Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 6.116
Totale 6.116
Nazione #
IT - Italia 6.116
Totale 6.116
Città #
Genova 4.230
Rapallo 841
Genoa 612
Vado Ligure 425
Bordighera 8
Totale 6.116
Nome #
V-PARVUS 2010. An extendable package of programs for explorative data analysis, classification and regression analysis. Dip Chimica e Tecnologie Farmaceutiche, University of Genova. Free available at 400
A spectral transfer procedure for application of a single class-model to spectra recorded by different near-infrared spectrometers for authentication of olives in brine 168
Artificial nose, NIR and UV-visible spectroscopy for the characterisation of the PDO chianti classico olive oil 160
A rapid method to assess authenticity of “100% pure” pomegranate juices by UV-visible spectroscopy and multivariate analysis 150
Detection of addition of barley to coffee using near infrared spectroscopy and chemometric techniques 140
Extraction of representative subsets by potential functions method and genetic algorithms 139
Detection of addition of barley to coffee using near infrared spectroscopy and chemometric techniques 139
Chemometric Brains for Artificial Tongues 132
A screening method based on UV–Visible spectroscopy and multivariate analysis to assess addition of filler juices and water to pomegranate juices 126
Authenticity of commercial olives in brine: two laboratories, two different NIR spectrophotometers, a spectral transfer correction 124
Comparison between classical and innovative class-modelling techniques for the characterisation of a PDO olive oil 120
The potential of coupling information using three analytical techniques for identifying the geographical origin of Liguria extra virgin olive oil 119
Pattern recognition of particulate-bound pollutants sampled during a long term urban air monitoring scheme 118
Affinity prediction on A1 adenosine receptor agonists: the chemometric approach 117
Exploring the QSAR of pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridine, pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridone and pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyrimidine derivatives as antagonists for A1 adenosine receptor. 116
Combining information from headspace mass spectrometry and visible spectroscopy in the classification of the Ligurian olive oils 116
Minimum Spanning Tree: Ordering Edges To Identify Clustering Structure 115
Spectroscopic fingerprinting techniques for food characterisation 107
A chemometrical approach for classification of vinegars by headspace mass spectrometry 105
V-PARVUS 2003: The evolution of the oldest package of programs with chemometrics techniques developed for personal computers. 105
The refinement of PLS models by iterative weighting of predictor variables and objects 103
Characterisation of PDO olive oil Chianti Classico by non-selective (UV-Visible, NIR, MIR spectroscopy) and selective (fatty acid composition) analytical techniques 103
Multivariate calibration: applications to pharmaceutical analysis 102
A chemometric approach to predict A1 agonist effect of adenosine analogues 101
Partial least squares density modeling (PLS-DM) - a new class-modeling strategy applied to the authentication of olives in brine by near-infrared spectroscopy 101
Modelling aroma of three Italian red wines by headspace-mass spectrometry and potential functions 99
Detection of adulteration of Taggiasca olives in brine 99
Use and Abuse of Signal Pre-Processing 99
Application of standardisation methods to correct the spectral differences induced by a fibre optic probe used for the near-infrared analysis of pharmaceutical tablets 93
Chemometrics 87
NIR application to unmasking adulteration of Taggiasca olives in brine 85
Authentication of Taggiasca olives in brine by application of a novel PLS-based class-modelling method on NIR spectra 85
NIR spectroscopy and Class-modelling techniques for the geographical authentication of Ligurian Extra Virgin Olive Oil 85
Cluster Analysis: significance, empty space, clustering tendency, non-uniformity. II– Empty Space Index 83
Near Infrared Characterisation of Taggiasca Olives in Brine by a PLS-Based Class-Modelling Method 83
Cluster Analysis: significance, empty space, clustering tendency, non-uniformity. I– Statistical tests on the significance of clusters 80
Improvement of slope-bias correction for the intercalibration of different instruments 80
Characterisation of Ligurian foodstuffs by NIR spectroscopy 78
Iterative Predictor Weighting PLS (IPW): A technique for the elimination of useless predictors in regression problems 78
Near infrared spectroscopy and class modelling techniques to discriminate Taggiasca table olives 73
Assessing the validity of near-infrared monochromator calibrations over time 70
Book Review: Design and optimization in organic synthesis. Second revised and enlarged edition, Rolf Carlson and Johan E. Carlson 69
Non-selective signals in food analysis 69
Authenticity assessment of commercial olives in brine 68
Near infrared spectroscopy for non-destructive characterization of tomato cultivar. A pilot study on "Cuore di bue di Albenga" 68
Un approccio iperspettrale NIR per il rilevamento automatico di difetti nel caffè verde 66
Caratterizzazione di Rosmarinus spp. ligure mediante spettroscopia NIR 63
Transfer of spectra by means of local correction 62
Chemometrics 62
NIRS fingerprints per la caratterizzazione di due vini rossi italiani: modellamento con SIMCA (Soft Independent Modeling of Class Analogy) 61
Ageing and oxidation processes of olive oil samples during storage followed by near infrared spectroscopy 60
Trasferimento di spettri in N.I.R.S. 60
A spectral transfer procedure for application of a single class-model to spectra recorded by different instruments for olive authentication purposes 59
Application of an ISE procedure in understanding the contribution of milk protein compounds to predict cheese yield coupling NIR and chemical data 58
L'analisi HS-MS per la valutazione di off-flavours nel vino 56
Near infrared spectroscopy and class modelling techniques for the verification of authenticity of Taggiasca table olives 51
Detection of fraudulent addition of barley to coffee powder by means of NIR spectroscopy and multivariate regression 50
Studio NIR dell’olio di oliva dalla produzione alla scadenza 49
Spettroscopia NIR e stoccaggio dell’olio extra-vergine d’oliva 49
Un metodo di classificazione basato su decisioni binarie (TREE) per la caratterizzazione della DOP ‘Chianti Classico’ 47
Critical evaluation of strategies for integration of data from different analytical instruments: fusion of information 45
Defect detection of green coffee by NIR-Hyperspectral imaging and multivariate pattern recognition 45
A NIR-Hyperspectral approach for authomatic detection of defects in green coffee 45
Studio dell’olio e.v. di oliva durante lo stoccaggio mediante NIR e metodi chemiometrici 43
Chemometrical strategies in order to solve different problems in food science 41
NIR spectroscopy: a versatile technique for solving different problems 40
Proteolysis Mapping During Cheese Ripening by Hyperspectral Imaging 39
Numero critico di campioni nel trasferimento degli spettri in NIRS mediante PLS-2 33
NIR spectroscopy: a versatile tool for solving different problems 32
Corrigendum to {"}The potential of coupling information using three analytical techniques for identifying the geographical origin of Liguria extra virgin olive oil{"} [Food Chemistry 118 (2010) 163-170] (DOI:10.1016/j.foodchem.2009.04.091) 9
Totale 6.182
Categoria #
all - tutte 17.821
article - articoli 9.087
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 7.242
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 671
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 821
Totale 35.642

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.161 0 0 0 0 112 149 211 49 98 285 190 67
2020/2021322 16 24 24 28 10 51 28 27 33 34 30 17
2021/2022833 14 63 84 93 29 38 49 208 30 73 42 110
2022/20231.035 95 80 20 92 202 172 11 79 149 2 95 38
2023/2024419 21 49 16 52 33 76 34 15 19 6 36 62
2024/2025433 41 94 55 54 189 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.182