Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 15.380
Totale 15.380
Nazione #
IT - Italia 15.380
Totale 15.380
Città #
Genova 9.852
Rapallo 1.996
Vado Ligure 1.800
Genoa 1.644
Bordighera 88
Totale 15.380
Nome #
Sudden death due to aortic dissection in pregnancy: case report 171
Sudden death due to primary atrial neoplasms: report of two cases and review of literature. 168
Self-Strangulation Through A Sphygmomanometer: An Uncommon Suicide 156
Sudden and Unexpected Death During Sexual Activity, Due to a Glial Cyst of the Pineal Gland 155
Short tandem repeat analysis of host's hepatocellular carcinoma by laser microdissection confirms the validity of safety procedures in liver transplantation: a forensic case. 151
A Rare Case of Fatal Bowel Obstruction Secondary to a Colonic Bezoar 144
Delirium resulting from traumatic brain injury as an acute risk factor for suicide: A case report and review of the literature 137
Immunohistochemical expression of P-selectin, SP-A, HSP70, aquaporin 5, and fibronectin in saltwater drowning and freshwater drowning 137
A fatal case of suicidal stabbing and cutting. 136
A comparative digital morphometric study of lung tissue in saltwater and freshwater drowning 134
Suicide due to four speargun shots: a case report. 133
The importance of computer tomography-imaging in a case of a gunshot wound with an atypical entrance wound 133
Intracranial insertion of a nasogastric tube in a case of homicidal head trauma. 132
Sudden, unexpected death due to glioblastoma: report of three fatal cases and review of the literature. 127
Unexpected sudden death due to acute myeloid leukemia subtype M5: A case report and review of the literature 125
Analisi delle caratteristiche delle lesioni da taglio in un caso di autoscannamento 124
A case of suicide by ingestion of caffeine. 124
Endothelial and smooth muscle cells from abdominal aortic aneurysm have increased oxidative stress and telomere attrition. 123
Sudden death due to isolated right ventricular infarction: a case report. 122
Histopathological study of multi-systemic AA amyloidosis with cardiac involvement: two fatal cases in forensic practice. 122
Sudden Death Secondary to an Undiagnosed B-Cell Lymphoma of the Hypopharynx and Infiltration of the Inferior Constrictor Muscle 122
Fatal subarachnoid hemorrhage during sexual activity: a case report. 121
Suicide with the latest type of slaughterer's gun. 120
Fatal pulmonary thromboembolism. A retrospective autopsy study: searching for genetic thrombophilias (Factor V Leiden (G1691A) and FII (G20210A) gene variants) and dating the thrombus. 120
A fatal case of streptococcal and meningococcal meningitis in a 2-years-old child occurring as Waterhouse-Friderichsen Syndrome. 120
Biochemical markers of fatal hypothermia. 119
The need for an interdisciplinary approach in forensic sciences: perspectives from a peculiar case of mummification. 118
Sudden Death in Leigh Syndrome: An Autopsy Case. 117
Nuove Norme per gli specialisti in Medicina Legale: Le novità proposte nel Simposio di Sanremo per la Riforma del Codice di Deontologia Medica 116
When is myocarditis indeed the cause of death? 116
Medico-legal considerations on "lotus Birth" in the Italian legislative framework 116
The role of genetic testing in cardiac deaths under suspicion of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: Validating a low-cost method and presenting preliminary data of an Italian retrospective study 115
MDMA Induced Cardio-toxicity and Pathological Myocardial Effects: A Systematic Review of Experimental Data and Autopsy Findings 115
Iatrogenic Horner Syndrome after a mini-invasive thyroidectomy procedure: case report and medico-legal implications of a rare complication in neck surgery 115
Two fatal cases of hidden pneumonia in young people. 113
Arrhythmogenesis and diagnosis of cardiac sarcoidosis. An immunohistochemical study in a sudden cardiac death. 113
Post-mortem fungal colonization pattern during 6 weeks: Two case studies 113
Death caused by toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell syndrome). 112
Suicide with "Florbert shotgun": case report. 112
Primary pulmonary arteries atherosclerosis: discovering an unusual cause of death in forensic practice 112
Application of age estimation methods based on teeth eruption: how easy is Olze method to use? 112
Instrumental misdiagnosis and colon perforation: an autopsy case. 112
Fatal Cardiac Perforation after Percutaneous Treatment in Iliac Artery Occlusion. 111
Fatal disseminated histoplasmosis presenting as FUO in an immunocompetent Italian host 107
A fatal and unusual iatrogenic fourth right lumbar artery injury complicating wrong-level hemilaminectomy: a case report and literature review 107
Myelopathy Due to Intracranial Dural Arteriovenous Fistula with Perimedullary Venous Drainage: Clinical and Medicolegal Aspects in a Case of Diagnostic Pitfall 107
Forensic pathological study of complex and complicated suicides: A twelve-year case series in Genoa (Italy) 107
Fatal methadone intoxication in an infant listed as a homicide 106
Elder abuse in Europe’s “most elderly” city: an assessment of the phenomenon and an analysis of the data from the Penal Court of Genoa from 2010 to 2015 106
First records of Synthesiomyia nudiseta (Diptera: Muscidae) from forensic cases in Italy 106
