detection technique from PIV investigations in transitional boundary layers 137
Experimental study of free-stream turbulence induced transition in an adverse pressure gradient 136
Radial Swirlers and Mixing Tube Assembly Aerodynamics and Performance Parameters Evaluation: Part 1 - Hot-Wire Measurements in the Swirler Exit Plane 133
On turbulence measurements and analyses in a two-stage two-spool turbine rig 132
Recognition of coherent structures in the boundary layer of a low-pressure-turbine blade for different free-stream turbulence intensity levels 132
Dynamics And Turbulence Characteristics of Wake-Boundary Layer Interaction in a Low Pressure Turbine Blade 129
On the identification and decomposition of the unsteady losses in a turbine cascade 128
Coherent Structures Formation During Wake-Boundary Layer Interaction on a LP Turbine Blade 126
Dynamic mode decomposition for the inspection of three-regime separated transitional boundary layers using a least squares method 124
Identification of spinning mode in the unsteady flow field of a LP turbine 123
Aerodynamic effects of an unshrouded low pressure turbine on a low aspect ratio exit guide vane 121
A method for the determination of turbulence intensity by means of a fast response pressure probe and its application in a LP turbine 121
Influence of aerodynamic loading on rotor-stator aerodynamic interaction in a two-stage low pressure research turbine 119
An Experimental Investigation of the Separated-Flow Transition Under High-Lift Turbine Blade Pressure Gradients 115
Accurate Estimation of Profile Losses and Analysis of Loss Generation Mechanisms in a Turbine Cascade 115
Near wall measurements in a separating turbulent boundary layer with and without passive flow control 113
An experimental investigation of clocking effect in an axial two-stage low pressure turbine 113
Analysis tools for the unsteady interactions in a counter-rotating two-spool turbine rig 112
Validation of an Integrated Acoustic Absorber in a Turbine Exit Guide Vane 112
On the flow evolution through a LP turbine with wide-chord vanes in an S-shaped channel 112
A POD-Based Procedure for the Split of Unsteady Losses of an LPT Cascade 111
Influence of Aerodynamic Loading on Rotor-Stator Aerodynamic Interaction in a Two-Stage Low Pressure Research Turbine 110
Heat transfer and film cooling of blade tips and endwalls 109
Unsteady Flow Evolution Through a Turning Midturbine Frame Part 2: Spectral Analysis 109
New Facility Setup for the Investigation of Cooling Flow, Viscous and Rotational Effects on the Interstage Seal Flow Behavior of a Gas Turbine 109
Development of a Turning Mid Turbine Frame With Embedded Design—Part I: Design and Steady Measurements 109
An Experimental Study of the Reynolds Number Influence on a Laminar Separation Bubble 108
Application of a Synthetic Jet to Control Boundary Layer Separation under Ultra-High-Lift Turbine Pressure Distribution 108
Development of a Turning Mid Turbine Frame With Embedded Design—Part II: Unsteady Measurements 107
Experimental investigation of the noise generation and propagation for different turning mid turbine frame setups in a two-stage two-spool test turbine 106
Radial Swirlers and Mixing Tube Assembly Aerodynamics and Performance Parameters Evaluation: Part 2 - LDV Measurements at the Mixing Tube Outlet 105
Experimental Investigation on the Time–Space Evolution of a Laminar Separation Bubble by Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and Dynamic Mode Decomposition 103
On turbulence measurements and analyses in a two-stage two-spool turbine rig 103
Development of a Turning Mid Turbine Frame With Embedded Design—Part II: Unsteady Measurements 102
Identification of spinning mode in the unsteady flow field of a low pressure turbine 100
POD Analysis of the Wake-Boundary Layer Unsteady Interaction in a LPT Blade Cascade 99
Analysis of the unsteady flow field in turbines by means of modal decomposition 95
An experimental study of the transition process of laminar separation bubbles on high lift turbine profiles 92
Comparison of a conventional thermal analysis of a turbine cascade to a full conjugate heat transfer computation 91
Experimental Investigation on the Time-Space Evolution of a Laminar Separation Bubble by POD and DMD 90
Development of a Turning Mid Turbine Frame With Embedded Design—Part I: Design and Steady Measurements 89
Experimental investigation of the vortex breakdown in a lean premixing prevaporizing burner 89
Comparison of a State of the Art and a High Stage Loading Rotor 88
Analysis of the statistical properties and dynamics evolution of the by-pass transition process under LPT-like adverse pressure gradient 88
Turbulent boundary layer separation control and loss evaluation of low profile vortex generators 86
Moving Horizon Trend Identification Based on Switching Models for Data Driven Decomposition of Fluid Flows 86
An experimental investigation of the Reynolds number variation effect on rotor-stator interaction in an axial two-stage low pressure turbine 85
Identification and quantification of losses in a LPT cascade by POD applied to LES data 85
