Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 5.842
Totale 5.842
Nazione #
IT - Italia 5.842
Totale 5.842
Città #
Genova 4.404
Vado Ligure 506
Genoa 493
Rapallo 423
Bordighera 16
Totale 5.842
Nome #
0-π phase-controllable thermal Josephson junction 266
Robustness of non-abelian holonomic quantum gates against parametric noise 173
Non-adiabatic geometrical quantum gates in semiconductor quantum dots 149
On the stability of quantum holonomic gates 145
Computation of transient dynamics of energy power for a dissipative two state system 145
Fidelity optimization for holonomic quantum gates in dissipative environments 141
Environmental noise reduction for holonomic quantum gates 139
Semiconductor-based Geometrical Quantum Gates 120
Metallic supercurrent field-effect transistor 117
Heat-exchange statistics in driven open quantum systems 114
Distribution of entropy production in a single-electron box 100
Dynamical properties across a quantum phase transition in the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model 100
A Josephson radiation comb generator 99
Josephson Thermal Memory 95
Decoherence of adiabatically steered quantum systems 94
Brownian refrigeration by hybrid tunnel junctions 94
Coherent diffraction of thermal currents in long Josephson tunnel junctions 91
Coherent manipulation of thermal transport by tunable electron-photon and electron-phonon interaction 90
Functional integral approach to time-dependent heat exchange in open quantum systems: general method and applications 89
Calorimetric measurement of work in a quantum system 88
Adiabatically steered open quantum systems: Master equation and optimal phase 87
Coherent caloritronics in josephson-based nanocircuits 87
Cooper-pair current in the presence of flux noise 86
Conservation law of operator current in open quantum systems 86
Field-Effect Controllable Metallic Josephson Interferometer 85
Coherent diffraction of thermal currents in Josephson tunnel junctions 85
Entanglement generation between unstable optically active qubits without photodetectors 85
Geometric quantum gates with superconducting qubits 84
Decoherence in adiabatic quantum evolution: Application to cooper pair pumping 84
Environment-governed dynamics in driven quantum systems 84
Ferromagnetic-Insulator-Based Superconducting Junctions as Sensitive Electron Thermometers 82
Moments of work in the two-point measurement protocol for a driven open quantum system 82
Full distribution of work done on a quantum system for arbitrary initial states 80
Ultra-Efficient Superconducting Dayem Bridge Field-Effect Transistor 80
Microwave quantum refrigeration based on the Josephson effect 79
Nonlinear Critical-Current Thermal Response of an Asymmetric Josephson Tunnel Junction 79
Negative differential thermal conductance and heat amplification in superconducting hybrid devices 78
Spectral representation of the heat current in a driven Josephson junction 78
Measurement scheme for the Lamb shift in a superconducting circuit with broadband environment 77
Quantum gradient evaluation through quantum non-demolition measurements 76
Holonomic quantum gates: a semi-conductor based implementation 76
Josephson-Threshold Calorimeter 75
Probing quantum interference effects in the work distribution 74
Phase-coherent solitonic Josephson heat oscillator 74
Proximity SQUID Single-Photon Detector via Temperature-to-Voltage Conversion 74
Radiation comb generation with extended Josephson junctions 74
Hysteretic Superconducting Heat-Flux Quantum Modulator 73
Work and its fluctuations in a driven quantum system 73
Energy Exchange in Driven Quantum Systems at Strong Coupling 72
Solitonic thermal transport in a current-biased long Josephson junction 72
Non-Abelian geometric phases in ground-state Josephson devices 72
Ground-state geometric quantum computing in superconducting systems 72
Measurement-dependent corrections to work distributions arising from quantum coherences 72
Magnetotransport experiments on fully metallic superconducting dayem-bridge field-effect transistors 71
Thermal flux-flow regime in long Josephson tunnel junctions 71
Solitonic Josephson Thermal Transport 70
Single Cooper-pair pumping in the adiabatic limit and beyond 70
Photonic heat conduction in Josephson-coupled Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer superconductors 69
Destroying superconductivity in thin films with an electric field 66
Lamb-shift enhancement and detection in strongly driven superconducting circuits 65
Solitonic Josephson-based meminductive systems 64
Ancilla-assisted measurement of quantum work 61
null 58
null 56
Electrically tunable superconductivity through surface orbital polarization 49
Quantum driving and work 48
Sauter-Schwinger Effect in a Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer Superconductor 46
Measurement of work and heat in the classical and quantum regimes 32
Quasiprobabilities of work and heat in an open quantum system 27
Inductive Superconducting Quantum Interference Proximity Transistor: The L-SQUIPT 11
Geometric Landau-Zener interferometry 11
Parasitic effects in superconducting quantum interference device-based radiation comb generators 10
Field-effect control of metallic superconducting systems 8
Totale 6.009
Categoria #
all - tutte 19.028
article - articoli 18.770
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 258
Totale 38.056

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.993 0 0 0 0 0 293 469 281 287 319 242 102
2020/2021864 71 83 136 60 73 70 40 85 74 94 43 35
2021/2022882 54 72 37 75 48 29 74 184 73 89 53 94
2022/2023536 72 48 7 19 62 53 10 52 68 9 125 11
2023/2024348 20 34 8 43 16 35 17 15 10 29 41 80
2024/2025560 14 88 25 61 194 178 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.009