Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 23.714
Totale 23.714
Nazione #
IT - Italia 23.714
Totale 23.714
Città #
Genova 16.499
Rapallo 2.732
Genoa 2.231
Vado Ligure 2.182
Bordighera 70
Totale 23.714
Nome #
Microcalorimeter Measurements 185
First results of the calorimetric spectrometer for the beta decay of rhenium-187 181
Single Particle Thermal Detection in Superconducting Rhenium 164
TES microcalorimeter development for future Italian X-ray astronomy missions 159
Search for electron decay mode e→γ+ν with prototype of Borexino detector 159
Neutron irradiation of Mg11B2 : from the enhancement to the suppression of superconducting properties 158
Detection of the electron capture processes with microcalorimeters 154
Current Status of the BOREXINO experiment 154
Borexino 154
Critical field of magnesium diboride in substituted and irradiated samples 151
A phenomenological explanation of TES excess noise 150
The interstellar medium X-ray spectrometer (IMXS) 147
A large-scale low-background liquid scintillation detector: the counting test facility at Gran Sasso 147
The β-decay of 187Re studied with a cryogenic μ-calorimeter 146
Calibration and monitoring of the MEG experiment by a proton beam from a Cockcroft-Walton accelerator 144
Fabrication of field effect transistor based on carbon nanotubes 144
Development of iridium TES by pulsed laser deposition with a Nd:YAG laser 143
A monolithic superconducting micro-calorimeter for X-ray detection 142
Study of the δ-Al/Ag superconducting alloy for TES applications 142
Measurement of the 14C abundance in a low-background liquid scintillator 141
Performances of the CTF experiment in prospect of Borexino 141
Lithium versus chlorine: for the solution of the solar neutrino problem 140
Cryogenic detection of 7Be with beryllium metal absorber for lithium solar neutrino experiment 140
Adaptive system for microphonic noise suppression in microcalorimetric detector signal 140
EURECA: a European-Japanese microcalorimeter array 140
High Resolution Spectroscopy of the X-Ray Emission of GRBs by IMXS-BOSS on the ISS 139
Ir TES Electron-Phonon Thermal Conductance and Single Photon Detection 135
Possible detection of the 17KeV neutrino signal in electron capture 135
Liquid scintillators for large mass and low background detectors 134
Study of neutrino electromagnetic properties with the prototype of the Borexino detector 134
Enhanced flux pinning in neutron irradiated MgB2 134
Alternative Readout Electronics for Superconducting Transition Edge Sensors 134
Measurement of the radiative decay of polarized muons in the MEG experiment 133
The Cryogenic Anticoincidence Detector for ATHENA-XMS 133
Data analysis in β-spectroscopy with cryogenic detectors 132
A digital processor for nuclear spectroscopy with cryogenic detectors 131
Measurements of liquid scintillator properties for the Borexino detector 131
Calorimetric measurement of the 163Ho spectrum by means of a cryogenic detector 131
Large Area A-thermal Phonon TES Detector Mediated by the quasi-particle Diffusion Signal for Space Application 131
Interpretation of dc current-voltage characteristics of Ta(foil)Al---Ox---Al tunnel junctions on the basis of a modified McMillan's model of the proximity effect 129
A BeO microcalorimeter for the 7-Be electron capture decay measurement 128
Light propagation in a large volume liquid scintillator 128
The liquid handling systems for the Borexino solar neutrino detector 128
The Timing Counter of the MEG experiment: Design and commissioning 128
A simple inexpensive cryogenic bolometer 127
Behaviour in high magnetic fields of fine-mesh photodetectors for fast time-of-flight detectors 127
A radioactive point-source lattice for calibrating and monitoring the liquid xenon calorimeter of the MEG experiment 127
Development and characterization of scintillating fiber—APD-based detector 127
The Design of a Frequency Multiplexed Ir-Au TES Array 126
MANU-2: A second generation experiment for calorimetric neutrino mass determination with superconducting Re 126
Fabrication of Field Effect Transistors based on carbon nanotubes made by LASER ablation 126
Muon polarization in the MEG experiment: Predictions and measurements 125