Measurement and decomposition of periodic flow structures downstream of a test turbine 84
Analysis of time-signal of an industrial gas turbine combustor under an unstable condition 84
Correlations for the Prediction of Intermittency and Turbulent Spot Production Rate in Separated Flows 84
Investigation of the Dynamics of an Ultra Low NOx Injection System by POD Data Post-Processing 84
Experimental investigation of the unsteady flow field downstream of a counter-rotating two-spool turbine rig 83
Experimental and numerical analysis of cavity mean-flow interaction in low pressure axial flow turbines 82
Low Order Model Reconstruction of a Controlled Laminar Separation Bubble 79
On the Identification and Decomposition of the Unsteady Losses in a Turbine Cascade 78
Turbine Cascade Profile Loss Sensitivity to Incoming Wake Parameters: Effects of Reduced Frequency, Wake Momentum Defect and Axial Gap 77
POD Analysis of the Unsteady Behavior of a Laminar Separation Bubble 77
Time resolved PIV measurements on a laminar separation bubble 76
Experimental investigations on the unsteady transition process of the suction side boundary layer of LPT blades 76
Experimental investigation on the loss production mechanisms in transitional boundary layers 74
Evaluation of Turbulent Spot Production Rate in Boundary Layers Under Variable Pressure Gradients for Gas Turbine Applications 73
Identification of Different Unsteady Loss Sources in a LPT Cascade Passage: a Pod Based Procedure 72
Time resolved PIV measurements of the unsteady wake migration in a LPT blade passage: effect of the wake passing frequency 72
Heat transfer and film cooling of blade tips and endwalls 69
Design and commissioning of a rotating turbine rig for cavity flows investigation 68
Turbulence Production, Dissipation and Time Scales in Laminar Separation Bubbles 67
On-line mode decomposition of fluid flows using moving horizon estimation 67
Pod Reduced Order Model for Proper Fragment Definition in Two-Scale Transition Modelling Schemes 63
Response of a flat plate laminar separation bubble to Reynolds number, free-stream turbulence and adverse pressure gradient variation 61
Analisi Sperimentale di uno Strato Limite Separato tramite Particle Image Velocimetry 60
Evaluation of Turbulent Spot Production Rate in Boundary Layers Under Variable Pressure Gradients for Gas Turbine Applications 60
Low rank education of cascade loss sensitivity to unsteady parameters by proper orthogonal decomposition 58
Modified Formulation of Laminar Kinetic Energy Transition Models by Means of Elastic-Net of a Big Experimental Database of Separated Flows 55
Flow Coefficient and Reduced Frequency Effects on Low Pressure Turbine Unsteady Losses 55
Large Eddy Simulation of the by-pass transition process under different inlet turbulence conditions 54
Dynamic mode decomposition analysis of separated boundary layers under variable reynolds number and free-stream turbulence 54
Accurate estimation of profile losses and analysis of loss generation mechanisms in a turbine cascade 54
A procedure for computing the spot production rate in transitional boundary layers 53
Analysis of the Loss Production Mechanism Due to Cavity-Main Flow Interaction in a LPT Stage 53
Detection of Flow-Regime Transitions Using Dynamic Mode Decomposition and Moving Horizon Estimation 53
Analysis of the loss production mechanism due to cavity-main flow interaction in a lpt stage 52
Development of an Accurate Data Base on Transitional Flows in Variable Pressure Gradients 51
A Bayesian approach for the identification of cascade loss model strategy 49
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Cavity/Mean-Flow Interaction in Low Pressure Axial Flow Turbines 49
Flow coefficient and reduced frequency effects on wake-boundary layer interaction in highly accelerated lpt cascade 49
Analysis and modelling of the relation between the shear rate and Reynolds stress tensors in transitional boundary layers 45
Inspection of structures interaction in laminar separation bubbles with extended proper orthogonal decomposition applied to multi-plane particle image velocimetry data 45
Extension of an algebraic intermittency model for better prediction of transition in separated layers under strong free-stream turbulence 44
Large Eddy Simulation of the By-pass Transition Process under Different Inlet Turbulence Conditions 44
Mixed LSE and EPOD based technique for multi-plane PIV measurements synchronization in separated flow condition 43
Totale 9.082
Categoria #
all - tutte 34.666
article - articoli 18.313
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 16.036
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 317
Totale 69.332

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.125 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 186 248 363 224 104
2020/2021988 53 91 50 86 44 122 87 78 90 125 101 61
2021/20221.231 27 40 110 93 98 89 69 295 90 141 54 125
2022/20231.080 83 43 14 66 133 236 7 71 163 16 228 20
2023/2024926 45 93 28 124 68 199 46 64 35 27 79 118
2024/20251.692 80 201 61 124 412 277 327 210 0 0 0 0
Totale 10.117