Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 17.683
Totale 17.683
Nazione #
IT - Italia 17.683
Totale 17.683
Città #
Genova 12.230
Rapallo 2.346
Genoa 1.630
Vado Ligure 1.443
Bordighera 34
Totale 17.683
Nome #
A pneumotronic equipment for acoustic measurements 133
Pneumatronic unit for motion of bows 126
Pneumatronic unit for motion of bows 126
Spherical mapping of violins 125
An experimental workbench for innovative pneumatic units cooperant under distributed control 118
Slot-type rodless pneumatic actuators: an experimental identification methodology based on acceleration analysis 117
Performance comparison of violins through experimental force analyses 115
Testing and simulation of a bolted and bonded joint between steel deck and composite side shell plating of a naval vessel 115
Modelling, simulation and identification of fluid power systems: an educational integrated approach 114
The vibrating ultrafiltration module. Performance in the low frequency region 112
A user oriented computer code for the interactive dynamic simulation of multimasses systems 108
A complete user-oriented continuous systems simulation software 105
Advanced CAD procedures for modelling and simulation in the oil-hydraulic and pneumatic field 101
Mechanical and thermal testing of fluidic muscles 101
Low Cost Pneumatronic Unit for Pipes Inspection 100
A package of interactive user-oriented computer codes for the design of various types of machine foundations 99
On the experimental optimization and diagnosis of field bus pneumatic systems 98
Intelligent pneumatics and hydraulics 96
A pneumotronic unit for automatic manipulation of book material 95
Pneumatronics for handling of books 93
Some examples of expert systems for technical self-learning in the mechanical field 93
An oil-hydraulic workbench for advanced dynamic testing 92
Servo-pmeumatics applied to force control of pantographs: some experimental evaluations 91
Fluid power proportional actuators in perirobotics 91
An interactive user-oriented computer code for the design of six degrees of freedom systems supported by antivibrating mountings 90
A shock absorbers workbench based on virtual instrumentation 90
Servo-pneumatics in handling and assembling machines: an aspect of mechatronic design 89
A pneumatic parallel manipulator with servo and ASI integrated controls 89
Guida alla progettazione funzionale delle macchine. Esempi di soluzioni elementari 89
Low-cost experimental assessment of forces in the contact bridge-soundboard of stringed musical instruments 89
Vibration and acoustics of harpsichord soundboards through experimental modal analysis 88
Experimental investigation on resistance reduction by means of air-bubbling technique 88
On experimental identification and modelling of hose assemblies for high pressure oil-hydraulic applications 87
Flexible oil-hydraulic and pneumatic circuit design for industrial automation 87
Vibratory and acoustical comparisons on a baroque and modern mounted violin 86
A personal computer interactive package for the simulation of machine foundations 86
An educational integrated approach of modelling, simulation and identification for fluid power systems 84
Comparative evaluation of violins through sound quality analyses 84
A new multidisciplinary research team 83
Ammortizzatori oleo-pneumatici: un banco prova con strumentazione virtuale 82
Experimental modal analysis of bows 82
Experiences of innovative education in industrial automation: MODUS, an integrated mechanical design system on microcomputer 81
The vibrating ultrafiltration module - Performance in the 50-1000 Hz frequency range 81
Violins from baroque to modern mounting: an approach of scientific design 81
An experimental workbench for innovative pneumatic units cooperating under distributed control 81
Assessment of ship robotic inspections 81
Analysis of the Mechanical Behavior of Violins Based on a Multi-physics Approach 80
Infrared thermography of fluidic muscles 80
Recent developments in remote inspections of ship structures 80
Mechanical indentation by pneumotronics 78
Perirobotica e macchine speciali: due esempi di pneumotronica applicata 78
Mechanical modelling and simulation within a ‘smart’ handbook 77
Advanced procedures oriented to the selection and maintenance of mechanical components and systems 77
Parallel monitoring of sound and dynamic forces in bridge-soundboard contact of violins 76
