Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 9.870
Totale 9.870
Nazione #
IT - Italia 9.870
Totale 9.870
Città #
Genova 6.267
Rapallo 1.277
Genoa 1.228
Vado Ligure 1.067
Bordighera 31
Totale 9.870
Nome #
3D Digital Survey of Iron Tie-Rods in Masonry Buildings: Cross-Sections Analysis and Error Estimation 151
Perpetuate project: the proposal of a performance-based approach to earthquake protection of cultural heritage 140
A new demountable seismic-resistant joint to improve industrial building reparability 139
In-plane seismic response of unreinforced masonry walls: comparison between detailed and equivalent frame models 134
Classification of cultural heritage assets and seismic damage variables for the identification of performance levels 128
Mechanical and metallographic characterization of iron tie-rods in masonry buildings: an experimental study 126
The use of the diagonal compression test to identify the shear mechanical parameters of masonry 125
In-plane strength of unreinforced masonry piers 122
Experimental testing of the seismic in-plane displacement capacity of masonry cross vaults through a scale model 121
Structural behaviour of masonry vaulted staircases using limit analysis: the case study of the bell tower of Santa Maria delle Vigne 121
Three-Dimensional Limit Analysis of the Vicoforte Elliptical Dome 119
The re-use of disassembled steel structures between architectural design and environmental sustainability 119
Catene metalliche negli edifici storici in muratura. Primi risultati di una ricerca in corso 116
The debate on the strengthening of two slender masonry structures in early XX century: a contribution to the history of wind engineering 115
PERPETUATE Project: the proposal of a performance-based approach to earthquake protection of cultural heritage 110
In-plane shear tests on masonry panels with plaster: correlation of structural damage and damage on artistic assets 109
Experimental Characterization of Ancient Metal Tie-Rods in Historic Masonry Buildings 107
PERPETUATE Project: the proposal of a performance-based approach to earthquake protection of cultural heritage 105
The behaviour of St. Agostino church during 6th April 2009 earhquake in L'Aquila: vulnerability and damage assessment 103
Perpetuate project: the proposal of a performance-based approach to earthquake protection of cultural heritage 103
Tilting plane tests on a small-scale masonry cross vault: Experimental results and numerical simulations through a heterogeneous approach 102
Sustainable Structural Design: Comprehensive Literature Review 102
Shaking table tests of an arch-pillars system and design of strengthening by the use of tie-rods 102
Material savings through structural steel reuse: A case study in Genoa 101
Continuum model for in-plane anisotropic inelastic behavior of masonry 100
Seismic response of masonry vaulted structures: experimental and numerical modelling 100
Giunto trave-colonna 99
The dynamical identification of the tensile force in ancient tie-rods 98
The use of earth as a reconstruction material: a case study in Italy. 98
The effect of the masonry pattern of the global behaviour of vaults 94
An innovative reusable modular system for steel truss structures: Technical features, environmental impacts and architectural applications 94
Pre-existing damages and chronological time-step analyses of historical masonry buildings 92
Identification of shear mechanical parameters of masonry piers from diagonal compression test 92
A micromechanical damage model for complex masonry structures 91
High resilience prefabricated systems for the industrial buildings in seismic areas 90
A micromechanical inelastic model for historical masonry 89
Damage to churches in the 2016 central Italy earthquakes 88
Relative displacements of 3D optical markers for deformations and crack monitoring of a masonry structure under shaking table tests 87
A New Demountable Seismic-Resistant Joint To Improve Industrial Building Reparability 85
Diagonal compression tests on stone masonry panels: Experimental results and analytical interpretations 85
Structural framework evolution from the 17th to 20th century in the Genoa’s Republic shipyard. Architectural archaeology investigates the layers of the structure 84
Modeling strategies for the world's largest elliptical dome at Vicoforte 83
Numerical and experimental analysis of an in-scale masonry cross-vault prototype up to failure 83
Probabilistic approach to Life Cycle Analysis of structures including earthquake effects: first discussion on a case study 83
Use of the reinforced concrete in the preservation of historical buildings: conceptions and misconceptions in the early 20th century 82
