Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 9.628
Totale 9.628
Nazione #
IT - Italia 9.628
Totale 9.628
Città #
Genova 6.448
Rapallo 1.262
Genoa 1.047
Vado Ligure 834
Bordighera 37
Totale 9.628
Nome #
Sudden death due to aortic dissection in pregnancy: case report 173
Aspetti medico-legali e geriatrici del “maltrattamento” dell’anziano 172
A Survey on the Knowledge and Attitudes of Italian Medical Students toward Body Donation: Ethical and Scientific Considerations 169
Sudden death due to primary atrial neoplasms: report of two cases and review of literature. 168
Allogeneic hemopoietic SCT for patients with primary myelofibrosis: a predictive transplant score based on transfusion requirement, spleen size and donor type. 154
Short tandem repeat analysis of host's hepatocellular carcinoma by laser microdissection confirms the validity of safety procedures in liver transplantation: a forensic case. 151
Y-chromosome haplotypes in Italy: the GEFI collaborative database 147
Cardiac troponins and NT-proBNP in the forensic setting: Overview of sampling site, postmortem interval, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and review of the literature 143
Regulating the communication of genetic risk information: the Italian legal approach to questions of confidentiality and disclosure. 136
A fatal case of suicidal stabbing and cutting. 136
HLA-DQA1 allele and genotype frequencies in a northern Italian population 135
An unusual observation of tetragametic chimerism: Forensic aspects 132
Choice and Outcomes of Rate Control versus Rhythm Control in Elderly Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: A Report from the REPOSI Study 131
Analysis of a short tandem repeat locus on chromosome 19 (D19S253) 129
Sudden, unexpected death due to glioblastoma: report of three fatal cases and review of the literature. 127
Communication of Clinically Useful Next-Generation Sequencing Results to At-Risk Relatives of Deceased Research Participants: Toward Active Disclosure? 127
Analisi delle caratteristiche delle lesioni da taglio in un caso di autoscannamento 124
Implementation of the Frailty Index in hospitalized older patients: Results from the REPOSI register 123
Old age as alternative to illness: gerontological and medico-legal aspects 123
Sudden death due to isolated right ventricular infarction: a case report. 122
Histopathological study of multi-systemic AA amyloidosis with cardiac involvement: two fatal cases in forensic practice. 122
Fatal subarachnoid hemorrhage during sexual activity: a case report. 121
Individual identification of flood victims by DNA polymorphisms and autopsy findings 121
La responsabilità professionale per gli agiti auto o etero lesivi del paziente psichiatrico: tra diritto alla cura ed esigenze di controllo 121
Health management and patients who lack capacity: Forms of guardianship in European health policy 121
Fatal pulmonary thromboembolism. A retrospective autopsy study: searching for genetic thrombophilias (Factor V Leiden (G1691A) and FII (G20210A) gene variants) and dating the thrombus. 120
A fatal case of streptococcal and meningococcal meningitis in a 2-years-old child occurring as Waterhouse-Friderichsen Syndrome. 120
Sudden Death in Leigh Syndrome: An Autopsy Case. 118
The legal implications of error in radiology 117
A “de novo” mutation of the LDL-receptor gene as the cause of familial hypercholesterolemia. 116
When is myocarditis indeed the cause of death? 116
The role of genetic testing in cardiac deaths under suspicion of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: Validating a low-cost method and presenting preliminary data of an Italian retrospective study 115
Death caused by toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell syndrome). 114
Two fatal cases of hidden pneumonia in young people. 113
Fatal Cardiac Perforation after Percutaneous Treatment in Iliac Artery Occlusion. 111
Forensic evaluation of HUMCD4: An Italian Database 111
Audit of litigation against the accident and emergency radiology department. 110
A ‘de novo’ point mutation of the low-density lipoprotein receptor gene in an Italian subject with primary hypercholesterolemia 110
Long-term follow-up of two children with a variant of mild autosomal recessive osteopetrosis undergoing bone marrow transplantation 109
Prognostic value of degree and types of anaemia on clinical outcomes for hospitalised older patients 108
Endometriosis: seeking optimal management in women approaching menopause 108
Fatal disseminated histoplasmosis presenting as FUO in an immunocompetent Italian host 107
When is myocarditis indeed the cause of death? Reply to R.B. Dettmeyer, J. Lang, and C.G. Birngruber 107
Fatal methadone intoxication in an infant listed as a homicide 106
Elder abuse in Europe’s “most elderly” city: an assessment of the phenomenon and an analysis of the data from the Penal Court of Genoa from 2010 to 2015 106
Forensic applications of molecular genetic analysis: An Italian collaborative study on paternity testing by the determination of variable number of tandem repeat DNA polymorphisms 105
Fatal intrahepatic hemorrhage after nadroparin use for total hip arthroplasty. 104
Evidence of cytogenetic and molecular remission by allogeneic cells after immunosuppressive therapy alone 103
Low Transplant Mortality in Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation for Acute Myeloid Leukemia: A Randomized Study of Low-Dose Cyclosporin Versus Low-Dose Cyclosporin and Low-Dose Methotrexate 102
Establishment of Italian national DNA database and the central laboratory: Some aspects 102
HLA-DQA1 and amelogenin coamplification: A handy tool for identification 99
