Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 12.505
Totale 12.505
Nazione #
IT - Italia 12.505
Totale 12.505
Città #
Genova 9.507
Rapallo 1.074
Genoa 1.031
Vado Ligure 869
Bordighera 24
Totale 12.505
Nome #
Nonlinear Time-invariant Feedback Control of an Underactuated marine Vehicle along a Straight Course 185
A decentralized closed-loop solution to the routing problem in networks 165
Stability and Robustness Analysis of a Two Layered Hierarchical Architecture for the Closed Loop Control of Robots in the Operational Space 161
Task priority control of underwater intervention systems: Theory and applications 159
A new approach to the performance analysis of closed queueing networks 157
A task priority approach to cooperative mobile manipulation: Theory and experiments 156
Robust global stabilization of an underactuated marine vehicle on a linear course by smooth time invariant feedback 150
Design and analysis of a MAC-layer protocol for a car-to-infrastructure packet radio network 150
A model for combined user premises/local exchange dynamic bandwidth assignment in broad-band communication networks 150
An adaptive multiple access protocol for a packet radio network of mobile and fixed stations 147
Optimal Strategies for Multiclass Job Scheduling on a Single Machine With Controllable Processing Times 146
Manipulators Trajectory Tracking with Reduced Order Velocity Observers 145
Combined learning and identification techniques in the control of robotic manipulators 145
On stationary optimal strategies for team LQG control problems 144
Decentralized Scalable Dynamic Load Balancing among Virtual Network Slice Instantiations 143
Closed Loop Steering of Unicycle-Like Vehicles via Lyapunov techniques 142
On the Existence of Stationary Optimal receding-Horizon Strategies for Dynamic Teams with Common Past Information Structures 141
A decentralized team routing strategy among telecom operators in an energy-aware network 141
Analysis of deterministic discrete event systems via minimax algebra 140
On a closed loop time invariant position control solution for an underactuated 3D underwater vehicle: implementation, stability and robustness considerations 140
Independent stations algorithm for the maximization of one-step throughput in a multiaccess channel 139
Closed Loop Control of 3D Underactuated Vehicles via Velocity Field Tracking 138
Optimal strategies for real-time determination of the next job's class in a single machine with setup times and controllable processing times 138
A parametric optimization approach to admission control and bandwidth assignment in hybrid TDM networks 138
Adaptive bandwidth assignment in a TDM network with hybrid frames 137
A Simple Class of Functions for the analysis/optimization of robotic motions 132
Decentralized optimal control of Markov chains with a common past information set 132
Perturbation Analysis of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems via Minimax Algebra 130
Stability and Convergence Properties of a Learning Technique for the Control of Robotic Systems 130
Coordination and control of a team of mobile robots 130
Hybrid learning control for Constrained manipulators 129
Performance evaluation and comparisons of the R-ISA multiaccess protocol for packet radio 128
A planar path following controller for underactuated marine vehicles 127
Approximate performance and sensitivity analysis of closed queueing networks 127
Decentralized supervisory control of a set of mobile robots 126
A hierarchical scheme for capacity reallocation in the ISDN access 125
Closed Loop Smooth Steering of Unicycle-like Vehicles 125
Development of optimal routing policies in a queueing network 124
Smooth Attitude Feedback Control with Non-Holonomic Constraints 124
A simple Markov Chain for the extended Collatz problem 124
Application of Learning techniques in the hybrid control of mechanical manipulators 123
A Learning Procedure for Position and Force control for constrained manipulators 122
Multiple choices in assignment and sequencing for discrete event dynamic systems using minimax algebra 122
Decentralized strategies for input flow routing in computer communication networks 121
Dynamic routing, teams and neural networks in communications 121
Threshold policies minimizing customer mean flow time in simple (out-tree) queueing networks 121
On dynamic control of transportation systems in a manufacturing environment 120
A feasible approach to dynamic routing in networks based on distributed computation 119
Attitude Feedback Control: Unconstrained and Non-holonomic constrained cases 119
Contact Force canonical Decomposition and the Role of Internal Forces in Robust grasp Planning Problems 118
Guidance of 3D Underwater non Holonomic Vehicle Via Projection on Holonomic Solutions 117
