Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 9.430
Totale 9.430
Nazione #
IT - Italia 9.430
Totale 9.430
Città #
Genova 6.675
Rapallo 1.112
Genoa 907
Vado Ligure 715
Bordighera 21
Totale 9.430
Nome #
Smart Security: data analysis and inference for evidence-based security policies in the “Smart City” 155
A survey on wines from organic viticulture from different European countries 145
Exploring the multi-sided nature of crowdfunding campaign success 144
Bayesian Ecological Regression with Latent Factors: Atmospheric Pollutants Emissions and Mortality for Lung Cancer 136
Coffee brew shelf life modelling by integration of acceptability and quality data 135
A hierarchical Bayesian model for space-time variation of disease risk 135
On the use of posterior predictive probabilities and prediction uncertainty to tailor informative sampling for parasitological surveillance in livestock 135
On the clustering term in ecological analysis: how do different prior specifications affect results? 133
Altered erythropoiesis and decreased number of erythrocytes in children with neuroblastoma 131
Consumer Credit in Italy: A welfare analysis 130
A transitional non-parametric maximum pseudo-likelihood estimator for disease mapping 130
The 75-gram glucose load in pregnancy: relation between glucose levels and anthropometric characteristics of infants born to women with normal glucose metabolism 127
Emotional response to fruit salads with different visual quality 127
Effect of nanoclay-type and PLA optical purity on the characteristics of PLA-based nanocomposite films 126
Parametric and semi-parametric approaches in the analysis of short-term effects of air pollution on health, 125
L’analisi statistica del crimine 124
Assessment of spray deposition and recycling rate in the vineyard from a new type of air-assisted tunnel sprayer 122
Covariate selection in multivariate spatial analysis of ovine parasitic infection 121
A hierarchical Bayesian approach to multiple testing in disease mapping 121
Age-Period-Cohort models and disease mapping 121
Space-Cohort Bayesian models in ecological studies 121
Omega-3 Enriched Biscuits with Low Levels of Heat-Induced Toxicants: Effect of Formulation and Baking Conditions 119
Exploratory tools for disease mapping in geographical epidemiology 116
Individual longitudinal patterns in biochemical and hematological markers for the early prediction of pre-eclampsia 114
Statistical modelling of the spatial distribution of prevalence of Calicophoron daubneyi infection in sheep from central Italy 113
Conservation tillage affects species composition but not species diversity: a comparative study in Northern Italy 113
On the clustering term in ecological analysis: how do different prior specifications affect results? 112
Combination of high-pressure treatment, mild heating and holding time effects as a means of improving the barrier properties of gelatin-based packaging films using response surface modeling 112
Deregulation of focal adhesion pathway mediated by miR-659-3p is implicated in bone marrow infiltration of stage M neuroblastoma patients 111
Relationships between volatile compounds and sensory characteristics in virgin olive oil by analytical and chemometric approaches 111
Preferential sampling and Bayesian geostatistics: Statistical modeling and examples 111
Risks and pitfalls of sensory data analysis for shelf life prediction: Data simulation applied to the case of coffee 110
Disease mapping in veterinary epidemiology: a Bayesian geostatistical approach 108
Variety differentiation of virgin olive oil based on n-alkane profile 106
Non-parametric Maximum Likelihood Estimators for Disease Mapping 105
Estimates of the short term effects of air pollution in Italy using alternative modelling techniques 104
Use of Images in Shelf Life Assessment of Fruit Salad 102
Sensitivity analysis of the relationship between disease occurrence and distance from a putative source of pollution 102
Monitoring dry-curing of S. Daniele ham by magnetic resonance imaging 102
Anthropometric characteristics of full term infants: effects of varying degrees of “normal” glucose metabolism 101
Calibrated prediction regions for Gaussian random fields 97
Bayesian focused clustering for a case-control study on lung cancer in Trieste 96
An application of mixed linear models in area sampling 96
Effect of temperature in domestic refrigerators on fresh-cut Iceberg salad quality and waste 95
The association between risk of disease and point sources of pollution: a test for case-control data 94
Risk factors for fetal macrosomia: the importance of a positive oral glucose challenge test 94
Statistical methods for geographical surveillance in veterinary epidemiology 94
A Hierarchical Bayesian model for space-time variation of disease risk 94
Modeling shelf life using chemical, physical, and sensory characteristics 92
Evaluation of uncertainty in NPML estimation for disease mapping 92
An epidemiological approach to the spatial analysis of rare diseases: estimation of biological parameters 90
