Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 16.788
Totale 16.788
Nazione #
IT - Italia 16.788
Totale 16.788
Città #
Genova 11.965
Genoa 1.898
Rapallo 1.625
Vado Ligure 1.279
Bordighera 21
Totale 16.788
Nome #
Adaptation to constant-magnitude assistive forces: kinematic and neural correlates 170
A Neural Predictor For Recurrence of Breast-cancer 169
Coding and decoding of information in a bidirectional neural interface 156
Self-organizing body-schema for motor planning 155
Real-time artifact filtering in continuous VEPs/fMRI recording. 154
Natural interfaces and virtual environments for the acquisition of street crossing and path following skills in adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A feasibility study 153
Braccio di Ferro: A new haptic workstation for neuromotor rehabilitation 152
Activity, tolerability and efficacy of levetiracetam on cerebellar symptoms in multiple sclerosis patients: a pilot kinematic study 152
A control model of human tongue movements in speech 151
Cross-correlation based methods for estimating the functional connectivity in cortical networks 149
A tailored exercise of manipulation of virtual tools to treat upper limb impairment in Multiple Sclerosis 147
Learning, retention and slacking: a model of the dynamics of recovery in robot therapy 145
A robotic approach for assessing motor adaptation capability in mild Multiple Sclerosis patients 144
Concurrent adaptation to force fields and visual rotations 144
How the brain can discover the existence of external egocentric space 141
Adaptive robot training in the rehabilitation of incoordination in Multiple Sclerosis: a pilot study 141
Robot-assisted intermanual transfer of handwriting skills 138
Robot-therapy and ataxia: Preliminar results 134
Robot Therapy for Severely Impaired Stroke Survivors: Toward a Concurrent Regulation of Task Difficulty and Degree of Assistance 132
A haptic robot reveals the adaptation capability of individuals with Multiple Sclerosis 132
Analysis of fMRI time series with mixtures of Gaussians 131
Towards Natural Computation: Reactive Control of a Mobile Robot by a Population of Cultured Neurons. 131
Encoding of time-varying stimuli in populations of cultured neurons 130
Inter-limb interference during bimanual adaptation to dynamic environments 129
Robot-assisted acquisition of a motor skill: evolution of performance and effort 129
Basal ganglia and kinematics modulation: Insights from Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases 129
Technological approaches for neurorehabilitation: From robotic devices to brain stimulation and beyond 129
Computational models to understand sensorimotor control and adaptation performance 128
Towards an embodied in-vitro electrophysiology: the NeuroBIT project 128
A proof of concept study for the integration of robot therapy with physiotherapy in the treatment of stroke patients 127
Adaptive training with full-body movements to reduce bradykinesia in persons with Parkinson's disease: A pilot study 127
Size-Change Detection Thresholds of a Hand-Held Bar at Rest and during Movement 126
A Neural Approach To Analogic Planning 125
Adaptation of arm movements to a constant force field 125
Guest Editorial - Motor skill learning and neuro-rehabilitation 125
Tongue articulators as muscle synergies 124
Connecting Neurons to a Mobile Robot: An In Vitro Bidirectional Neural Interface 122
Computational implications of modeling grasping as a form of (multiple-parallel) reaching 121
Training stroke patients with continuous tracking movements: Evaluating the improvement of voluntary control 120
Effect of position- and velocity-dependent forces on reaching movements at different speeds 119
Robot-assisted neurorehabilitation 118
Simultaneous Recording of fMRI end Visual Evoked Potenatials to Study Optic Neuritis in Multiple Sclerosis 118
Bio-mimetic trajectory generation using a neural time-base generator 118
Body sway during quiet standing: is it the residual chattering of an intermittent stabilization process? 117
Advances in modeling cortical maps 117
Can non-linear muscle dynamics explain the smoothness of handwriting movements? 116
Do ''lateral connections'' in the cortex carry out topological information? 116
Abnormal sensorimotor control, but intact force field adaptation, in multiple sclerosis subjects with no clinical disability 114
Adaptive robot training for the treatment of incoordination in Multiple Sclerosis 114
New perspectives on the dialogue between brains and machines 113
Neural correlates of motor learning and performance in a virtual ball putting task 113
Tracking target motion under combined visual and kinesthetic disturbances 113
