Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 11.382
Totale 11.382
Nazione #
IT - Italia 11.382
Totale 11.382
Città #
Genova 7.548
Rapallo 1.582
Genoa 1.328
Vado Ligure 902
Bordighera 22
Totale 11.382
Nome #
V-PARVUS 2010. An extendable package of programs for explorative data analysis, classification and regression analysis. Dip Chimica e Tecnologie Farmaceutiche, University of Genova. Free available at 399
Characterisation of table olive cultivar by NIR spectroscopy 182
A spectral transfer procedure for application of a single class-model to spectra recorded by different near-infrared spectrometers for authentication of olives in brine 167
Alternative common bases and signal compression for wavelets application in chemometrics 160
Artificial nose, NIR and UV-visible spectroscopy for the characterisation of the PDO chianti classico olive oil 159
Production of a novel fermented milk fortified with natural antioxidants and its analysis by NIR spectroscopy 152
Analysis and Classification of bacteria by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry and a Chemometric Approach 143
A NIR spectroscopy-based efficient approach to detect fraudulent additions within mixtures of dried porcini mushrooms 141
NIR and UV-vis spectroscopy, artificial nose and tongue: Comparison of four fingerprinting techniques for the characterisation of Italian red wines 138
Study of the aging and oxidation processes of vinegar samples from different origins during storage by near-infrared spectroscopy 128
Combining spectroscopic techniques and chemometrics for the interpretation of lichen biomonitoring of air pollution 128
Application of Chemometrics to Food Chemistry 127
Authenticity of commercial olives in brine: two laboratories, two different NIR spectrophotometers, a spectral transfer correction 123
CAIMAN brothers: A family of powerful classification and class modeling techniques 123
A new analytical platform based on field-flow fractionation and olfactory sensor to improve the detection of viable and non-viable bacteria in food 120
D-Optimal Design and PARAFAC as Useful Tools for the Optimisation of Signals from Fluorescence Spectroscopy Prior to the Characterisation of Green Tea Samples 120
Comparison between classical and innovative class-modelling techniques for the characterisation of a PDO olive oil 119
The potential of coupling information using three analytical techniques for identifying the geographical origin of Liguria extra virgin olive oil 118
Stepwise orthogonalization of predictors in classification and regression techniques: an “old” technique revisited 115
NIR spectroscopy as a tool for discriminating among lichens exposed to air pollution 115
Combining information from headspace mass spectrometry and visible spectroscopy in the classification of the Ligurian olive oils 115
Minimum Spanning Tree: Ordering Edges To Identify Clustering Structure 114
Combining excitation-emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy, parallel factor analysis, cyclodextrin-modified micellar electrokinetic chromatography and partial least squares class-modelling for green tea characterization 114
Complete validation for classification and class modeling procedures with selection of variables and/or with additional computed variables 112
Serum protein profiling in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases using selective solid-phase bulk extraction, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry and chemometric data analysis 111
Detection of minced beef adulteration with turkey meat by UV-vis, NIR and MIR spectroscopy 111
The impact of signal pre-processing on the final interpretation of analytical outcomes – A tutorial 111
Chemometrical strategies for feature selection and data compression applied to NIR and MIR spectra of extra virgin olive oils for cultivar identification 110
Characterization and discrimination of different aged "Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena" products by head space mass spectrometry and chemometrics 110
The information content of visible spectra of extra virgin olive oil in the characterization of its origin 109
Review: Near infrared spectroscopy for analysing olive oils 109
A new algorithm for seriation and its use in similarity dendrograms 107
Multivariate calibration 107
Spectroscopic fingerprinting techniques for food characterisation 106
An innovative multivariate strategy for HSI-NIR images to automatically detect defects in green coffee 106
UV-VIS spectroscopy for monitoring yogurt stability during storage time 105
A chemometrical approach for classification of vinegars by headspace mass spectrometry 104
Chemical modifications of Tonda Gentile Trilobata hazelnut and derived processing products under different infrared and hot-air roasting conditions: a combined analytical study 103
Optimisation of a new headspace mass spectrometry instrument. Discrimination of different geographical origin olive oils 102
Characterisation of PDO olive oil Chianti Classico by non-selective (UV-Visible, NIR, MIR spectroscopy) and selective (fatty acid composition) analytical techniques 102
Multivariate Classification Techniques 100
Modelling aroma of three Italian red wines by headspace-mass spectrometry and potential functions 98
Classification of pernambuco (Caesalpinia echinata Lam.) wood quality by near infrared spectroscopy and linear discriminant analysis 98
Detection of adulteration of Taggiasca olives in brine 98
Some remarks on multivariate calibration and classification 88
The effect of extraction methodology on the recovery and distribution of naphthenic acids of oilfield produced water 88
Multivariate range modeling, a new technique for multivariate class modeling. The uncertainty of the estimates of sensitivity and specificity 87
Correlation Structure of Spectra in NIR Spectroscopy 87
