Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 14.308
Totale 14.308
Nazione #
IT - Italia 14.308
Totale 14.308
Città #
Genova 8.880
Genoa 2.520
Rapallo 1.658
Vado Ligure 1.216
Bordighera 34
Totale 14.308
Nome #
Fluctuating fast chemical reactions in a batch process modelled by stochastic differential equations 167
Development of PCR for WWTP based on a case study 165
Comparative LCA of methanol-fuelled SOFCs as auxiliary power systems on-board ships 160
Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Costing of a SOFC system for distributed power generation 157
Life cycle assessment of hydrogen-powered city buses in the High V.LO-City project: integrating vehicle operation and refuelling infrastructure 151
2,3-Butanediol production by Enterobacter aerogenes: selection of the optimal conditions and application to food industry residues 147
Rectification of flow measurements in continuous processes subject to fluctuations 145
Biodiesel Production via Transesterification: Process Safety Insights from Kinetic Modeling 145
Investigation of green practices for paper use reduction onboard a cruise ship—a life cycle approach 145
An evaluation of environmental sustainability in the food industry through Life Cycle Assessment: the case study of tomato products supply chain 144
Factorial Experiments in the Optimization of Alkaline Wastewater Pre-Treatment 143
Glass Packaging Design and Life Cycle Assessment: Deep Review and Guideline for Future Developments 142
Using environmental product declaration as source of data for life cycle assessment: A case study 140
Life Cycle Assessment from food to food: A case study of circular economy from cruise ships to aquaculture 138
Simulation of mass transport in SOFC composite electrodes 137
Hybrid solar power system versus photovoltaic plant: A comparative analysis through a life cycle approach 136
Cultivation of Spirulina platensis in a combined airlift-tubular reactor system 134
Development of Specific Rules for the Application of Life Cycle Assessment to Carbon Capture and Storage 134
Anaerobic digestion of the vegetable fraction of municipal refuses: mesophilic versus thermophilic conditions 134
Biological removal of heavy metals from acid wastewaters 130
Toluene vapour removal in a laboratory-scale biofilter 129
Optimal planning of sustainable buildings: Integration of life cycle assessment and optimization in a decision support system (DSS) 129
Detailed Simulation of the Ohmic Resistance of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 128
An advanced Lagrangian puff model, with emphasis on low wind speed conditions 128
Effects of mass transport on the performance of solid oxide fuel cells composite electrodes 128
Investigation of Naphtalene Sulfonate Compounds Sorption in a Soil Artificially Contaminated Using Batch and Column Assays 127
Opportunities and criticisms of voluntary emission reduction projects developed by Public Administrations: Analysis of 143 case studies implemented in Italy 124
Sustainability in Maritime Sector: Waste Management Alternatives Evaluated in a Circular Carbon Economy Perspective 124
Life Cycle Assessment for eco-design of product-package systems in the food industry€ - The case of legumes 123
Simplified kinetics and thermodynamics of geraniol acetylation by lyophilized cells of Aspergillus oryzae 121
Water supply and sustainability: life cycle assessment of water collection, treatment and distribution service 120
Inverse estimation of temperature profiles in landfills using heat recovery fluids measurements 120
Investigation of Naphtalene Sulfonate Compounds Sorption in a Soil Artificially Contaminated Using Batch and Column Assays 118
LCA and communication: Environmental Product Declaration 117
University campus waste prevention and reduction: A circular-economy approach 117
Utilization of NOx from combustion gases by biological processes. A preliminary study 117
“Microalgae-based Carbon Sequestration: growth of Spirulina platensis with flue gas feeding” 115
Resource productivity enhancement as means for promoting cleaner production: analysis of co-incineration in cement plants through a life cycle approach 113
Nitrogen and phosphorus removal from wastewater by microalgae cultivation 113
Reconciliation of Process Flow Rates when Measurements Are Subject to Detection Limits: The Bilinear Case 111
Spirulina platensis Culture with Flue Gas Feeding as a Cyanobacteria-Based Carbon Sequestration Option 109
Batch and fed-batch uptake of carbon dioxide by Spirulina platensis 109
Catalytic ceramic membrane in a three-phase reactor for the competitive hydrogenation-isomerization of methylencyclohexane 108
Environmental sustainability of building retrofit through vertical greening systems: A life-cycle approach 108
Catalytic ceramic membranes in a three-phase reactor for the competitive hydrogenation-isomerization of metylencyclohexane. 106
Ethanol and geraniol microbial acetylations in organic solvent. Kinetic and thermodynamic study 104
GHG Accounting for sustainable mega-events: How lessons learnt during the Milan Expo 2015 world fair could lead to less carbon-intensive future mega-events 103
Development of product category rules for a sector environmental product declaration 102
A survey of life cycle approaches in waste management 102
Linearized kinetic models for the simulation of the mesophilic anaerobic digestion of pre-hydrolyzed woody wastes 102
Trattamenti termici di prodotti termolabili. Il caso dell’eritorbato di sodio e dell’acido ascorbico 100
Water treatment for drinking purpose: ceramic microfiltration application 99
AMICE Project - Advanced Manufacturing in Central Europe 97
