Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 18.365
Totale 18.365
Nazione #
IT - Italia 18.365
Totale 18.365
Città #
Genova 12.246
Genoa 2.087
Rapallo 2.014
Vado Ligure 1.970
Bordighera 48
Totale 18.365
Nome #
Neural correlates of ankle movements during different motor tasks: A feasibility study 161
Eye-hand coordination during dynamic visuomotor rotations 154
Tactile-STAR: A novel tactile STimulator And Recorder system for evaluating and improving tactile perception 152
Braccio di Ferro: A new haptic workstation for neuromotor rehabilitation 151
A body-machine interface for training selective pelvis movements in stroke survivors: A pilot study 151
Natural interfaces and virtual environments for the acquisition of street crossing and path following skills in adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A feasibility study 150
Body machine interfaces for neuromotor rehabilitation: A case study. 148
Stabilization strategies for unstable dynamics. 148
A robotic approach for assessing motor adaptation capability in mild Multiple Sclerosis patients 144
Learning, retention and slacking: a model of the dynamics of recovery in robot therapy 143
eBSim: Development of a low-cost obstetric simulator 143
Testing proprioception in intrinsic and extrinsic coordinate systems: Is there a difference? 139
Neural correlates of lower limbs proprioception: An fMRI study of foot position matching 136
The Body-Machine Interface: A new perspective on an old theme 135
Adaptive robot training in the rehabilitation of incoordination in Multiple Sclerosis: a pilot study 133
Evaluating upper limb impairments in multiple sclerosis by exposure to different mechanical environments 133
Robot Therapy for Severely Impaired Stroke Survivors: Toward a Concurrent Regulation of Task Difficulty and Degree of Assistance 132
Robot-therapy and ataxia: Preliminar results 131
Revisiting the body-schema concept in the context of whole-body postural-focal dynamics 129
Computational models to understand sensorimotor control and adaptation performance 128
A model of postural control in quiet standing: robust compensation of delay-Induced Instability using intermittent activation of feedback control. 128
Vibrotactile feedback to control the amount of weight shift during walking - A first step towards better control of an exoskeleton for spinal cord injury subjects 128
Learning to push and learning to move: The adaptive control of contact forces 128
A two alternative forced choice method for assessing vibrotactile discrimination thresholds in the lower limb 127
Adaptation to visual feedback delay in a redundant motor task. 126
Inter-limb interference during bimanual adaptation to dynamic environments 126
Enhancing Recovery of Sensorimotor Functions: The Role of Robot Generated Haptic Feedback in the Re-learning Process 126
Effects of continuous visual feedback during sitting balance training in chronic stroke survivors 126
Body-Machine Interface Enables People with Cervical Spinal Cord Injury to Control Devices with Available Body Movements: Proof of Concept 124
Robot-assisted training of the kinesthetic sense: enhancing proprioception after stroke. 123
Reorganization of finger coordination patterns during adaptation to rotation and scaling of a newly learned sensorimotor transformation. 121
Arm Stiffness During Assisted Movement After Stroke: The Influence of Visual Feedback and Training 121
A haptic robot reveals the adaptation capability of individuals with Multiple Sclerosis 121
Training stroke patients with continuous tracking movements: Evaluating the improvement of voluntary control 120
A proof of concept study for the integration of robot therapy with physiotherapy in the treatment of stroke patients 119
Adaptation of arm movements to a constant force field 119
Functional evaluation of robot end-point assisted gait re-education in chronic stroke survivors 119
Proprioceptive bimanual test in intrinsic and extrinsic coordinates 119
Supplemental vibrotactile feedback control of stabilization and reaching actions of the arm using limb state and position error encodings 119
Characterizing the human-robot haptic dyad in robot therapy of stroke survivors 119
Reorganization of Motor Function and Space Representation in Body Machine Interfaces 118
Functional reorganization of upper-body movements for wheelchair control 117
White matter microstructure changes induced by motor skill learning utilizing a body machine interface. 117
Learning new movements after paralysis: Results from a home-based study 117
Exoskeleton for Gait Rehabilitation: Effects of Assistance, Mechanical Structure, and Walking Aids on Muscle Activations 117
Effect of position- and velocity-dependent forces on reaching movements at different speeds 116
Training the Unimpaired Arm Improves the Motion of the Impaired Arm and the Sitting Balance in Chronic Stroke Survivors 116
Force-field compensation in a manual tracking task. 116
Body sway during quiet standing: is it the residual chattering of an intermittent stabilization process? 115