Measuring functional recovery of hemiparetic subjects during gentle robot therapy 112
Does adaptation to curl force fields affect bimanual coordinated reaching movements? 112
Self-Organization, Computational Maps and Motor Control 112
Subtle upper limb impairment in asymptomatic multiple sclerosis subjects 112
Cross-correlation based methods for estimating the functional connectivity in populations of cortical neurons 112
A strategy of assistance in robot-therapy for promoting the emergence of voluntary control in stroke patients 110
Visuo-manual tracking in a robot-generated dynamic environment 109
Neuromotor recovery from stroke: computational models at central, functional, and muscle synergy level 109
Effect of interface type in the VR-based acquisition of pedestrian skills in persons with ASD 108
Minimally assistive robot training for proprioception-enhancement 107
Visuo-motor tracking with coordinated wrist movements under different combinations of visual and kinesthetic disturbances 107
Impedance-controlled, minimally-assistive robotic training of severely impaired hemiparetic patients 106
Preflexes and internal models in biomimetic robot systems 106
Connecting Brains to Robots: an Artificial Animal for the Study of Learning in Vertebrate Nervous Systems 105
An interactive cortical map architecture for motor planning 105
A comparison between isometric force and position tasks in evaluating movement coordination 105
Adaptative and minimally assisted tracking with a haptic robot: A proposal for stroke rehabilitation 105
Robotic Assessment of Upper Limb Motor Function After Stroke 105
Direct measurement of ankle stiffness during quiet standing: implications for control modelling and clinical application 105
Analogic and symbolic aspects in distributed motor control 105
Motor imagery in robot-assistive rehabilitation: A study with healthy subjects 105
A Dynamic Biomechanical Model for Neural Control of Speech Production 104
Kinematic invariances and body schema 104
Ankle muscle stiffness alone cannot stabilize balance during quiet standing 104
Quantifying adaptation in a robot training protocol for multiple sclerosis subjects 102
Reward-based learning of a redundant task 102
Connecting Brains to Robots: An Artificial Body for Studying the Computational Properties of Neural Tissues 102
Soc - A Self-organizing Classifier 101
A computational theory of targeting based on force fields and topology representing networks 101
Slaves no longer: review on role assignment for human-robot joint motor action 100
Topologic Organization of Context Fields for Sensorimotor Coordination 99
Vibration-induced adaptation in multijoint arm movements 99
Bilateral robot therapy based on haptics and reinforcement learning: feasibility study of a new concept for treatment of patients after stroke 99
Self-adaptive robot training of stroke survivors for continuous tracking movements 98
Sobos - A Self-organizing Body Schema 98
Activity of levetiracetam on multiple sclerosis cerebellar symptoms evaluated by kinematic analysis: a single-blind placebo cross-over study 97
Bio-Mimetic Trajectory Generation of Robots via Artificial Potential Field with Time Base Generator 97
Computational rehabilitation of neglect: Using state-space models to understand the recovery mechanisms 96
Modulation of motor performance by a monetary incentive: A pilot study 96
Robot therapy: the importance of haptic interaction. 95
Toward EMG-controlled force field generation for training and rehabilitation: From movement data to muscle geometry 94
Equilibrium point and self-organization 93
Modeling the dynamics of the recovery process in robot therapy 92
Adaptive manipulation of virtual tools to treat upper limb impairment in Multiple Sclerosis: a double-blind parallel multicentres study 90
Coordinate-free sensorimotor processing: Computing with population codes 90
Beta oscillations during adaptation to inertial and velocity dependent perturbations 90
Adaption of Reaching Movements to Assistive Forces 88
Totale 11.770
Categoria #
all - tutte 51.824
article - articoli 26.368
book - libri 446
conference - conferenze 21.293
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 3.717
Totale 103.648

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.965 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 230 361 755 445 174
2020/2021987 71 73 85 50 71 123 55 66 117 102 93 81
2021/20221.986 56 153 183 221 64 164 163 437 90 149 94 212
2022/20232.014 242 92 12 211 310 366 15 156 400 28 143 39
2023/2024902 58 133 19 115 83 163 44 40 48 22 42 135
2024/20251.925 44 234 117 210 442 342 265 271 0 0 0 0
Totale 16.916