Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 5.846
Totale 5.846
Nazione #
IT - Italia 5.846
Totale 5.846
Città #
Genova 4.135
Rapallo 629
Vado Ligure 550
Genoa 528
Bordighera 4
Totale 5.846
Nome #
Experimental power curve of small-size wind turbines in turbulent urban environment 150
A numerical algorithm for the aerodynamic identification of structures 149
Measurement of Wind-induced Response of Buildings using RTK-GPS 139
The reliability of structures with uncertain parameters excited by the wind 132
Energy planning of sustainable districts: Towards the exploitation of small size intermittent renewables in urban areas 129
Serviceability criteria for wind-induced acceleration and damping uncertainties 127
The role of parameter uncertainties in the damage prediction of the alongwind-induced fatigue 126
Note: Design and test of a compact flexure z-stage for atomic force microscopy 125
Gust buffeting and turbulence uncertainties 124
Reliability analysis of wind excited structures 115
The debate on the strengthening of two slender masonry structures in early XX century: a contribution to the history of wind engineering 115
Probabilistic seismic damage scenario by mechanical models: the case study of Sulmona (Italy) 112
Full scale behavior of a small size vertical axis wind turbine 112
Optimal planning of the energy production mix in smart districts including renewable and cogeneration power plants 111
Uncertainties in the evaluation of one degree-of-freedom galloping onset 110
Gust buffeting and aeroelastic behaviour of poles and monotubular towers 110
Damping measurements of steel poles and tubular towers 109
Model reliability and propagation of frequency and damping uncertainties in the dynamic alongwind response of structures 107
Stochastic analysis of the linear equivalent response of bridge piers with aseismic devices 106
Serviceability criteria for wind-induced acceleration and damping uncertainties 106
Some research perspectives in galloping phenomena: critical conditions and post-critical behavior 106
Measurement of wind-induced response of buildings using RTK-GPS and integrity monitoring 104
Evaluating LCOE in sustainable microgrids for smart city applications 103
Decentralized generation in urban districts: Optimal planning considering uncertainties 101
Modeling and nonlinear seismic analysis of bridges with aseismic devices 99
The three-hinged arch as an example of piezomechanic passive controlled structure 97
Preliminary elements for an innovative eolic map of Italy 96
The reliability of structures with uncertain parameters excited by the wind 96
Dynamic Identification of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine 95
A numerical approach for the evaluation of wind-induced effects on inclined, slender structural elements 94
Una nuova metodologia per il rilievo del danno alle chiese: prime considerazioni sui meccanismi attivati dal sisma 93
A mechanical model for the seismic vulnerability assessment of old masonry buildings 91
A Mechanical method for the vulnerability assessment of masonry buildings 90
Damping of wind poles and monotubular towers under wind action 88
A generalized gust factor technique for evaluating the wind–induced response of aeroelastic structures sensitive to vortex-induced vibrations 88
Experimental assessment of the damping of steel poles and monotubular towers 85
Wind-excited response of harbor crane structural elements 85
Uncertainty propagation in the serviceability assessment of footbridges 84
The role of parameter uncertainties in the alongwind-induced fatigue damage prediction 83
Dynamic along wind response of base isolated buildings 81
POD analysis of the dynamic wind pressure on a tall building 78
Probabilistic turbulence modeling and uncertain gust buffeting 76
Analytical methods for estimating the gust-excited response of cantilever vertical structures 75
Experimental investigation on small size wind turbines 71
The actions and effects of wind on poles and monotubular towers 69
Il dibattito sul consolidamento della cupola di San Gaudenzio a Novara (1931-1945): un contributo alla storia della dinamica delle costruzioni in Italia 68
Full-scale monitoring of a light tower under wind action 65
The debate on the strengthening of San Gaudenzio dome in Novara (1931-1945): a contribution to the history of wind engineering 64
Uncertainty propagation in serviceability assessment of footbridges 63
Valutazione del coefficiente di struttura dell'involucro di un altoforno considerando gli effetti di instabilita'. 62
Validazione di scenari di danno ottenuti con modelli meccanici: il caso studio di Pettino (L’Aquila, 2009) 60
Introduction 59
null 57
La risposta all’azione del vento di elementi di gru portuali 56
Joint modelling and mapping of the parent population and extreme value distributions of the mean wind velocity 56
3-D Gust Effect Factor including aeroelastic effects 56
Structural response and fatigue assessment of a small vertical axis wind turbine under stationary and non-stationary excitation 54
Full scale monitoring of the wind excited response of a light tower 54
Modal properties of a vertical axis wind turbine in operating and parked conditions 53
Fatigue life assessment of a vertical axis wind turbine 52
Wind pressure measurements on a vaulted canopy roof 46
Ingegneria del Vento in Italia 2000 - Atti del 6° Convegno Nazionale di Ingegneria del Vento IN-VENTO-2000 43
Una nuova concezione della mappa eolica nazionale 39
Fatigue life assessment of a slender lightning rod due to wind excited vibrations 38
The Levelized Cost of Energy Indicator 38
Wind tunnel tests of a hexadecagonal cylinder with imperfections and ancillaries: aerodynamic characterization and technical discussion 37
Application to Real Case Studies 36
The Role of Energy Communities in the Energy Framework 35
Small Wind Good Practice: Small Wind Turbines Case Study Integrated in a Smart Grid 33
Dynamic Identification of a Lightly Damped Slender Structure Using Compressive Sensing 23
Sustainability to wind actions of a new roofing structure in a green university campus 20
Levelized cost of electricity in renewable energy communities: Uncertainty propagation analysis 18
Conclusions 16
Levelized Cost of Energy in Sustainable Energy Communities 15
VIV regimes and simplified solutions by the spectral model description 12
Totale 5.997
Categoria #
all - tutte 19.032
article - articoli 10.270
book - libri 113
conference - conferenze 6.341
curatela - curatele 166
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.142
Totale 38.064

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.205 0 0 0 0 0 183 252 93 148 288 174 67
2020/2021355 19 38 22 39 9 30 18 35 33 48 31 33
2021/2022836 17 55 62 81 28 117 44 184 45 68 35 100
2022/2023779 81 56 19 83 111 116 4 58 122 12 107 10
2023/2024354 14 56 9 47 27 46 8 19 20 19 38 51
2024/2025615 73 93 82 69 170 128 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.997