Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 29.218
Totale 29.218
Nazione #
IT - Italia 29.218
Totale 29.218
Città #
Genova 19.547
Genoa 4.242
Rapallo 2.884
Vado Ligure 2.497
Bordighera 48
Totale 29.218
Nome #
Glutathione-mediated antioxidant response and aerobic metabolism: two crucial factors involved in determining the multi-drug resistance of high-risk neuroblastoma 209
Microarray expression in peri-implant tissue next to different titanium implant surfaces predicts clinical outcomes: a split-mouth study. 178
Formazione di addotti al DNA valutati mediante post-marcatura con 32P e spettrofotometria a fluorescenza sincrona. 173
Accelerated repair and reduced mutagenicity of DNA damage induced by cigarette smoke in human bronchial cells transfected with E.coli formamidopyrimidine DNA glycosylase. 171
Assay of lapatinib in murine models of cigarette smoke carcinogenesis. 171
Aqueous humor oxidative stress proteomic levels in primary open angle glaucoma. 171
Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome, a rare neurological disease in children: A new autoimmune disorder? 160
Molecular medicine and the development of cancer chemopreventive agents. 160
Lack of mutations in K-ras codons 12 and 13 in human atherosclerotic lesions. 159
Brain microglia activation induced by intracranial administration of oligonucleotides and its pharmacological modulation 154
Mutagenicity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon fractions extracted from urban air particulates 153
Mitochondrial damage in the trabecular meshwork occurs only in primary open-angle glaucoma and in pseudoexfoliative glaucoma. 153
Oxidative damage and autophagy in the human trabecular meshwork as related with ageing. 152
Drug metabolism polymorphisms as modulators of cancer susceptibility. 149
Different Mutations in Three Prime Repair Exonuclease 1 and Ribonuclease H2 Genes Affect Clinical Features in Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome. 149
Genomic and post-genomic effects of anti-glaucoma drugs preservatives in trabecular meshwork 149
Chemoprevention of genome, transcriptome, and proteome alterations induced by cigarette smoke in rat lung 148
Environmental carcinogens and mutational pathways in atherosclerosis 148
Dose-responsiveness and persistence of microRNA expression alterations induced by cigarette smoke in mouse lung. 146
Rationale and approaches to the prevention of smoking-related diseases: overview of recent studies on chemoprevention of smoking-induced tumors in rodent models. 145
Helicobacter pylori, oxidative stress and glaucoma. 144
Formation of adducts by bisphenol A, an endocrine disruptor, in DNA in vitro and in liver and mammary tissue of mice. 144
The roles of MIR-26, MIR-29, and MIR-203 in the silencing of the epigenetic machinery during melanocyte transformation 144
Experimental databases on inhibition of the bacterial mutagenicity of 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide and cigarette smoke 143
Modulation by phenethyl isothiocyanate and budesonide of molecular and histopathologic alterations induced by environmental cigarette smoke in mice. 142
Interferon-related transcriptome alterations in the cerebrospinal fluid cells of Aicardi-Goutières patients 141
Modulation by aspirin and naproxen of nucleotide alterations and tumors in the lung of mice exposed to environmental cigarette smoke since birth 141
Brain damage as detected by cDNA-microarray in the spinal fluid of patients with Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome 140
Alterations of gene expression in skin and lung of mice exposed to light and cigarette smoke 140
Photoactivation of mutagens 139
Duration of exposure to environmental carcinogens affects DNA-adduct level in human lymphocytes. 139
Ability of dorzolamide hydrochloride and timolol maleate to target mitochondria in glaucoma therapy. 139
Detection of the '4977 bp' mitochondrial DNA deletion in human atherosclerotic lesions. 137
MicroRNAs: modulators of cell identity, and their applications in tissue engineering. 135
Antioxidant activity and other mechanisms of thiols in chemoprevention of mutation and cancer 135
Genomic and transcriptional alterations in mouse fetus liver after transplacental exposure to cigarette smoke 135
New proteins as vascular biomarkers in primary open angle glaucomatous aqueous humor. 135
A novel calix[4]pyrrole derivative as a potential anticancer agent that forms genotoxic adducts with DNA 135
The Aicardi-Goutières syndrome. Molecular and clinical features of RNAse deficiency and microRNA overload. 134
Biological monitoring of Italian soldiers deployed in Iraq. Results of the SIGNUM project 134
Cause of death among people with AIDS in Liguria (Italy). A different pattern for intravenous drug users? 133
Modulation of apoptosis by cancer chemopreventive agents. 133
Effect of solar irradiation on mutagens and impact of sea pollution on the biotransformation of carcinogens in fish livers 133
Etoposide-resistance in a neuroblastoma model cell line is associated with 13q14.3 mono-allelic deletion and miRNA-15a/16-1 down-regulation 133
Pulmonary alveolar macrophages in molecular epidemiology and chemoprevention of cancer 133
Modulation by metformin of molecular and histopathological alterations in the lung of cigarette smoke-exposed mice 132
Cytosolic activation of aromatic and heterocyclic amines. Inhibition by dicoumarol and enhancement in viral hepatitis B. 132
Chemoprevention of smoke-related DNA adduct formation in rat lung and heart 131
Oxidative stress and glaucoma: injury in the anterior segment of the eye 130