Autografting Followed by Nonmyeloablative Immunosuppressive Chemotherapy a d Allogeneic Peripheral - Blood Hematopoietic Stem - Cell Transplantation as Treatment of Resistant Hodgkin’s Disease and Non - Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 99
Orientamenti etici in psichiatria: lineamenti storici dall'Antichità al Rinascimento 96
Evento avverso postoperatorio e responsabilità penale del medico anestesista: tra posizione di garanzia e principio di affidamento 95
A Unusual Lightning Death in an Indoor Setting: A Case Report 90
Postmortem skin damage due to ants: description of 3 cases. 87
Aspetti medico-legali nella gestione del contenzioso nelle infezioni nosocomiali: l'esperienza dell'IRCSS AOU SAN MARTINO - IST nel quadriennio 2012-2015 86
Considerazioni medico-legali relative ad un caso di decesso per trauma cranico in carcere 85
Sudden cardiac death in a case of undiagnosed pericardial agenesis. 84
Fatal poisoning by butane sniffing: A forensic analysis and immunohistochemical detection of myocardial hypoxic damage 83
Informed consent for tracheostomy procedures in Intensive Care Unit: An Italian national survey 82
Morte conseguente a tamponamento cardiaco in un caso di omessa diagnosi di infarto miocardico acuto. Responsabilità professionale del medico di Pronto Soccorso 79
Engraftment of HLA-matched sibling hematopoietic stem cells after immunosuppressive conditioning regimen in patients with hematologic neoplasias 78
Descrizione di un caso di trauma cranico post mortale conseguente a manovre di rimozione del cadavere 76
Allele sharing in first-degree and unrelated pairs of individuals in the Ge.F.I. AmpFlSTR® Profiler Plus database 74
Inferring relationships between pairs of individuals from locus heterozygosities 74
The 2011 GeFI collaborative exercise. Concordance study, proficiency testing and Italian population data on the new ENFSI/EDNAP loci D1S1656, D2S441, D10S1248, D12S391, D22S1045 73
Le direttive anticipate di trattamento nella prospettiva del legislatore ed i riflessi medico-legali 71
L’ispezione corporale e gli accertamenti coattivi. Considerazioni etiche e medico-legali 70
Su un caso di morte asfittica in corso di intubazione orotracheale pre-anestesia su paziente con malformazione delle strutture del collo. 68
Studio sul rilievo della temperatura cadaverica tramite l'utilizzo di termometri a sonda rettale e ad infrarossi. 68
Physicians' perception of the importance of ethical and deontological issues in a major Italian Province: pilot questionnaire and its validation 68
Su un caso di decesso conseguente a massiva emorragia intestinale in soggetto con rettocolite ulcerosa cronica emorragica. 67
null 64
Self-determination, healthcare treatment and minors in Italian clinical practice: ethical, psychological, juridical and medical-legal profiles 63
Singolari esemplari di armi da fuoco rudimentali utilizzati nella pratica venatoria illecita, responsabili di ferimenti accidentali in campagna. 62
Su un caso di rifiuto di sottoporsi al test per la diagnosi di paternità: riflessioni medico–legali 62
Il danno biologico di natura psichica: panoramica concettuale ed evoluzione giurisprudenziale 61
L’autopsia può e deve migliorare le conoscenze geriatriche e gerontologiche 61
A retrospective analysis of suicides occurred in Genova during a 5-year period (2006-2010) and review of the literature 59
Balancing the “confidentiality duty” towards a deceased’s genetic information with the relatives’ right to health: A useful comparison between italian and dutch regulatory framework 58
A rare mutation in MYH7 gene occurs with overlapping phenotype 58
Il ruolo del consenso consapevole nella relazione medico-paziente. 56
Il danno da perdita di chances nell’ambito della responsabilità professionale medica. Discrepanze metodologiche tra la valutazione medico-legale e la valutazione del giudice 56
Indagini istocronologiche e genetiche nelle morti per tromboembolismo venoso: studio casistico alla ricerca di un protocollo metodologico-valutativo 55
Defining aging phenotypes and related outcomes: Clues to recognize frailty in hospitalized older patients 54
Diagnosi differenziale di vitalità delle lesioni craniche in un caso di omicidio per abbruciamento 54
Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator: un caso di registrazione dell’attività elettrica cardiaca in prossimità del decesso 52
Law 24/2017 and the medico-legal role in a self-retention system: Medical malpractice in the ligurian regional policy 52
Genetic ties: Dangerous relationships? Processing the genetic information of the deceased in the Italian regulatory framework. General lines and case report 52
Il piercing è un valido elemento identificativo ? considerazioni su un caso peritale 50
La procreazione assistita al vaglio della prassi 49
L’indagine medico-legale nelle complicanze della radiologia interventistica cardio-vascolare 47
Mancata diagnosi di infarto seguita da decesso Responsabilità professionale del medico di base 45
La responsabilità penale del datore di lavoro in un particolare caso d’infortunio mortale 40
Dall’informazione alla consapevolezza: la sperimentazione con gli esseri umani. 39
The collapse of an Italian cemetery into the sea: Forensic approach to human remains identification 38
The Italian code of medical deontology. Historical, ethical and legal issues 38
Totale 9.506
Categoria #
all - tutte 29.028
article - articoli 28.597
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 431
Totale 58.056

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.585 0 0 0 0 0 0 388 192 241 425 249 90
2020/2021621 39 59 69 49 41 51 27 59 55 76 51 45
2021/20221.219 40 65 60 188 47 121 78 257 53 102 35 173
2022/20231.469 111 97 33 165 218 255 7 116 219 28 197 23
2023/2024716 56 99 17 89 40 121 33 56 41 22 43 99
2024/20251.003 69 139 72 126 305 242 50 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 9.701