Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 6.694
Totale 6.694
Nazione #
IT - Italia 6.694
Totale 6.694
Città #
Genova 4.863
Genoa 702
Rapallo 607
Vado Ligure 515
Bordighera 7
Totale 6.694
Nome #
A new three step heuristic for the Master Bay Plan Problem 159
A matheuristic algorithm for a large-scale energy management problem 157
Performance evaluation of an adaptive ant colony optimization applied to single machine scheduling 146
Psychoacoustic optimization of the spacing of propellers, helicopter rotors and axial fans 142
An agent-based simulator for the evaluation of the measurement of effectiveness in the military naval tasks 140
Facing energy-aware scheduling: a multi-objective extension of a scheduling support system for improving energy efficiency in a moulding industry 137
Experimental evaluation of pheromone structures for ant colony optimization: application to the robot skin wiring problem 134
Field services design and management of natural gas distribution networks: a class of vehicle routing problem with time windows approach 132
A Stochastic Linear Programming Approach for Service Parts Optimization 131
A new self-adaptive pheromone model for ant colony optimization applied to scheduling 127
Application and experimental validation of pheromone design in ant colony optimization: the problem of robot skin wiring 127
A Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows Approach for Planning Service Operations in Gas Distribution Network of a Metropolitan Area 127
A dynamic optimization model for solid waste recycling 126
Simulated Annealing as an Intensification Component in Hybrid Population-Based Metaheuristics 124
A new discrete particle swarm optimization approach for the single-machine total weighted tardiness scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times 123
A tabù search approach for the master bay plan problem 120
A dynamic model for recycling: optimization of solid waste separate collection 119
A Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization approach for the Sequential Ordering Problem 114
A System Supporting the evaluation of the operational effectiveness of naval tasks based on agent simulation 113
An Agent Based Solution for Dispatching Items in a Distributed Environment 110
A metaheuristic approach for the operational planning of freight intermodal transportation 110
A general purpose Lagrangian heuristic applied to the train loading problem 109
Parallel machine total tardiness scheduling with a new hybrid metaheuristic approach 108
An optimization model for a large-scale energy management problem 107
A distributed service-based software infrastructure for trip planning in motorway auto-routes context 107
Heuristic approaches for the optimal wiring in large scale robotic skin design 106
Freight transportation in railway networks with automated terminals: a mathematical model and MIP heuristic approaches 106
Multi-agent framework for manufacturing sustainability analysis and optimization 104
A Swarm Intelligence Method Applied to Manufacturing Scheduling 102
On the problem of the automated design of large-scale robot skin 100
A system supporting the analysis of motorway traffic accidents 100
Solving the Sequential Ordering Problem with Particle Swarm Optimization 99
Optimal Planning of Door-to-Door Multiple Materials Separated Waste Collection 99
Optimizing train loading operations in innovative and automated container terminals 99
A new ant colony optimization approach for the single machine total weighted tardiness scheduling problem 97
Integer programming and ant colony optimization for planning intermodal freight transportation operations 97
A bi-objective heuristic approach for green identical parallel machine scheduling 97
A two-class traffic control scheme for reducing congestion and improving safety in freeway systems 97
An Agent Service Grid for Supporting Open and Distance Learning 96
A Mathematical Programming Approach to the Multi-Port Master Bay Plan Problem 95
Production planning of mixed model assembly lines: a heuristic mixed integer programming based approach 92
An overview of heuristic methods for the master bay plan problem. 89
A hybrid iterative decomposition approach to ROADEF 2010 89
A tabu search for the master bay plan problem: a case study 88
A Particle Swarm Optimization approach for the Sequential Ordering Problem 86
An experimental comparison of different metaheuristics for the Master Bay Plan Problem 85
Experimental analysis of different pheromone structures in an ant colony optimization algorithm in robotic skin design 85
Order-based freight transportation operation planning in railway networks 85
An ant colony optimization approach for the single machine total weighted tardiness scheduling problem with sequence dependent setups 83
A comparative analysis of solution algorithms for nonlinear freeway traffic control problems 83
Optimization approaches for the train load planning problem in seaport container terminals 82
A Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for the total weighted tardiness scheduling problems 81
A mathematical model for a parallel machine scheduling energy-aware problem in manufacturing 81
Energy-aware scheduling for improving manufacturing process sustainability: a mathematical model for flexible flow shops 81
Aggregate planning in general freight intermodal transportation networks 80
Freight transportation planning in railway networks with rapid transhipment terminals 79
An ant colony optimization approach for the single machine total weighted tardiness scheduling problem with sequence dependent setups 76
A new MIP Heuristic based on Randomized Neighborhood Search 71
Master bay plan problem : local search vs tabu search heuristics 69
Modelling and planning freight transportation operations in railway networks with fast transfer facilities at terminals 67
A Window-Based Local Search for a Large-Scale Job Scheduling Problem 67
Planning and optimizing train loading operations in container terminals: A comparison between a mathematical model and a greedy heuristic 66
Modelling the Multi/Port Master Bay Planning Problem 63
A Randomized Neighborhood Search MIP Heuristic 61
A context aware multi-robot coordination system based on agent technology 59
An Optimization Approach for the Train Load Planning Problem in Seaport Container Terminals 40
Order-based freight transportation operation planning in railway networks 7
Totale 6.778
Categoria #
all - tutte 19.453
article - articoli 7.553
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 8.969
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.931
Totale 38.906

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.115 0 0 0 0 0 0 245 97 149 298 242 84
2020/2021406 30 29 51 34 16 36 23 40 41 52 31 23
2021/2022834 26 54 102 99 26 52 74 164 33 70 44 90
2022/2023741 78 64 12 88 107 131 4 41 124 7 71 14
2023/2024390 21 43 14 41 36 87 23 12 19 29 20 45
2024/2025705 95 85 28 84 200 112 101 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.778