A 16 channel frequency-domain-modulation readout system with custom superconducting LC filters for the SWIPE instrument of the balloon-borne LSPE experiment 125
163 Ho distillation and implantation for the HOLMES experiment 125
The Cryogenic AntiCoincidence detector for ATHENA X-IFU: A program overview 125
Positron timing and detection in the MEG experiment 125
THz Spectroscopy Using Low Temperature Mesoscopic Devices 125
Limits on the existence of heavy neutrinos in the range 50-1000 eV from the study of the 187-Re beta decay 124
A second generation experiment for direct neutrino mass measurement via 187Re β-decay 124
High resolution spectroscopy of the X-ray emission of GRBs by IMXS-BOSS on the ISS 123
Study of phenylxylylethane (PXE) as scintillator for low energy neutrino experiments 122
Ultra-low background measurements in a large volume underground detector 121
A high resolution timing counter for the MEG II experiment 121
DAQ electronics for borexino experiment 120
Measurements of extremely low radioactivity levels in Borexino 120
RLC Resonant Circuits to Read Out Transition Edge Sensors 120
New Limit on the Lepton-Flavor-Violating Decay μ^{+}→e^{+}γ 120
The Borexino detector at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso 120
163Ho Distillation and Implantation for HOLMES Experiment 120
Detection of 187Re beta decay with a cryogenic microcalorimeter. Preliminary results 118
Large area TES spiderweb bolometer for multi-mode cavity microwave detect 118
30-ps time resolution with segmented scintillation counter for MEG II 118
A study of the effect of different catalysts for the efficient CVD growth of carbon nanotubes on silicon substrates 118
The Borexino read out electronics and trigger systems 117
Development and commissioning of the 30 ps time resolution MEG II pixelated Timing Detector 117
The β-decay of 187Re studied with a cryogenic microcalorimeter 114
Tetrahedron: crossing different energy scales 114
The MEG detector for μ +→e+ γ decay search 114
Operation and performance of the trigger system of the MEG experiment 114
X-ray survey with microcalorimeters: from GRB in the far universe to diffuse emission in our galaxy 114
The TES-based cryogenic anticoincidence detector for IXO: First results from large area prototypes 114
Design and test of an extremely high resolution Timing Counter for the MEG II experiment: preliminary results 113
EURECA: a European-Japanese micro-calorimeter array 113
Effects of neutron irradiation on polycrystalline Mg11B2 112
MARE-1 in Milan: Status and Perspectives 112
The cryogenic anticoincidence detector for ATHENA-XMS: Preliminary results from the new prototype 112
A systematic study to characterize fine-mesh PMTs in high magnetic fields 112
A simple adiabatic demagnetization cryostat for device testing 112
A Study of the Excess Noise of Ir Transition Edge Sensors in the Frame of Statistical Models 112
Search for the lepton flavour violating decay μ+→ e+γ with the full dataset of the MEG experiment: MEG Collaboration 111
Application of a TES micro-calorimeter as high-energy resolution detector for hard X-rays at a synchrotron beam line 111
Status of the HOLMES Experiment to Directly Measure the Neutrino Mass 110
Study of Sensitivity Improvement for MARE-1 in Genoa 110
The microcalorimeter arrays for a rhenium experiment (MARE): A next-generation calorimetric neutrino mass experiment 110
High energy resolution thermal microcalorimeters for the HOLMES experiment 110
The MEG timing counter calibration and performance 109
Thermal properties of holmium-implanted gold films 109
Decay anomaly points to neutrino relics 108
New Constraint on the Existence of the μ^{+}→e^{+}γ Decay 108
Totale 12.898
Categoria #
all - tutte 79.492
article - articoli 59.820
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 11.695
curatela - curatele 301
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 7.676
Totale 158.984

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20204.530 0 0 0 0 0 696 874 412 573 938 808 229
2020/20211.784 161 144 144 106 85 217 166 183 155 200 117 106
2021/20223.134 123 250 281 311 85 188 208 692 204 265 190 337
2022/20233.199 255 336 45 339 433 612 20 228 543 25 327 36
2023/20241.775 69 217 60 231 147 477 96 154 74 23 76 151
2024/20252.283 112 363 271 360 645 532 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 23.933