A multiaccess scheme for the maximization of one-step throughput 117
On the existence of stationary team-optimal strategies for the maximization of the average expected throughput in a multiple access broadcast channel 117
Hybrid Learning Control techniques for the Manipulation of Rigid Objects 117
Decentralized dynamic routing as a Markov chain optimization problem 117
Use of neural networks in the solution of the control problem for a team of mobile robots 116
Optimal routing of customers with general independent interarrival times in deterministic parallel queues 114
Radio_ISA_Net: a centralized single-hop packet radio network for PC-to-mainframe interconnection 114
Smoothness of a Feedback Control Law for a Nonholonomic 3D Vehicle 114
Dynamic control of legged locomotion via a combined use of Learning and Variable Structure Techniques 114
Grasp planning for the coordinated manipulation of rigid objects 113
Decomposition of decentralized access strategies for a broadcast channel 112
Planar motion steering of underwater vehicles by exploiting drag coefficient modulation 110
I simulatori nei sistemi integrati di produzione 109
Analysis of the golf swing with a triple pendulum model 109
Dexterous Manipulation of rigid objects using Learning Hybrid Control Techniques 107
Optimization of capacity allocation among users and services in integrated networks 104
A comparative analysis of real-time policies for scheduling and routing in discrete manufacturing systems 104
The dispatching problem for congested parallel queues 103
Task Space Robot Control: Convergence Analysis and Gravity Compensation Via Integral Feedback 102
A triple pendulum robotic model and a set of simple parametric functions for the analysis of the golf swing 99
Perturbation analysis of discrete event dynamic systems for routing and scheduling optimization 99
On closed-loop routing strategies in Flexible Manufacturing Systems with different priority classes of workpieces 99
Optimal Decentralized Routing for a class of queueing networks 97
Multiclass closed queueing networks with deterministic service times and finite local buffers: an approximate performace analysis method 97
Contact Force Decomposition for the Grasping of Rigid Objects 96
Grasp force planning for the coordinated manipulation of rigid objects 96
Steering Marine Vehicles: a Drag Coefficient Modulation Approach 96
Closed-Loop Control of Unicycle-like Vehicles via Lyapunov-Lyke Techniques 94
Coordination and Control of a Team of Mobile Robots 93
Combined scheduling and routing in discrete manufacturing systems 93
Motion Learning in robotized mechanical systems 92
Alternative assignment and sequencing selection in a deterministic discrete-event system by means of the minimax algebra approach 91
Closed-Loop Steering for Unicycle-like Vehicles: a Simple Lyapunov-Lyke Approach 90
Dynamic routing policies in communication networks: the finite buffer case 90
Detaching Phenomena in the Learning Control of Rigid Objects 89
On the optimality of decentralized threshold quasi-stationary routing policies in complex deterministic networks 89
On the stabilization of the unicycle model projecting a holonomic solution 88
Determination of optimal control strategies for TSP by dynamic programming 88
On the existence of stationary decentralized access strategies for a multiaccess channel 87
Vehicle Manoeuvring and Multiarm Motion Coordination within Grasping Operations 84
Real time decentralized control of mobile robots 82
On team strategies for dynamic routing in packet-switched communication networks 81
Reduced Order Velocity Observers for Stable Manipulator Tracking 81
Scheduling of different jobs in a single machine with controllable processing times 80
Optimal routing in a simple network with deterministic arrivals and service times 79
Minimizing the customers mean flow time in simple queue networks: upper and lower bounds 79
Optimality of threshold policies in a simple deterministic network 76
On closed-loop routing policies in discrete manufacturing systems modelled as queueing networks 76
Moving base multiarm systems: coordination within object manipulation 74
Totale 11.701
Categoria #
all - tutte 32.267
article - articoli 7.239
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 24.101
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 927
Totale 64.534

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.378 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 159 281 493 325 120
2020/20211.057 132 72 167 151 36 45 122 53 87 99 48 45
2021/20221.239 36 94 39 159 17 116 123 238 44 121 98 154
2022/20231.279 127 55 6 110 200 255 8 76 232 7 184 19
2023/2024495 31 88 9 51 49 72 26 29 26 25 17 72
2024/20251.237 98 147 62 118 330 191 218 73 0 0 0 0
Totale 12.551