Comparison of alternative modelling techniques in estimating short term effect of air pollution with application to the Italian Meta-analysis 89
Air pollution and lung cancer in Trieste (Italy). Spatial analysis of risk as function of distance from putative sources 88
Relation between ultrasonic properties, rheology and baking quality for bread doughs of widely differing formulation 87
Fine airborne particles: when alarming levels are the standard 86
Covariates selection in multivariate spatial analysis of ovine parasitic infections 85
Bayesian binomial regression with change point prior for the analysis of the risk around a point source 85
Il credito al consumo in Italia: Benessere o fragilità finanziaria? 83
Host genotype- and temperature-dependent colonization of in vitro carnation callus cultures by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. dianthi Race 2 83
A hierarchical Bayesian model to study temperature-dependent variation of sequence-specific hybridization to cDNA microarray 83
Anthropometric features in infants of gestational diabetic mothers: relationship with treatment modalities 83
Space-time models with time dependent covariates 82
Case-control analysis of risk around putative sources 81
Andamento temporale della mortalità per Tumore Primitivo Pleurico e incidenza del Mesotelioma Pleurico in Italia: una situazione particolarmente grave 80
Effect of expiry date communication on acceptability and waste of fresh-cut lettuce during storage at different temperatures 78
Modelling heterogeneity in discrete spatial data models via MAP and MCMC methods 77
"The role of financial position on consumer indebtedness. An empirical analysis in Italy" 75
Modeling issues in bivariate disease mapping 74
Mithocondrial DNA restriction enzyme analysis and evaluation of the enological characteristics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains isolated from grapes of the wine-producing area of Collio (Italy) 74
Credito al consumo e fragilità finanziaria 72
Modelli di regressione autologistica per la percezione del rischio alluvionale 72
Stime degli effetti a breve termine degli inquinanti atmosferici in Italia 69
L'applicazione della “Event History Analysis” a studi di carattere storico-demografico 67
miRNA expression profile of bone marrow resident cells from children with neuroblastoma is not significantly different from that of healthy children 66
Uso dell’indice di deprivazione materiale in epidemiologia descrittiva 65
Space-time models with time dependent covariates 65
Multivariate spatially structured variability of ovine parasitic infections 65
Hierarchical Bayesian modelling of multiple array experiments 65
null 65
Una metodologia per la stima dei flussi di pensionamento nel settore pubblico: il caso della Sanità ligure per il periodo 2012-2025 64
Caratteristiche antropometriche di neonati a termine: effetti di vari gradi di “normale” metabolismo glicidico 63
Studi caso-controllo per l'analisi del rischio relativo in vicinanza di potenziali sorgenti di esposizione ambientale 63
Investigating gene-specific variance via Bayesian hierarchical modelling 63
In vitro analysis of the interaction between elm and Ophiostoma ulmi or O. novo-ulmi 62
Case studies 62
Geostatistical integration and uncertainty in pollutant concentration surface under preferential sampling 62
Consumer Debt and Financial Fragility: Evidence from Italy 62
La valutazione del rischio di malattia in presenza di una sorgente di inquinamento ambientale: una rassegna 60
Un modello Bayesiano gerarchico per la stima delle variazioni spazio-temporali del rischio di malattia 57
Modelli statistici per l’analisi spaziale in parassitologia 55
Confronto di metodi di epidemiologia analitica in uno studio caso-controllo su inquinamento atmosferico e tumore polmonare a Trieste 55
Rapporto sullo stato di salute delle popolazioni residenti in aree interessate da poli industriali, minerari e militari della regione Sardegna 51
Shelf life validation by monitoring food on the market: The case study of sliced white bread 51
Quanti erano legittimi? Il caso dei bambini abbandonati a Firenze nel triennio 1840-1842 46
Public guarantees to SME lending: Do broader eligibility criteria pay off? 43
Assessing the Effect of Nutrition Therapy on Rehospitalization Rate in Malnourished Pediatric Patients With Chronic Diseases 43
Sull'associazione fra rischio di malattia e sorgenti puntuali di inquinamento 41
null 38
Totale 9.270
Categoria #
all - tutte 27.793
article - articoli 20.743
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 4.553
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 1.409
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.088
Totale 55.586

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.053 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 127 172 415 236 103
2020/2021579 27 114 41 49 27 59 13 49 68 66 43 23
2021/20221.175 31 98 120 78 77 50 95 315 26 76 48 161
2022/20231.336 151 61 49 137 207 270 1 138 205 3 98 16
2023/2024501 28 77 9 58 35 76 32 44 19 24 36 63
2024/2025941 16 146 44 75 308 164 129 59 0 0 0 0
Totale 9.510