Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 12.264
Totale 12.264
Nazione #
IT - Italia 12.264
Totale 12.264
Città #
Genova 8.831
Rapallo 1.284
Genoa 1.080
Vado Ligure 1.035
Bordighera 34
Totale 12.264
Nome #
A simple model of wave-current interaction 171
Quasiperiodicity and phase locking route to chaos in the 2D oscillatory flow around a circular cylinder 154
A unified bar-bend theory of river meanders 154
Direct Numerical Simulation of Oscillatory Flow Over a Wavy, Rough, and Permeable Bottom 152
Chaotic flow generated by an oscillating foil 149
Three-dimensional oscillatory flow over steep ripples 141
A note on tidally generated sand waves 139
Transition to turbulence at the bottom of a solitary wave 138
Boundary layer and sediment dynamics under sea waves 136
Numerical experiments on flapping foils mimicking fish-like locomotion 134
A route to chaos in an oscillatory flow: Feigenbaum scenario 134
Turbulent boundary layer under a solitary wave 134
The nonlinear excitation of synchronous edge waves by a monochromatic wave normally approaching a plane beach 133
Waves plus currents crossing at right angle:experimental investigation 133
On the formation of sand waves and sand banks 132
Propulsive efficiency of oscillating foils 131
A parameterization of the wavelength of tidal dunes 130
Long bed waves in tidal seas: an idealized model 129
Crescentic bedforms in the nearshore region 128
A three-dimensional model of sand bank formation 126
On the formation of sediment chains in an oscillatory boundary layer 126
A numerical algorithm to compute the morphodynamics of shallow tidal seas. 125
The morphodynamics of tidal sand waves: A model overview 124
RANS modelling of the turbulent boundary layer under a solitary wave 124
Modeling sand wave characteristics on the Belgian Continental Shelf and in the Calais-Dover Strait 123
Turbulent spots in oscillatory boundary layers 122
Coherent structures in oscillatory boundary layers 120
Dunes and alternate bars in tidal channels 119
Pattern formation in a thin layer of sediment 119
Waves of finite amplitude trapped by oscillating gates 118
Sand ripples under sea waves. Part 4. Tile ripple formation 118
On the formation of periodic sandy mounds 118
A simple model of propulsive oscillating foils 117
Intermittent turbulence in a pulsating pipe flow 116
Sea ripple formation: the turbulent boundary layer case 116
Characteristics of the boundary layer at the bottom of a solitary wave 116
A model to predict the migration of sand waves in shallow tidal seas 116
Direct numerical simulation of the oscillatory flow around a sphere resting on a rough bottom 115
Mass transport under sea waves over a rippled bed 114
Sediment sorting along tidal sand waves: a comparison between field observations and theoretical predictions 114
The boundary layer at the bottom of a solitary wave and implications for sediment transport 112
Tidal sand wave formation: Influence of graded suspended sediment transport 111
Subharmonic edge wave excitation by narrow-band, random incident waves 111
Vorticity dynamics in an oscillatory flow over a rippled bed 107
Bottom topography and roughness variations as triggering mechanisms to the formation of sorted bedforms 106
Turbulent Boundary Layer at the Bottom of Gravity Waves 106
On the Formation of Vortex Pairs near Orifices 106
The formation of tidal sand waves: steady versus unsteady approaches 105
Formation of tidal sand waves: effects of the spring-neap cycle 104
Linear evolution of sandwave packets 103
Sea waves and mass transport on sloping beach 102
null 101
Formation of rhythmic sorted bed forms on the continental shelf: an idealised model 100
Flow and sediment transport induced by tide propagation: 2. The wavy bottom case 96
Wall imperfections as a triggering mechanism for Stokes-layer transition 95
A theoretical model of asymmetric wave ripples 95
Turbulent spots in a Stokes boundary layer 94
Flow and sediment transport induced by tide propagation: 1. The flat bottom case 93
A weakly nonlinear analysis of sand banks dynamics 93
Modeling the turbulent boundary layer at the bottom of sea wave 92
Grain sorting effects on the formation of tidal sand waves 91
Sand ripples under sea waves: Part I. Ripple formation 90
Migrating sea ripples 90
Coherent structures in an oscillatory separated flow: numerical experiments 90
Direct numerical simulations of the pulsating flow over a plane wall 89
Morphological modelling of sand waves, sand banks and shallow pits using stability analysis models 88
A model for sand waves migration. 88
Three-dimensional tidal sand waves 88
The flow over bedload sheets and sorted bedforms 88
Numerical experiments on the transient motions of a flapping foil 88
Steady streaming and sediment transport at the bottom of sea waves 88
Role of the vertical pressure gradient in wave boundary layers 86
On the effect of the suspended load on the formation of sand waves 83
The formation of tidal sand waves: fully three-dimensional versus shallow water approaches 83
The flow over asymmetrical ripples: An experimental investigation on the morphodynamic behavior 83
null 83
Sea ripple formation: the heterogenous sediment case 82
Sand bank formation: comparison between 2D and 3D models 81
Steady streaming induced by sea waves over rippled and rough beds 80
Understanding coastal morphodynamics using stability methods 80
Sand ripples under sea waves: Part II. Finite amplitude development 79
Morphodynamic evolution of sand banks: a weakly nonlinear analysis. 79
Sand banks of finite amplitude 79
Models of offshore sand waves and sand banks and their application. 78
Lunate tail dynamics: preliminary results. 77
Sediment mixtures, coastal bedforms and grain sorting phenomena: An overview of the theoretical analyses 77
Linear response of the gate system for protection of the Venice Lagoon. Note I: Transverse free modes 74
Migrating sand waves 74
Mechanics of coastal forms 73
Introduction to Morphodynamics of Sedimentary Patterns 72
Linear response of the gate system for protection of the Venice Lagoon. Note II: Excitation of transverse subharmonic modes. 71
Perspective in morphodynamics 71
On the Effect of Wall Oscillations on Mass (heat)Transfer in Channels Flow 71
Sand ripples under sea waves. Part 3 69
Analisi del processo di formazione delle sand banks 69
Migrating sand waves 68
Prediction of Sand Banks in the North Sea 68
Totale 10.469
Categoria #
all - tutte 37.493
article - articoli 28.962
book - libri 605
conference - conferenze 6.821
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.105
Totale 74.986

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.346 0 0 0 0 0 313 451 217 314 567 345 139
2020/2021865 53 97 55 50 53 118 62 80 73 99 68 57
2021/20221.556 49 110 159 161 36 94 109 389 80 137 72 160
2022/20231.565 141 50 15 132 245 273 26 127 282 8 238 28
2023/2024821 42 127 54 72 62 134 32 62 38 19 45 134
2024/20251.095 71 213 128 129 303 251 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 12.429