Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 9.340
Totale 9.340
Nazione #
IT - Italia 9.340
Totale 9.340
Città #
Genova 6.405
Genoa 1.334
Rapallo 860
Vado Ligure 714
Bordighera 27
Totale 9.340
Nome #
Non-holonomic Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics: an intrinsic approach 168
Floating rigid bodies: a note on the conservativeness of the hydrostatic effects 155
Anti-windup Synthesis of Heading and Speed Regulators for Ship Control with Actuator Saturation 153
A mathematical model of the propeller pitch change mechanism for the marine propulsion control design 152
A new presymplectic geometrical framework for time-dependent Lagrangian systems: the constraint algorithm and the second-order differential equation problem 150
Design and Validation of Dynamic Positioning for Marine Systems: a Case Study 150
Small oscillations of non-dissipative Lagrangian systems 150
Dynamic Positioning system of a vessel with conventional propulsion configuration: Modeling and simulation 148
F(R) theories with torsion: mathematical features 147
Running coupling in electroweak interactions of leptons from f(R)-gravity with torsion 145
Exact solutions for Weyl fermions with gravity 145
The geometrical framework for Yang-Mills theories 143
Simulation of a marine dynamic positioning system equipped with cycloidal propellers 141
A new geometrical look at Ostrogradsky’s procedure 139
The Cauchy problem in hybrid metric-Palatini f(X)-gravity 138
Dirac Spinors and Their Application to Bianchi-I Space-Times in 5 Dimensions 138
f(R) gravity with torsion: the metric affine approach 136
Controllable pitch propeller actuating mechanism, modelling and simulation 133
Torsion gravity with nonminimally coupled fermionic field: Some cosmological models 132
System control design of autopilot and speed pilot for a patrol vessel by using LMIs 132
Iper-Ideal kinetic constraints in Continuum Mechanics 131
Renormalizability of the Dirac equation in torsion gravity with nonminimal coupling 131
A geometric approach to constrained mechanical systems, symmetries and inverse problems 128
A square-torsion modification of Einstein-Cartan theory 128
A new geometrical look at gravity coupled with Yang-Mills fields 128
Critical exact solutions for self-gravitating Dirac fields 124
Offshore wind generators dynamics 123
A vielbein formulation of unified Einstein-Maxwell theory 123
Variational techniques in general relativity: a metric-affine approach to Kaluza's theory 121
The Cauchy problem for metric-affine f(R)-gravity in presence of a Klein-Gordon scalar field 121
A modified theory of gravity with torsion and its applications to cosmology and particle physics 120
The Cauchy problem for f(R)-gravity: an overview 119
A torsional completion of gravity for Dirac matter fields and its applications to neutrino oscillations 118
Axially symmetric exact solutions for flagpole fermions with gravity 118
A geometric description of Routh’s procedure 117
The Cauchy problem for metric-affine f(R)-gravity in presence of perfect-fluid matter 117
Testing metric-affine f(R)-gravity by relic scalar gravitational waves 117
Newton–Euler, Lagrange and Kirchhoff formulations of rigid body dynamics: a unified approach 115
On the well formulation of the Initial Value Problem of metric-affine f(R)-gravity 114
Metric-affine f(R)-gravity with torsion: an overview 113
f(R)-gravity with torsion: a geometric approach within the J-bundles framework 113
Reconstructing exact scalar--tensor cosmologies via conformal transformations 113
Gravity and Yang-Mills fields: geometrical approaches 113
General Relativity as a constrained gauge theory 111
System control design of autopilot and speed pilot for a patrol vessel by using LMIs 110
The most general ELKO matter in torsional f(R)-theories 109
Dirac fields in f(R)-gravity with torsion 108
Offshore wind generators dynamics 107
The dynamics of Bianchi I universes in $R^n$ cosmologies with torsion 107
Numerical modelling of propulsion, control and ship motions in 6 degrees of freedom 107
Non-minimally coupled condensate cosmologies: a phase space analysis 106
Geometrical aspects in Yang-Mills gauge theories 106
A first-order purely frame-formulation of general relativity 105
On the junction conditions in f(R)-gravity with torsion. 105
Numerical Models for Ship Dynamic Positioning 104
A new geometrical framework for time-dependent Hamiltonian Mechanics 103
ELKO and Dirac Spinors seen from Torsion 101
Dirac spinors in Bianchi-I f(R)-cosmology with torsion 99
A comment on 'The Cauchy problem of f(R) gravity' 95
Spin fluids in Bianchi-I f(R)-cosmology with torsion 95
Legendre transformation and analytical mechanics: a geometric approach 95
Motion Control for Autonomous Navigation in Blue and Narrow Waters Using Switched Controllers 94
f(R) cosmology with torsion 92
Dynamic simulation of the vertical-longitudinal motion for a variable displacement, dynamically supported, high speed craft 90
Propulsion Plant Simulation for Fast Military Vessels 89
Presymplectic Lagrangian systems subject to non-holonomic constraints 85
On a new definition of a form--bundle and its applications to Yang-Mills theory 84
On a new definition of a form bundle and its applications to Yang-Mills theory 84
Numerical Analysis of the Ship Propulsion Control System Effect on Manoeuvring Characteristics in Model and Full scale 81
Spinor fields in f(Q)-gravity 79
Non minimally coupled condensate cosmologies: matching observational data with phase space 76
Some Mathematical Aspects of f(R)-Gravity with Torsion: Cauchy Problem and Junction Conditions 76
Avenues of Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime, Genova, 14-16 Sep 2022 75
Time-dependent vakonomic Dynamics and presymplectic geometry 74
Gravitationally Generated Interactions 74
A Square-Integrable Spinor Solution to Non-Interacting Dirac Equations 72
Mass-radius relation for neutron stars in f(R)=R+αR^2 gravity: A comparison between purely metric and torsion formulations 63
On the Hamiltonian formulation of Yang-Mills gauge theories 60
Effects of mass and inertia changes on the equations of motion of a vessel 58
Progetto di sistemi di regolazione per posizionamento dinamico e controllo di velocità 58
Performance Simulation of Marine Cycloidal Propellers: A Both Theoretical and Heuristic Approach 58
Reconstructing isotropic and anisotropic f(Q) cosmologies 53
Bianchi type-I cosmological dynamics in f(Q) gravity: a covariant approach 51
A mathematical model of the propeller pitch change mechanism for the marine propulsion control design 42
Polar form of Dirac fields: implementing symmetries via Lie derivative 38
Integrability of Dirac equations in static spherical space-times 32
Interacting quintessence cosmology from Noether symmetries: Comparing theoretical predictions with observational data 30
A note on the junction conditions in f(Q)-gravity 25
null 7
On the Lie derivative of an affine connection and its geometrical meaning 4
Totale 9.548
Categoria #
all - tutte 28.083
article - articoli 21.907
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 4.956
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.220
Totale 56.166

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020970 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 237 380 250 103
2020/2021704 46 76 47 43 71 61 31 72 59 79 51 68
2021/20221.080 35 62 79 118 62 70 79 236 56 115 55 113
2022/20231.049 79 71 9 127 115 177 9 72 159 17 186 28
2023/2024594 33 66 13 61 42 46 66 78 33 32 61 63
2024/20251.322 101 125 59 112 262 177 229 237 20 0 0 0
Totale 9.548