Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 3.884
Totale 3.884
Nazione #
IT - Italia 3.884
Totale 3.884
Città #
Genova 2.575
Rapallo 506
Vado Ligure 407
Genoa 388
Bordighera 8
Totale 3.884
Nome #
A Fluid-Structure Interaction case study on a square sail in a wind tunnel 135
Wind tunnel measurements of the urban boundary layer development over a historical district in Italy 121
Critical conditions of galloping for inclined square cylinders 119
Effects of free-stream turbulence and corner shape on the galloping instability of square cylinders 115
Experimental investigation on the aerodynamic behavior of square cylinders with rounded corners 113
Experimental investigation of the aeroelastic behavior of a complex prismatic element 113
Uncertainties in the evaluation of one degree-of-freedom galloping onset 110
A pilot study of the wind speed along the Rome-Naples HS/HC railway line. Part 1 – Numerical modelling and wind simulations 105
Numerical and experimental methods to investigate the behaviour of vertical-axis wind turbines with stators 105
Large-scale forcing effects on wind flows in the urban canopy: Impact of inflow conditions 104
Aeroelastic stability and wind-excited response of complex lighting poles and antenna masts 103
Aeroelastic behavior of complex lighting poles and antenna masts 97
A pilot study of the wind speed along the Rome-Naples HS/HC railway line. Part 2 – Probabilistic analyses and methodology assessment 96
Galloping critical conditions on yawed square cylinders 94
Design and test campaign of a ducted horizontal axis wind turbine 92
A conditional model for the short-term probabilistic assessment of severe wind phenomena 90
The wind effect on the new Erzelli Technologic District 89
Instability Mechanisms of Skewed Circular Cylinders 87
Motion-excited forces acting on a square prism: a qualitative analysis 87
Comparison between field measurements and numerical simulations of the wind speed along the HS/HC Rome-Naples railway line 86
Wind-excited response of harbor crane structural elements 85
Quasi-static model for the aerodynamic instability of yawed circular cylinders 82
Aeroelastic forces on yawed circular cylinders: quasi-steady modelling and aerodynamic instability 82
Wind-induced instability of complex lighting poles and antenna masts: static and aeroelastic experimental study 81
Qualitative analysis of the motion-excited forces acting on a square prism 81
null 80
Experimental investigation on the aerodynamic behaviour of square cylinders with rounded corners 78
The role of free-stream turbulence in attenuating the wind updraft above the collector of precipitation gauges 77
Wind analysis along the Rome-Naples HS/HC railway line 72
La nuova galleria del vento presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università degli Studi di Genova 72
Probabilistic analysis of the wind speed along the Rome-Naples HS/HC railway line 71
Wind tunnel and CFD models of a vertical axis wind turbine with power augmentation guide vanes 71
Effects of terrain proximity on the aeroelastic response of a bridge deck 68
Experimental and numerical investigation of the urban boundary layer in Livorno city 66
Thermo-fluid dynamic simulation of the Hotplate precipitation gauge. 64
A new methodology to perform the risk analysis of cross wind on high speed lines 63
Un modello quasi-statico per la determinazione delle condizioni di instabilità di cilindri comunque inclinati rispetto al vento 61
Azioni del vento su una pensilina snella ed elegante. La vela di Piazza Portello a Milano. 61
Analisi del rischio associato al vento laterale per linee ferroviarie ad alta velocità 58
CFD simulations of a calyx shape rain gauge in a uniform and turbulent wind tunnel environment 58
Effect of ancillaries on the aerodynamic behaviour of freestanding lattice towers 57
La risposta all’azione del vento di elementi di gru portuali 56
Valutazione probabilistica dei venti intensi lungo le linee ferroviarie AV/AC italiane 56
Evaluation of wind-induced errors for the Hotplate precipitation gauge using computational fluid dynamic simulations 51
Wind tunnel testing of telecommunication lattice towers equipped with ancillaries 48
Wind pressure measurements on a vaulted canopy roof 46
Test campaign and application of a small-scale ducted wind turbine with analysis of yaw angle influence 36
Wind tunnel validation of the aerodynamic performance of rain gauges simulated using a CFD approach. 29
Local-scale forcing effects on wind flows in an urban environment: Impact of geometrical simplifications 28
Thermo-fluid dynamic simulations of the Hotplate precipitation gauge and wind tunnel experiments 25
Totale 3.967
Categoria #
all - tutte 12.497
article - articoli 5.736
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 6.761
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 24.994

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020599 0 0 0 0 0 0 130 53 71 191 116 38
2020/2021242 13 11 17 22 9 31 21 21 33 20 22 22
2021/2022540 10 37 20 71 21 51 31 126 46 49 18 60
2022/2023598 53 47 4 50 95 85 4 54 102 5 90 9
2023/2024278 11 50 3 42 14 45 16 13 14 9 19 42
2024/2025443 31 74 51 88 101 98 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 3.967