Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 8.228
Totale 8.228
Nazione #
IT - Italia 8.228
Totale 8.228
Città #
Genova 5.217
Genoa 1.121
Rapallo 1.017
Vado Ligure 867
Bordighera 6
Totale 8.228
Nome #
Breakdown of passivity of aluminium alloys by intermetallic phases in neutral chloride solution 174
Crack-bridging ability and liquid water permeability of protective coatings for concrete 157
New developments in perfluoropolyether resins technology: high solid and durable polyurethanes for heavy duty and clear OEM coatings 145
A methodological approach for monitoring the curing process of fairing compounds based on epoxy resins 144
Applicability of electrochemical methods to paper mill wastewater for reuse. Anodic oxidation with BDD and TiRuSnO2anodes 141
Study of the crack-bridging ability of organic coatings for concrete: analysis of the mechanical behaviour of unsupported and supported films 135
Electro-Fenton degradation of anionic surfactants 133
Organic coatings for concrete protection: liquid water and water vapour permeabilities 125
Electrochemical and corrosion behaviour of cold rolled AISI 301 in 1 M H2SO4 122
Influence of micro- and nano-fillers on chemico-physical properties of epoxy-based materials 119
Influence of organic coatings on the stability of macrodefect-free cements exposed to water 119
Ag and AgCu as brazing materials for Ti6Al4V-Y 3 Al 5 O 12 joints: Does ennoblement affect the galvanic behaviour in seawater? 116
Effect of the electrochemical passivation on the corrosion behaviour of austenitic stainless steel 112
Nickel -cobalt oxide coated electrodes: influence of the preparation technique on oxygen evolution reaction (OER) in an alkaline solution 109
Electrochemical degradation of anionic surfactants 107
Coatings for concrete and reinforced concrete protection 106
Electro-Fenton Degradation of Anionic Surfactants (LAS) 106
Study of metal protective hydrophobic coatings from waterborne polyurethane ionomers 106
A comparison of results from portable and laboratory floor slipperiness testers 105
Electro-Fenton (EF) Degradation of Anionic Surfactants 104
Study of chemico-physical properties of fluoropolyether coatings 103
Analysis of the oxygen reduction process on SOFC composite electrodes 103
Influence of temperature on crack-bridging ability of coatings for concrete 102
Influence of thickness on mechanical properties and crack-bridging ability of coatings for concrete 101
Optimization of coil coating systems by means of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy 100
Electrochemical and chemico-physical characterisation of fluorinated organic coatings for steel and concrete protection: influence of the pigment volume concentration 97
Electrochemical degradation of anionic surfactants 96
Modelling of the electrochemical data of composite SOFC cathode 95
Electrochemical process for the treatment of landfill leachate 89
Influence of micro- and nano-fillers on chemico-physical properties of epoxy-based materials 89
Process of ammonia removal from anaerobic digestion and associated ammonium sulphate production: Pilot plant demonstration 87
Study of structure-properties relationship of fluoropolyether coatings by EIS 84
Quantitative evaluation of oxide impurities in bright annealed stainless steels for deep drawing 84
Application of electro-fenton process for the treatment of methylene blue 84
Combination of different electrochemical techniques to estimate the sensitisation degree of 304 SS 83
Fluoropolyether coatings: relationship of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements, barrier properties, and polymer structure 83
Study and optimization of composite solid oxide fuel cell cathodes 82
Fluorinated coatings for concrete protection 81
Influenza delle proprietà meccaniche dei rivestimenti organici superficiali per calcestruzzo sulla crack-bridging ability 81
Electrochemical study of self-assembled cysteine monolayers on polycrystalline gold electrodes and functionalization with microperoxidase MP-11. 81
Analisi elettrochimica di catodi per SOFC 79
Study of chromate-free pretreatments and primers for the protection of galvanized steel sheets 77
Alginato di sodio come additivo addensante nella formulazione di prodotti vernicianti: studio delle sue proprietà reologiche 76
Resinous coatings for ship decks 75
Study of the the mechanism of cathodic reaction in SOFC 75
Influence of inorganic fillers on chemico-physical properties of epoxy-based materials 74
Application of DSC and FTIR techniques for monitoring the curing process of fairing compounds based on epoxy resins 74
Resinous coatings for ship decks 73
Effect of different self-assembled monolayers for MP-11 funzionalized electrodes 73
“Removal of coumaric acid by electrochemically generated Fenton’s reagent” 73
Conductivity study of a mixed protonic-anionic cell for reversible SOFC/SOEC operation 73
Corrosion phenomena on aluminium alloys spontaneously mitigated in natural seawater 72
