Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 4.123
Totale 4.123
Nazione #
IT - Italia 4.123
Totale 4.123
Città #
Genova 3.008
Rapallo 436
Genoa 343
Vado Ligure 331
Bordighera 5
Totale 4.123
Nome #
Case study: Design of flood control systems on the Vara River by numerical and physical modeling 150
Axisymmetric flow within a torsionally oscillating sphere 148
Quasi-Conservative Formulation of the One-Dimensional Saint-Venant-Exner model 133
Nearly pure sorting waves and formation of bedload sheets 133
Ripple and dune formation in rivers 131
Finite-Amplitude Alternate Bars 130
3D transport of a passive pollutant for wind-driven flows in enclosed basins 129
A note on the decay of vorticity in shallow flow calculations 128
Coupling or decoupling bed and flow dynamics: fast and slow sediment waves at high Froude numbers 125
Finite-amplitude river dunes 122
Flood control of the Vara River (North-western Italy) 121
Turbulence-driven secondary flows and formation of sand ridges 120
Bifurcation patterns in dune and antidune instability 114
Three-dimensional river bed forms 114
A decade’s investigation of the stability of erodible stream beds 109
A quasi-3D model of wind-driven circulation in enclosed basins 108
Alternate bars of finite amplitude: spatial analysis 106
Revisiting the linear theory of sand dune formation 105
Alternate bars of finite amplitude: spatial analysis 103
Wind effect in turbulence parametrization 102
Alternate bar instability: 2D vs. 3D modeling of the flow field 102
A linear analysis of 3D dunes and bars 96
Spatial development of alternate bars of finite amplitude 96
The effects of hydraulic jumps instability on a Natural river confluence: The case study of the Chiaravagna River (Italy) 95
Equilibrio morfodinamico e riduzione del rischio di esondazione del fiume Tanaro nell’attraversamento della città di Alessandria. 88
Wind-driven flow in shallow water 88
Topographic expression of bars in meandering channels 88
Ripples and dunes in rivers 88
Linear stability analysis of dune and antidune formation 87
null 83
Weakly nonlinear dynamics of dunes 76
Barre alternate di ampiezza finita: analisi spaziale. 73
Finite-amplitude free bars: a fully non-linear spectral solution 73
Introduction to Morphodynamics of Sedimentary Patterns 72
Experimental investigation on brine recirculation pumps in a desalination plant 69
L'evento del 4 Novembre 2011 a Genova 67
Longitudinal streaks 64
Morphodynamics and flood control. A case study: Cittadella bridge in Alessandria. 53
Profili di viscosità turbolenta per moti indotti dal vento in bacini chiusi 49
Sorting and bad waves in unidirectional shallow-water flows 49
Stability, resonance and role of turbulent stresses in 1D alluvial flows 26
Starved versus alluvial river bedforms: an experimental investigation 25
Modeling the Genesis of Sand-Starved Dunes in Steady Currents 22
Totale 4.152
Categoria #
all - tutte 12.061
article - articoli 6.491
book - libri 203
conference - conferenze 4.575
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 792
Totale 24.122

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020674 0 0 0 0 0 0 158 56 108 187 117 48
2020/2021255 15 13 10 49 12 20 19 27 35 18 18 19
2021/2022461 14 40 38 49 14 20 35 124 15 45 18 49
2022/2023531 54 32 11 59 53 83 2 42 88 2 93 12
2023/2024243 13 26 2 41 23 34 22 10 12 1 10 49
2024/2025354 29 65 44 59 77 78 2 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.152