Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 22.045
Totale 22.045
Nazione #
IT - Italia 22.045
Totale 22.045
Città #
Genova 16.948
Rapallo 2.064
Genoa 1.880
Vado Ligure 1.136
Bordighera 17
Totale 22.045
Nome #
A thermodynamic approach to kinetics of reactions 160
Kirchhoff’s equations for the rigid body motion revisited 155
A closed-form solution for reflection and transmission of transient waves in multilayers 153
Evolution equations for non-simple viscoelastic solids 151
Solving linear differential equations by quadratures: comments on a general procedure 150
Thermodynamic restrictions and wave features of a non-linear Maxwell model 149
Acoustic and elastic scattering by continuously stratified media 138
A new approach to reflection-transmission between viscoelastic half-spaces 137
Harmonic waves in thermoviscoelastic solids 136
On uniqueness in linear viscoelasticity: a family of counterexamples 134
Temperature waves in rigid materials with memory 133
The law of mass action for fluid mixtures with several temperatures and velocities 133
Inhomogeneous waves in anisotropic dissipative bodies 132
General behaviour of inhomogeneous waves at interfaces 131
Thermodynamic restrictions and modelling of electromagnetic media 129
A thermodynamic approach to ferromagnetism and phase transitions 129
'Effects of site-binding and field-dependent permittivity in polyelectrolyte solutions 129
Riccati equations for wave propagation in planarly-stratified solids 128
Time-harmonic waves in viscoelastic media 128
On modelling reflection-transmission problems 127
Wave propagation in thermo-viscous magnetofluid-dynamics 127
Spatial interaction in magneto-micropolar continua 127
Wave propagation in a dissipative stratified layer 127
A boundary condition with memory in electromagnetism 126
On the law of mass action in fluid mixtures with several temperatures 126
Reflection and refraction at a fluid-porous medium interface 125
A model for cell migration in tumour growth 125
Formulation of equations of motion for a chain of flexible links using Hamilton's principle 125
Effects of magnetic exposure on ions drifted by electric fields 124
Path following for unicycle robots with an arbitrary path curvature 124
Dissipativity and irreversibility of electromagnetic systems 123
Convective instabilities of reacting viscous fluids far from equilibrium 123
Hamiltonian cosmology and gravitational solitons:a variational outlook 123
Noether-type conservation laws for perfect fluid motions 122
On conservation laws for incompressible fluids 122
Time-harmonic waves in pre-stressed dissipative materials 121
A thermodynamic approach to non-isothermal phase-field evolution in continuum physics 121
Inversion of reflection data in isotropic multilayers 121
Second sound and internal energy in solids 121
A phase-field approach to non-isothermal transitions 120
Reflection and transmission in pre-stressed stratified multilayers 120
Thermodynamics of apolar viscoelastic dielectrics 120
A study of swelling and collapse in polyelectrolyte gels 119
Continuous dependence on the source parameters for convective motion in porous media 119
Time-reversal invariance and thermodynamics of electromagnetic fields in materials with memory 119
Thermodynamic derivation of Saha's equation for a multitemperature plasma 118
On the continuum theory of mixtures: motivation from discrete considerations 118
Wave propagation condition in linear anisotropic viscoelastic media 118
Symmetry and reversibility in materials with hidden variables 118
Reversible processes in the thermodynamics of continuous media 118
Ray analysis of wave propagation in non-homogeneous viscoelastic fluids 118
Thermodynamics and isotropy in thermal and electric conduction 117
A lagrangian density for the dynamics of elastic dielectrics 117
Lagrangians for certain classes of inelastic solids 117
Two continuum approaches to a wavelength-dependent description of heat conduction 117
Electromagnetism of Continuous Media 116
Reflection and transmission in anisotropic dissipative multilayers 116
High field effects in liquid dielectrics 116
Interaction of waves with shocks in magnetofluid-dynamics 116
Dynamical equations of constrained robotic devices 116
One-way propagation in electromagnetic materials 115
Lagrangian and energy for nonlinear dielectrics 115
A continuum theory for first-order phase transitions based on the balance of structure order 115
Effects of constitutive properties on pressure and extent of reaction 115
Wave propagation and reflection-transmission in a stratified viscoelastic solid 115
Inhomogeneous waves in transversely isotropic solids 114
Direct and inverse problems in elastic multilayers with reflection data 114
Governing equations in non-isothermal diffusion 114
Jump relations and discontinuity waves in conductors with memory 113
Conservation laws in viscoelasticity 113
Thermoelasticity at cryogenic temperatures 113
On the generation of conservation laws in viscoelasticity 113
A variational approach to nonlinear dielectrics: application to polyelectrolytes 113
Balance and constitutive equations for diffusion in mixtures of fluids 113
Shock and wave relations in MFD with heat conduction and viscosity 112
Thermoviscoelasticity and invariance of the entropy production under time-reversal 112
Dissipative materials and variational formulations 112
The connection between variational principles in Eulerian and Lagrangian descriptions 111
Dynamics of a chain of flexible links 111
Thermodynamic restrictions on relaxation functions in linear viscoelasticity 110
Asymptotic ray theory in heterogeneous viscoelastic solids 110
Chemical convective instability and quasi-equilibrium thermodynamics 110
Gaussian beam propagation in dissipative solids 110
Decay, growth, continuous dependence, and uniqueness results in generalized heat conduction theories 110
Thermodynamics of nonlocal electromagnetism and superconductivity 110
Nonlocality and thermodynamic restrictions in phase-field models 109
Total reflection and tunneling of transient waves at a layer 109
An integral formulation procedure for the solutions to Helmholtz's equation in spherically-symmetric media 108
Dissipative effects and waves in magnetofluiddynamics 108
Split fields and direction of propagation for the solution to first-order systems of equations 108
Evolution equations for dissipative bodies and hyperbolicity 107
Addendum. Time-reversal invariance and thermodynamics of electromagnetic fields in materials with memory 107
Existence and uniqueness in the reflection-transmission problem 107
Optical activity and spatial dispersion 106
A new approach to the solubility in aqueous salt solution 106
Wave propagation in planarly-stratified multilayers 105
Electric field in nonlinear dielectrics 105
Viscoelastic solids with unbounded relaxation function 105
Isotropic-nematic phase transitions in liquid crystals 105
Uniqueness of the solution to the reflection-transmission problem in a viscoelastic layer 104
Totale 12.000
Categoria #
all - tutte 52.618
article - articoli 49.451
book - libri 1.274
conference - conferenze 205
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.688
Totale 105.236

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.383 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 528 1.012 596 247
2020/20211.330 79 131 73 95 74 170 38 117 140 135 124 154
2021/20222.483 62 112 64 312 120 262 212 622 97 273 33 314
2022/20232.478 264 111 33 266 389 468 3 269 472 12 154 37
2023/2024829 71 166 12 74 53 132 35 35 40 15 43 153
2024/20251.790 19 250 194 225 287 255 207 335 18 0 0 0
Totale 22.070