The effects of environmental chemical carcinogens on the microRNA machinery. 130
Release of MicroRNAs into body fluids from ten organs of mice exposed to cigarette smoke 130
The Outflow Pathway: A Tissue With Morphological and Functional Unity 129
Lack of genotoxic effects in hematopoietic and gastrointestinal cells of mice receiving chromium(VI) with the drinking water 128
Pharmacological modulation of genome and proteome alterations in mice treated with the endocrine disruptor bisphenol A 128
Smoke-induced microRNA and related proteome alterations. Modulation by chemopreventive agents. 128
Mechanisms of N-acetylcysteine in the prevention of DNA damage and cancer, with special reference to smoking-related end-points 127
Upregulation of stem cell antigen–1 in the lung of neonatal mice exposed to environmental cigarette smoke 127
Dental Implants Osteogenic Properties Evaluated by cDNA Microarrays 127
Modulation of cigarette smoke–related end–points in mutagenesis and carcinogenesis 126
Inhibition of the de-myelinating properties of Aicardi-Goutières Syndrome lymphocytes by cathepsin D silencing 126
Enhanced metabolic activation of chemical hepatocarcinogens in woodchucks infected with hepatitis B virus. 125
MicroRNAs as targets for dietary and pharmacological inhibitors of mutagenesis and carcinogenesis. 125
Focus on molecular events in the anterior chamber leading to glaucoma. 123
Chemopreventive properties and mechanisms of N-Acetylcysteine. The experimental background 122
DNA damage and alterations of gene expression in chronic-degenerative diseases. 122
Degenerative periodontal diseases and oral osteonecrosis: the role of gene-environment interactions 122
Early and late effects of aspirin and naproxen on microRNAs in the lung and blood of mice, either unexposed or exposed to cigarette smoke 122
Less than additive interaction between cigarette smoke and chromium(VI) in inducing clastogenic damage in rodents 121
Biomarkers in chemoprevention (Abstr.) 120
Chemoprevention of smoke-related biomarkers (Abstr.) 120
Proteome alterations in primary open angle glaucoma aqueous humor 120
Modulation of microRNA expression by budesonide, phenethyl isothiocyanate, and cigarette smoke in mouse liver and lung. 120
Molecular diagnostics of ocular diseases: the application of antibody microarray 120
Blood and lung microRNAs as biomarkers of pulmonary tumorigenesis in cigarette smoke-exposed mice 120
Gene environment interactions in non-cancer degenerative diseases 119
Mitochondrial damage in the trabecular meshwork of patients with glaucoma. 119
Ozone air pollution and daily mortality in Genoa, Italy between 1993 and 1996. 119
No effect of treatment with carcinogens on cytosine methylation of mitochondrial DNA isolated from rat organs by phenol-free alkaline extraction. 119
Complex relationships between occupation, environment, DNA adducts, genetic polymorphisms and bladder cancer in a case-control study using a structural equation modeling. 118
Molecular Damage in Glaucoma: from Anterior to Posterior Eye Segment. The MicroRNA Role 118
Selective induction of gene expression in rat lung by hexavalent chromium 116
Environmental light and endogenous antioxidants as the main determinants of non-cancer ocular diseases 116
Carcinogen-DNA adducts in human alveolar macrophages. 116
Exposing native cyprinid (Barbus plebejus) juveniles to river sediments leads to gonadal alterations, genotoxic effects and thyroid disruption. 116
Oxidative DNA damage in the human trabecular meshwork: clinical correlation in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma 115
Trabecular meshwork gene expression after selective laser trabeculoplasty. 115
High susceptibility of neonatal mice to molecular, biochemical and cytogenetic alterations induced by environmental cigarette smoke and light 115
Biphosphonates-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw: the role of gene-environment interaction 115
Prevention by N-acetylcysteine of benzo(a)pyrene clastogenicity and DNA adducts in rats 115
Interaction between Helicobacter pylori, diet, and genetic polymorphisms as related to non-cancer diseases 114
Upregulation of clusterin in prostate and DNA damage in spermatozoa from bisphenol A-treated rats and formation of DNA adducts in cultured human prostatic cells. 114
Modulation of genomic and epigenetic end-points by celecoxib 114
A Global MicroRNA Profile in Fanconi Anemia: A Pilot Study 114
Inhibition by N-acetylcysteine of carcinogen-DNA adducts in the tracheal epithelium of rats exposed to cigarette smoke. 113
Influence of FHIT on benzo[a]pyrene-induced tumors and alopecia in mice: chemoprevention by budesonide and N-acetylcysteine 113
Modulation of genomic and postgenomic alterations in noncancer diseases and critical periods of life. 112
Glaucoma and Helicobacter pylori infection: correlations and controversies. 111
Clinical predictivity of genetic tests for thromboembolism. 111
Antigenotoxic and cancer preventive mechanisms of N–acetyl–L–cysteine 111
Totale 13.384
Categoria #
all - tutte 93.494
article - articoli 85.966
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 1.900
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 5.628
Totale 186.988

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 663 1.224 823 289
2020/20211.976 132 155 150 142 118 204 91 178 186 235 182 203
2021/20223.513 88 215 254 454 124 218 176 863 220 316 160 425
2022/20233.491 354 218 29 354 511 711 15 255 645 22 329 48
2023/20241.953 87 272 50 241 180 352 143 118 90 55 133 232
2024/20254.318 187 455 190 438 847 639 607 899 56 0 0 0
Totale 29.651