HUMEX, a computer code for measurement and assessment of human exposure to vibration 76
Alcune applicazioni di CAD alla ricerca ed alla didattica nel settore dell’ingegneria meccanica 76
A new generation of technical catalogs: the ‘smart’ catalog on floppy disk 75
Sperimentazione in pneumotronica 74
Parametrical 3D structural co-modelling of stringed instruments 74
Aids to modelling and simulation through the integrated management of software on personal computer 73
A diagnostic "micro lab" for pneumotronic systems 72
An educational integrated approach oriented to modelling, simulation and identification of fluid power systems 72
Experimental study of frictional drag reduction on a hull model by air-bubbling 72
On the integrated management of computer codes library for the design in the field of mechanics 71
Identificazione meccanica di sistemi a fluido tramite supervisione di circuito 71
A shock absorbers workbench based on virtual instrumentation 71
Force analysis in the bridge-soundoboard contact of bowed instruments vs. generated sound: modelling and experiments 71
Validation of high performance pneumo-hydraulic shock absorbers 71
Monitoring of fluidic muscles by infrared thermography 71
Robotic inspection of ships: inherent challenges and assessment of their effectiveness 71
On the performance optimization of electro-hydraulic servoaxes 70
Experimental approaches on vibratory and acoustic characterization of harp-guitars 70
Unità pneumatiche cooperanti a bus di campo. Parte seconda: aspetti meccanici 69
Pneumatronics for handling of books 69
The solar dynamic power system concept: terrestrial experiences and their extension to space applications 68
Modelling oriented to the mechanical automation 68
Mechanical design based on the integrated management of a codes library on personal computer 68
Saper fare liutario 68
Elementi di Meccanica del suono: "vedere" il suono per dare forma alla musica 68
Verifica sismica di massima della torre per caldaia solare (impianto CEE-1MW). Seconda analisi 67
Integrated management of computer codes oriented to the interactive design of mechanisms on personal computer 67
Restoration of violins aided by structural vibration analyses 67
Indagine sull’influenza della verniciatura di un violino tramite analisi modale sperimentale 66
Unità di frenamento e bloccaggio per attuatori pneumatici lineari 66
A high safey and efficiency rudder actuation based on servo-controlled fluidic muscles 66
Innovative fluid power circuital techniques: an automatic integrated approach 65
Oil-hytronics for shock absorbers testing 65
On the simulation of fluid power systems: a new educational approach 64
Experiences of mechatronics applied to the design and management of oil-hydraulic and pneumatic systems 64
Idroguide per timoneria navale: elementi di progetto 63
Unità pneumatiche cooperanti a bus di campo. Parte prima: problematiche generali 63
Manipolazione pneumatica di materiale librario 63
Diagnostica di regolazione per ammortizzatori oleodinamici ”hi-tech” 63
On the hypermedial approach to the analysis of fluid power systems 63
Robot pneumatico parallelo a controllo proporzionale. Parte prima: meccanica del robot, analisi di modelli e controllo da PLC 62
Caratterizzazione di tubazioni flessibili per applicazioni di oleoidraulica ad alta pressione 62
Integrazione di tecniche non convenzionali in unità pneumatiche complesse 62
An user-oriented integrated package for modelling and identification of oil-hydraulic and pneumatic systems 62
A mechatronic "test room" for identification of advanced fluid power systems 62
Monitoraggio di ammortizzatori oleoidraulici 61
Totale 8.190
Categoria #
all - tutte 51.067
article - articoli 24.374
book - libri 3.331
conference - conferenze 21.341
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 131
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.890
Totale 102.134

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20203.789 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.178 106 275 1.185 793 252
2020/2021582 26 32 17 15 11 81 30 18 123 22 65 142
2021/20223.076 13 372 151 458 57 121 177 909 118 277 37 386
2022/20232.827 316 65 29 299 426 600 3 217 589 45 205 33
2023/20241.067 71 192 19 77 60 162 43 51 83 50 77 182
2024/20251.572 32 352 143 180 512 345 8 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 17.797