A micromechanical damage model for masonry structures 81
Monitoring and modeling strategies for the world’s largest elliptical dome at Vicoforte 80
Collapse of masonry arches under seismic loads: static tests on a scale model 80
Applicazione della metodologia LCA a un caso studio di struttura monopiano. LCA comparativa di strutture monopiano a partire da un caso studio con sistema NPS® 80
The monumental bridge of Monte Carmelo (Italy): strategies for the historical and architectonical preservation 79
Seismic behaviour of masonry arches with tie-rods: dynamic tests on a scale model 77
Non linear modeling of masonry structures under cyclic loads 76
Seismic assessment of masonry cross vaults through numerical nonlinear static and dynamic analysis 76
Structural assessment, testing, rehabilitation and monitoring strategies for the world’s largest elliptical dome and Sanctuary at Vicoforte 75
2016-2017 Central Italy Earthquake: Seismic Assessment of "Pietro Capuzi" School in Visso (Marche) 75
Interactions between structural cracks and plaster damage: an experimental campaign on masonry panels 74
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Seismic Response of Unreinforced Masonry Cross Vaults 73
Che cosa è stato fatto a L’Aquila 72
Applicazione della metodologia LCA a un caso studio di struttura multipiano 71
Non-linear modelling of the elliptical dome of the Sanctuary at Vicoforte 71
Parole ancora vive 70
Arte del costruire sotto esame 69
Il dibattito sul consolidamento della cupola di San Gaudenzio a Novara (1931-1945): un contributo alla storia della dinamica delle costruzioni in Italia 68
Protecting the cultural heritage fromn water-soil interaction related threats: an integrated project 68
Reversible steel joint for seismic-resistant structures 68
Vulnerability and seismic response of school buildings: lessons from the 2016 Central Italy event 67
Nonlinear modeling of unreinforced masonry structures under seismic actions: validation using a building hit by the 2016 Central Italy earthquake 67
L'università e la ricerca per l'Abruzzo. Il patrimonio culturale dopo il terremoto del 6 aprile 2009 66
Rinascita in terra cruda 66
Che cos’è l’archeologia dell’architettura? 66
L'ingegneria e le costruzioni storiche in Italia. Parte I: Sicurezza e progetto degli interventi di consolidamento 65
Imparare dai terremoti 65
Structural analysis of masonry vaulted staircases through rigid block limit analysis 65
The debate on the strengthening of San Gaudenzio dome in Novara (1931-1945): a contribution to the history of wind engineering 64
Historic metal tie-rods 64
Monumenti e terremoto 63
I terremoti: un rischio calcolato 63
Damage Assessment of Historic Masonry Churches Exposed to Slow-moving Landslides 62
Effect of slow-moving landslides on a vaulted masonry building: The case of San Carlo Borromeo church in Cassingheno (Genova) 61
Perché non si fa manutenzione? Sei ragioni 61
Stop agli interventi invasivi 59
I monumenti e le promesse non mantenute del G8 59
La valutazione di impatto ambientale delle strutture mediante LCA 59
Coupled Deformation and Structural Analysis for the Damage Assessment of Cultural Heritage Buildings: The Case of a Masonry Church Exposed to Slow-Moving Landslides 58
Dopo il terremoto, un rilievo a tappeto 58
Un modello a danneggiamento anisotropo per la muratura storica 57
Il problema della messa in sicurezza dei Beni Monumentali 57
Damage detection of masonry structures under shaking table tests through relative displacements by 3D optical markers 57
I più vulnerabili 56
Controllo a distanza per fessure e rotazioni 56
Controllo a distanza per fessure e rotazioni 56
La messa in sicurezza degli edifici monumentali 54
FRP: la panacea del restauro strutturale? 54
Forma e struttura 54
Steel structures sustainability: steel reuse without melting 54
Validation of Simplified Micro-models for the Static Analysis of Masonry Arches and Vaults 54
Design of a reversible steel joint for resilient and sustainable structures 53
Totale 8.370
Categoria #
all - tutte 34.017
article - articoli 18.811
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 13.381
curatela - curatele 565
other - altro 327
patent - brevetti 279
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 654
Totale 68.034

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.564 0 0 0 0 0 0 348 118 177 503 298 120
2020/2021606 29 42 45 53 53 76 27 53 80 58 48 42
2021/20221.423 40 129 66 178 63 73 95 367 73 120 32 187
2022/20231.606 142 92 45 149 195 252 29 136 260 26 236 44
2023/2024920 38 133 33 116 76 153 26 91 55 22 59 118
2024/20251.158 47 210 147 162 300 282 10 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 10.146