Remapping residual coordination for controlling assistive devices and recovering motor functions 115
Using a wrist robot for evaluating how human operators learn to perform pointing movements to a rotating frame of reference 114
A new method for evaluating kinesthetic acuity during haptic interaction 114
Computational neurorehabilitation: Modeling plasticity and learning to predict recovery 114
Robot-assisted neurorehabilitation 113
Tracking target motion under combined visual and kinesthetic disturbances 113
Does adaptation to curl force fields affect bimanual coordinated reaching movements? 112
A neural mechanism of synergy formation for whole body reaching. 112
Measuring functional recovery of hemiparetic subjects during gentle robot therapy 111
Abnormal sensorimotor control, but intact force field adaptation, in multiple sclerosis subjects with no clinical disability 109
Subtle upper limb impairment in asymptomatic multiple sclerosis subjects 109
Visuo-manual tracking in a robot-generated dynamic environment 109
A strategy of assistance in robot-therapy for promoting the emergence of voluntary control in stroke patients 109
Spot check and recalibration of stabilometric platforms 109
Adaptive robot training for the treatment of incoordination in Multiple Sclerosis 108
null 108
Pulsed assistance: A new paradigm of robot training 108
Training muscle synergies to relearn movement: Current perspectives and future trends 108
Intermittent control with ankle, hip, and mixed strategies during quiet standing: A theoretical proposal based on a double inverted pendulum model 107
Impedance-controlled, minimally-assistive robotic training of severely impaired hemiparetic patients 106
Minimally assistive robot training for proprioception-enhancement 106
Visuo-motor tracking with coordinated wrist movements under different combinations of visual and kinesthetic disturbances 106
Bounded stability of the quiet standing posture: an intermittent control model 105
A First Step in Automatic Ongoing Recalibration for Body-Machine Interface Controller 105
Preflexes and internal models in biomimetic robot systems 105
Changes in neuromuscular activity during motor training with a body-machine interface after spinal cord injury 105
Recovery and compensation after robotic assisted gait training in chronic stroke survivors 105
Two years follow-up of a cohort of hemiplegics subjects: Evolutions of gait performance and strategy 104
Neuromotor recovery from stroke: computational models at central, functional, and muscle synergy level 104
Adaptative and minimally assisted tracking with a haptic robot: A proposal for stroke rehabilitation 103
Sensory motor remapping of space in human–machine interfaces 103
Comparing Two Computational Mechanisms for Explaining Functional Recovery in Robot-Therapy of Stroke Survivors 103
Direct measurement of ankle stiffness during quiet standing: implications for control modelling and clinical application 102
Quantifying adaptation in a robot training protocol for multiple sclerosis subjects 101
Body machine interface: remapping motor skills after spinal cord injury. 101
Influence of visual feedback in the regulation of arm stiffness following stroke. 100
Functional reorganization of upper-body movement after spinal cord injury. 100
Reward-based learning of a redundant task 100
The body–machine interface: a pathway for rehabilitation and assistance in people with movement disorders 98
Bilateral robot therapy based on haptics and reinforcement learning: feasibility study of a new concept for treatment of patients after stroke 98
Spatial and temporal influences on discrimination of vibrotactile stimuli on the arm 97
Self-adaptive robot training of stroke survivors for continuous tracking movements 96
Stability and Flexibility During Human Motor Control 96
High variability impairs motor learning regardless of whether it affects task performance 96
Adaptive force control 95
Vibrotactile Feedback for Improving Standing Balance 94
Robot therapy: the importance of haptic interaction. 93
Modeling the dynamics of the recovery process in robot therapy 92
Automatic video analysis and classification of sleep-related hypermotor seizures and disorders of arousal 91
Multijoint arm stiffness during movements following stroke: implications for robot therapy. 90
Totale 11.657
Categoria #
all - tutte 65.330
article - articoli 32.474
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 30.364
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.492
Totale 130.660

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.717 0 0 0 0 0 0 656 271 397 759 455 179
2020/20211.517 82 133 113 91 63 132 185 111 144 182 137 144
2021/20222.240 79 96 202 204 104 189 170 500 139 203 94 260
2022/20232.468 233 143 26 255 323 378 70 192 456 45 293 54
2023/20241.595 76 174 48 205 120 253 102 99 70 59 130 259
2024/20252.157 150 304 169 369 691 466 8 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 18.716