Crack-bridging ability of organic coatings for concrete: influence of the method of concrete cracking and thickness and nature of the coating 71
Definition and evauation of fundamental properties of protective coatings for concrete and reinforced concrete 71
Application of DSC and FTIR techniques for monitoring the curing process of fairing compounds based on epoxy resins [Applicazione delle tecniche DSC e FTIR per il controllo dell’indurimento di stucchi epossidici per carena] 71
A Comprehensive Approach to Improve Performance and Stability of State-of-the- Art Air Electrodes for Intermediate Temperature Reversible Cells: An Impedance Spectroscopy Analysis 70
Potentiodynamic study of Al-Mg alloy with superhydrophobic coating in photobiologically active/not active natural seawater 70
Definition and evaluation of protective coatings for concrete and reinforced concrete 68
Interaction of sodium alginate thickener with components of architectural water-based coatings 68
Corrosion behaviour of austenitic stainless steel 65
Electrochemical Oxidation of Synthetic Dyes Using BDD Anode With Solid Polymer Electrolyte 65
Analisi quantitativa della presenza di impurezze sulla superficie di nastri in acciaio inox per profondo stampaggio 64
Study of the physico-chemical properties of organic coatings for concrete degradation control 64
Correlazioni tra struttura, composizione, e proprietà barriera in rivestimenti poliuretanici fluorurati 63
BDD anodes: from conventional flow cell to solid polymer electrolyte system to treat parabens low conductive solution 61
Coumaric acid degradation by electro-Fenton process 60
Analisi delle proprietà reologiche di rivestimenti organici per la protezione del calcestruzzo 60
Experimental and theoretical study of LSM/YSZ cathodes behaviour, based on morphological and electrochemical investigation 60
Ossidazione elettrochimica di coloranti sintetici su anodi in diamante e elettrolita solido polimerico 59
Corrosion phenomena on Aluminium alloys spontaneously mitigated in natural seawater - Fenomeni corrosivi su leghe d’alluminio mitigati spontaneamente in acqua di mare naturale 59
Laboratory testing of intumescent coatings for steel protection 57
Coating a cracking concrete 57
Knowing the time 57
Introduzione alle nanotecnologie 56
New fluorinated protective coatings 53
Expansion kinetics of intumescent coatings 53
Investigation on physico-chemical and electrochemical properties of fluoropolyether coating 53
Identification of Characteristic Frequency by Means of Distribution of Relaxation Time and Bode’s Diagram in Cathodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 53
Sistema e metodo per la rimozione di microplastiche da acque marine 53
Trattamenti elettrochimici di reflui dell'industria conciaria 52
Rivestimenti protettivi contro il fouling biologico 52
Analysis of new methods for the determination of the cathodic disbonding behaviour of hull coatings 52
Strategies to Optimise Organic Coating Systems 50
Laboratory Testing of Surface-Tolerant Coatings for Protective Maintenance of Steel Structures 50
Trattamenti elettrochimici e soluzioni a bassa conducibilità: come superare l’uso dell’elettrolita di supporto 49
Solid Polymer Electrolyte: an Approach for Electrochemical Wastewater Treatment with Low Conductivity 49
Experimental Analysis of Cavitation Erosion on Blade Root of Controllable Pitch Propeller 45
Will Distribution of Relaxation Time and Equivalent Circuit Ever be Friends? Kinetic Mechanism Transition in LSCF – BSCF Cathodes 45
Surface treatments for ship hulls-Present situation and trends 45
SLIPS against drag 44
Effect of nitrides precipitation on the corrosion behavior of Duplex Stainless Steels - Effetto della precipitazione di nitruri sul comportamento corrosionistico di acciai duplex 44
Study of active pigments for the isolation of non-ferrous metal supports at the interface with copper based anti-fouling paints. 44
Electrochemical technologies for wastewater treatment at pilot plant scale 44
Effect of different alginate salts on the rheological and tensile properties of waterborne paints 43
Testing mechanical properties of unsupported films of organic coatings 41
Cathodic disbonding tests operating at large cathodic potentials for long periods need current monitoring, pH control and anode isolation 40
Totale 7.933
Categoria #
all - tutte 26.923
article - articoli 14.879
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 11.003
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 330
patent - brevetti 214
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 497
Totale 53.846

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.259 0 0 0 0 0 0 295 87 154 404 241 78
2020/2021435 24 32 22 44 33 52 27 28 48 40 44 41
2021/20221.030 12 75 57 136 42 80 59 268 59 88 26 128
2022/20231.235 113 62 10 146 159 218 18 93 200 17 189 10
2023/2024762 34 89 28 99 60 170 32 23 54 46 46 81
2024/20251.052 190 174 102 118 253 214 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 8.380