Medico-legal investigation in an explicable case of congenital central hypoventilation syndrome due to a rare variant of the PHOX2B gene 105
Clinical difficulties and forensic diagnosis: histopathological pitfalls of villus mesenchymal dysplasia in the third trimester causing foetal death. 105
Sudden death during medical thoracoscopy. 105
Fatal metformin overdose: case report and postmortem biochemistry contribution. 104
Fatal intrahepatic hemorrhage after nadroparin use for total hip arthroplasty. 104
Medicolegal aspects of donor safety evaluation. 103
A Fatal Case of Coin Battery Ingestion in an 18-Month-Old Child: Case Report and Literature Review 103
Computerised anthropomorphometric analysis of images: case report. 102
Determination of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin in Postmortem Samples in Ectopic Pregnancies 101
An unusual and fatal case of upper gastrointestinal perforation and bleeding secondary to foreign body ingestion 99
Medico-legal aspects of deaths related to neglect and abandonment in the elderly 99
Bishop dies and donates his body to science 99
Inundation in Genoa: cases report of six deaths 93
An Unusual Murder: Vasovagal Death From Atypical Stabbing to the Neck 93
Morte da occlusione intestinale in un caso di “Body Packer Syndrome” 91
A Unusual Lightning Death in an Indoor Setting: A Case Report 90
A Rare Vehicle-Assisted Ligature Hanging: Suicide at the Wheel 90
Sudden death during thoracoscopy: a case report 88
Transition of a Mallory-Weiss syndrome to a Boerhaave syndrome confirmed by anamnestic, necroscopic, and autopsy data: A case report 88
La copertura assicurativa nella sperimentazione clinica 87
Two fatal cases of high-voltage electrocution during theft of copper wires from the same abandoned warehouse 87
Unexpected and sudden death due to undiagnosed medulloblastoma in twin pregnancy: A case report 87
Postmortem skin damage due to ants: description of 3 cases. 86
Aspetti medico-legali nella gestione del contenzioso nelle infezioni nosocomiali: l'esperienza dell'IRCSS AOU SAN MARTINO - IST nel quadriennio 2012-2015 86
Considerazioni medico-legali relative ad un caso di decesso per trauma cranico in carcere 85
Aspetti giuridici e medico legali del danno differenziale 85
Cerebrospinal fluid PCR analysis and biochemistry in bodies with severe decomposition 85
Sudden cardiac death in a case of undiagnosed pericardial agenesis. 84
Fatal poisoning by butane sniffing: A forensic analysis and immunohistochemical detection of myocardial hypoxic damage 80
Morte conseguente a tamponamento cardiaco in un caso di omessa diagnosi di infarto miocardico acuto. Responsabilità professionale del medico di Pronto Soccorso 79
Medicine non convenzionali ed esercizio abusivo della professione sanitaria: questioni medico-legali in tema di responsabilità professionale 78
Rapida azione distruttiva sul cadavere da parte di fauna marina (crostacei isopodi) 78
L’omicidio d’arma da fuoco nel settorato medico-legale genovese nel decennio 1991-2000 78
Informed Consent and Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG): the difficulties of a single European viewpoint 78
Document A fatal case of iatrogenic aortic arch rupture occurred during a tracheostomy 77
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS): the role of multidisciplinary teams experience of the SIDS-ALTE Center of Regione Liguria 77
Una nuova fattispecie delittuosa: le mutilazioni genitali femminili 76
Medicina Legale per i Corsi di Laurea delle professioni sanitarie 76
Descrizione di un caso di trauma cranico post mortale conseguente a manovre di rimozione del cadavere 76
Un caso autoptico di fistola aorto-digiunale da rottura di aneurisma paraanastomotico dell’aorta addominale 76
Un caso di ingestione fatale di Malathion 75
Narcissism and violence: criminological understanding from a homicide case of complete decapitation 75
Immunohistochemistry in the Detection of Early Myocardial Infarction: Systematic Review and Analysis of Limitations Because of Autolysis and Putrefaction 75
Myelopathy due to intracranial dural arteriovenous fistula with perimedullary venous drainage: medico-legal considerations on a case of diagnostic pitfall 74
Sudden and unexpected death in childhood due to an undiagnosed hepatoblastoma: Case report and review of literature 74
Fistola ipofaringea post-chirurgica:ipotesi di responsabilità professionale 73
La lesività da arma bianca nel settorato medico-legale genovese nel decennio 1994-2003 72
Human mycodiversity in various stages from death 72
Morte conseguente all’uso di esplosivi nel settorato medico-legale genovese 72
La legge 335/95 : evoluzione legislativa del concetto di invalidità/inabilità ; norme ispiratrici e regolamento applicativo della legge ; riferimenti casistici dell’esperienza genovese relativa al Comune di Genova 71
Totale 10.456
Categoria #
all - tutte 52.621
article - articoli 52.020
book - libri 212
conference - conferenze 226
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 163
Totale 105.242

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20203.157 0 0 0 0 0 417 781 260 349 733 440 177
2020/20211.051 47 109 86 69 61 96 141 106 95 106 68 67
2021/20222.147 69 126 105 304 88 158 140 495 104 187 46 325
2022/20232.375 224 179 57 229 305 435 22 190 408 19 271 36
2023/20241.311 74 193 35 173 94 247 67 108 76 32 37 175
2024/20251.894 173 313 190 240 635 343 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 15.616