Comparative LCA of solid oxide fuel cells (sofc) fueled with methanol for marine applications 97
Modularity in the application of LCA: standardization requirements and supporting tools 96
Sviluppo di PCR per impianti di trattamento di acque reflue basato su un caso studio 95
Environmental Declaration of Services: LCA applied to various biological treatments of urban landfill leachate 94
Analysis of potential GHG emissions reductions from methane recovery in livestock farming 94
Communication through ecolabels: how discrepancies between the EU PEF and EPD schemes could affect outcome consistency 94
Simultaneous disposal of the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes and wastewater treatment sludges by hydrolysis and thermophilic digestion 93
Combined treatment of leachate from sanitary landfill and municipal wastewater by activated sludge 93
“Cadmium and copper biosorption on Sphaerotilus natans: influence of pH and biomass concentration on the biosorption modeling” 92
EPD applied to services: the experience of four Italian landfills 92
“LCA and optimization – A combined decision tool for the assessment of the biowaste separate collection in the municipality of Cogoleto, northern Italy”. 91
“Application of Clean Development Mechanism to animal waste management system (AWMS): a methane recovery project in Serbia as case study”. 91
Evaluating the bias in kinetic parameters estimation due to temperature fluctuations 90
Definition of the methodology for a Sector EPD (Environmental Product Declaration): case study of the average Italian cement 90
Development of a Model for a Catalytic Membrane Reactor Applied to the Oxidehydrogenation of Propane 88
Some special features of a lagrangian puff model. 88
Biofiltration of benzene vapours in gaseous streams from soil-venting 88
Circular economy approach to reduce water–energy–food nexus 88
PSR registration number: 2004:4. Approval date: 2004-05-19. “Products in glass yarn for reinforcement use”. Product group/service type: Other non-metallic mineral products (NACE code: 26). Issuing body: the Swedish Environmental Management Council. EPD System 87
Communicating LCA results in a reliable way: the case of the food industry 87
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as a tool of sustainable design for waste management 86
Waste management in Smart Cities: the application of circular economy in Genoa (Italy) 85
Development of Product Category Rules for the application of Life Cycle Assessment to Carbon Capture and Storage 85
Study on biological removal of cadmium and copper 84
Biosorption of copper and cadmium by Sphaerotilus Natans: experimental and modelling studies 84
Environmental analysis along the supply chain of dark, milk and white chocolate: a life cycle comparison 84
Hydrolysis and thermophilic anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge and organic fraction of municipal solid waste 83
PCR registration number: 2005:5. Approval date: 2005-03-24. “Collecting and treatment Service of Municipal Wastewater (MWW)”. Product group/service type: Refuse disposal, sanitation and similar activities (NACE code: 90). Issuing body: the Swedish Environmental Management Council. EPD System. 83
L’uso dell’analisi del ciclo di vita per l’identificazione di strategie e tecnologie ottimali nella gestione dei rifiuti 82
Impact Assessment on the Environment for the Cement Industry. Influence of the Production Cycle 82
Environmental impact of biological waste treatment plants 82
The Application of the Environmental Product Declaration to Waste Disposal in a Sanitary Landfill - Four Case Studies 82
Waste Management under Emergency Conditions: Life-Cycle Multicriteria Analysis as Decision Support System 82
Identification of emission sources by trace metal concentration. Cement Industry as case study 81
Use of response surface methodology to predict optimal conditions of Kluyveromyces lactis permeabilization by a physical method 81
“Environmental Product Declaration for Waste Collection, Transport and Landfilling - A Case Study” 79
“Odour emissions control: the H2S removal case through oxidation with ozone”. 79
LCA-LCC optimization tool for selection of electricity generation technologies in residential buildings 79
Kinetic analysis and safety implications in biodiesel transesterification process 78
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of exhausted dry cells valorisation for the production of new green cells 78
Optimal Design of Cogeneration Systems in Industrial Plants Combined with District Heating/Cooling and Underground Thermal Energy Storage 77
Monitoring of carbon dioxide uptake in accelerated carbonation processes applied to air pollution control residues 77
Life cycle assessment in the food industry 77
Reactivity and stability of mycelium-bound carboxylesterase from Aspergillus oryzae 77
Life cycle assessment of green practices for sustainable tourism: glass vs. plastic onboard a cruise ship 76
The application of Life Cycle Assessment to landfill processes: analysis of a case study along a wide time-frame 75
Totale 10.669
Categoria #
all - tutte 47.474
article - articoli 28.005
book - libri 1.341
conference - conferenze 15.338
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.790
Totale 94.948

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.545 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 255 689 449 152
2020/2021784 39 55 84 49 57 84 52 58 115 79 78 34
2021/20221.817 46 159 174 188 73 88 156 420 48 163 84 218
2022/20232.066 205 158 20 213 288 364 17 137 403 17 192 52
2023/20241.174 47 149 24 150 103 259 51 66 67 33 62 163
2024/20252.253 240 223 140 199 361 277 304 462 47 0 0 0
Totale 14.494