White paper: NIR Spectroscopy and Wine Class-modeling for the characterization of Italian red wine 87
Alternative common bases for wavelets application in chemometrics 85
NIR application to unmasking adulteration of Taggiasca olives in brine 84
Varietal discrimination of extra virgin olive oils by near and mid infrared spectroscopy 84
NIR spectroscopy and Class-modelling techniques for the geographical authentication of Ligurian Extra Virgin Olive Oil 84
Strategies for sampling of typical foods. 83
Serum protein profiling in inflammatory bowel disease by matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization - time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) 83
Utilizzo della spettroscopia NIR per la caratterizzazione di latte fermentato probiotico 81
Characterization of a probiotic fermented milk 80
Classifying aroma of two Italian red wines by headspace-mass spectrometry and chemometrics 79
Serum protein profiling in inflammatory bowel disease by matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization - time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) and chemometric approach 79
Strumenti chemiometrici per la NIR. Multivariate Range Modeling: basi teoriche e confronto con UNEQ e SIMCA 78
Combining information from HS-MS, UV-Visible and NIR spectrodcopy in the geographycal origin identification of the Liguria olive oil 77
Characterisation of Ligurian foodstuffs by NIR spectroscopy 77
Study of the aging and oxidation processes of vinegar samples from different origins during storage by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy 76
A new class-modelling method 76
Application of Chemometrics in the Food Sciences 76
Combining Information from HS-MS, UV-VISIBLE and NIR Spectroscopy in the geographical origin identification of the Liguria olive oil 73
Non Destructive Methods to Select Tropical Amazon Woods for Musical Instrument Production 71
A chemometric strategy to evaluate the comparability of PLS models obtained from quartz cuvettes and disposable glass vials in the determination of extra virgin olive oil quality parameters by NIR spectroscopy 71
Classification and class modeling techniques: problem, sampling, method, evaluation 70
Chemometrics: multivariate analysis of chemical data 70
Sampling Design: a case study 69
Stepwise Orthogonalisation of Predictors in NIR Spectroscopy 68
Non-selective signals in food analysis 68
Authenticity assessment of commercial olives in brine 67
Spettroscopia NIR per la caratterizzazione di alimenti funzionali: studio di un latte fermentato probiotico 66
Usefulness of an electronic olfactory system based on metal oxide semiconductor sensors for the rapid classification of different bacterial species in vitro 65
MALDI-TOF MS protein profiling using selective extraction with derivatized cellulose and chemometric analysis: from hepatitis C to hepatocellular carcinoma 65
Un approccio iperspettrale NIR per il rilevamento automatico di difetti nel caffè verde 65
Selective solid phase extraction for direct MALDI-TOF MS profiling of serum proteins. 63
Discrimination between lichens according to their exposure to pollutants by NIR spectroscopy 63
Alternative common basis for wavelet compression of NIR spectra and their application to food samples 62
Metodi chemiometrici di modellamento in HS-MS di campioni di olio di oliva extra vergine Ligure. 61
Caratterizzazione di Rosmarinus spp. ligure mediante spettroscopia NIR 61
Chapter 10: Chemometrics: Basic principles and applications 61
NIRS fingerprints per la caratterizzazione di due vini rossi italiani: modellamento con SIMCA (Soft Independent Modeling of Class Analogy) 60
Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in lichens, biomonitors of airpollution 60
Ageing and oxidation processes of olive oil samples during storage followed by near infrared spectroscopy 59
Molecular Docking and QSAR Studies as Computational Tools Exploring the Rescue Ability of F508del CFTR Correctors 59
NIR hyperspectral imaging combined with chemometrics for the monitoring of water patterns during dehydration of nonvascular epiphytic communities 58
Chemometric models for characterization of typical food 58
Classificazione e modellamento. Olio di oliva Ligure. Risultati naso elettronico 58
A spectral transfer procedure for application of a single class-model to spectra recorded by different instruments for olive authentication purposes 58
Principal Component Analysis applied to the qualitative evaluation of the origin of wines in EU project WINE DB 57
Detection of bovine meat adulteration by UV-VIS, NIR and MIR spectroscopy 56
Spettroscopia NIR nella valutazione della qualità di legni per promuovere una gestione sostenibile della foresta tropicale 56
Scelta di predittori rilevanti mediante decorrelazione preceduta da tecniche di eliminazione di predittori non informativi 55
New insights into the binding features of f508del cftr potentiators: A molecular docking, pharmacophore mapping and qsar analysis approach 55
Studio del profilo di espressione proteica di colture batteriche a diversi tempi di crescita mediante spettrometria di massa MALDI-TOF di cellule intere ed analisi multivariata 54
Pros and cons of image texture analysis on hyperspectral datacubes: the flour case-study 51
Totale 9.442
Categoria #
all - tutte 37.448
article - articoli 18.926
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 16.302
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 670
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.550
Totale 74.896

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.260 0 0 0 0 216 272 409 129 204 556 340 134
2020/2021835 29 109 67 58 94 83 46 82 75 84 74 34
2021/20221.719 39 135 182 186 36 92 71 430 98 141 90 219
2022/20231.944 189 159 45 206 304 320 10 161 302 14 194 40
2023/2024991 53 114 36 115 82 121 82 93 62 41 73 119
2024/2025944 90 219 142 172 321 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 11.613