Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 11.738
Totale 11.738
Nazione #
IT - Italia 11.738
Totale 11.738
Città #
Genova 8.553
Genoa 1.319
Rapallo 1.118
Vado Ligure 728
Bordighera 20
Totale 11.738
Nome #
The combined disruption of microfilaments and microtubules affects the distribution and function of GABAA receptors in rat cerebellum granule cells in culture 221
Activation of cerebellar granule cells GABAA receptors by guanidinoacetate 177
Apoptotic cell death and impairment of L-type voltage sensitive calcium channel activity in rat cerebellar granule cells treated with the prion protein fragment 106-126 162
Different Chloride Electrochemical Gradients Across The Plasma Membrane in Subcellular Compartments of Rat Cerebellum Granules 161
17A, a novel non-coding RNA, regulates GABA B alternative splicing and signaling in response to inflammatory stimuli and in Alzheimer disease 158
A single-pinhole confocal laser scanning microscope for 3-D imaging of biostructures 157
Different ataxin-3 amyloid aggregates induce intracellular Ca2+ deregulation by different mechanisms in cerebellar granule cells 151
Only High Concentrations Of Ethanol Affect Gabaa Receptors Of Rat Cerebellum Granule Cells In Culture 149
SDF1 controls pituitary cell proliferation through the activation of ERK1/2 and the Ca2+-dependent cytosolic tyrosine kinase, Pyk2. 147
Flicker noise in bilayer lipid membranes 145
Changes in the endoplasmic reticulum structure of Paramecium primaurelia in relation to different cellular physiological states 145
A method for checking the volume of solutions microinjected into Xenopus oocytes. 144
Photopigment Inducing Pores in Lipid Bilayer Membranes 141
An Alu-like RNA promotes cell differentiation and reduces malignancy of human neuroblastoma cells. 139
Novel celecoxib analogues inhibit glial production of prostaglandinE2, nitric oxide, and oxygen radicals reverting the neuroinflammatoryresponses induced by misfolded prion protein fragment 90-231 or lipopolysaccharide 138
Modulation of native GABAA receptor activity by triazolo 1,5-benzodiazepines 137
Asymmetric black membranes formed by one monolayer of bipolar lipids at the air-water interface 137
Different Molecular Mechanisms Mediate Direct or Glia-Dependent Prion Protein Fragment 90–231 Neurotoxic Effects in Cerebellar Granule Neurons 137
Organization of monolayer-formed membranes made from archaeal ether lipids 135
Cerebellar granule cell GABAA Receptors studied at the single-channel level: modulation by protein kinase G 133
Anticonvulsive Activity in Audiogenic DBA/2 Mice of 1,4-Benzodiazepines and 1,5-Benzodiazepines with Different Activities at Cerebellar Granule Cell GABAA Receptors 133
Modulation by extracellular pH of the activity of GABAA receptors on rat cerebellum granule cells. 131
Excitotoxicity Through NMDA Receptors Mediates Cerebellar Granule Neuron Apoptosis Induced by Prion Protein 90-231 Fragment 131
RNA polymerase III drives alternative splicing of the Potassium Channel Interacting Protein contributing to brain complexity and neurodegeneration 131
Adapting compact confocal microscope system to a two-photon excitation fluorescence imaging architecture 129
GabaA Receptors of Cerebellar Granule Cells in Culture: Explanation of Overall Insensitivity to Ethanol. 128
Electroporation in symmetric and asymmetric membranes 127
GABAA receptors of rat cerebellar granule cells are potently activated by muscimol but only slightly modulated by the benzodiazepine agonist Flunitrazepam 127
Chemokine stromal cell-derived factor 1α induces proliferation and growth hormone release in GH4C1 rat pituitary adenoma cell line through multiple intracellular signals 126
Evaluation of optical properties and micropatterning capabilities of a TPE microscope based on a compact confocal scanning head 124
ERK1/2 and p38 MAP kinases control prion protein fragment 90-231-induced astrocyte proliferation and microglia activation 122
Study of the Interaction of 1,4- and 1,5-Benzodiazepines with GABAA Receptors of Rat Cerebellum Granule Cells in Culture 120
Non-specific interaction of pre-fibrillar amyloid aggregates with glutamatergic receptors results in Ca2+ increase in primary neuronal cells 119
Prion protein fragment 106-126 induces apoptotic cell death and impairment of L-type voltage-sensitive calcium channel activity in the GH3 cell line. 118
Three dimensional mapping of cholinergic molecules by confocal laser scanning microscopy in sea urchin larvae 118
Linear response of a fluctuating lipid bilayer 118
Subcellular Distribution of α1 and β2/3 GABAA Receptor Subunits in Sensory Neurons of the Bovine Trigeminal Mesencephalic Nucleus: Evidence Suggesting their Axoplasmic Transport 117
Influence of refractive-index mismatch in high-resolution three-dimensional confocal microscopy 117
Cerebellar granule cell GABAA receptors studied at the single channel level: modulation by protein kinase G 116
In vitro study of uptake and synthesis of creatine and its precursors by cerebellar granule cells and astrocytes suggests some hypotheses on the physiopathology of the inherited disorders of creatine metabolism 116
Study of Biophysical Parameters in Rubi-Gaba Uncaging using Non-Linear Photoactivation and Electrophysiology in Cerebellar Granule Cells 114
Modulation by extracellular pH of GABAA receptors expressed in xenopus oocytes injected with rat brain mRNA 112
“Temperature effect on the endoplasmic reticulum structure of Paramecium primaurelia as revealed by fluorescence confocal microscopy” 111
Two-Photon Imaging of Calcium Accumulation in Rat Cerebellar Granule Cells 110
Neurounina-1, a Novel Compound that Increases Na+/Ca2+ Exchanger Activity, Effectively Protects Against Stroke Damage 110
Three-dimensional optical behaviour of a confocal microscope with a single illumination and detection pinhole through imaging of subresolution beads 109
Combined confocal and spectroscopic TPE architecture for the identification of single fluorescent molecules 107
Voltage- Dependent Calcium Currents in Dissociated Granule Cells from Rat Cerebellum 107
Adsorption of g-Aminobutiric Acid to Phosphatidylserine Membranes 107
Valinomycin acts as a channel in ultrathin lipid membranes 107
Modulation by lanthanum ions of GABAA receptors of rat cerebellum granule cells in culture 106
Single-pinhole confocal imaging of sub-resolution sparse objects using experimental point spread function and image restoration 106
A Quantum-Dot Nanocrystal Study of GABAA Receptor Subunits in Living Cerebellar Granule Cells in Culture 106
Incorporation into lipid bilayer membranes of a photo-sensitive pigment from the honeybee compound eye 105
Modulation of the expression of GABAA receptors in rat cerebellar granule cells by protein tyrosine kinases and protein kinase c 105
New 1,5 - Benzodiazepine Compounds: Activity at Native GABAA Receptors 104
A two-photon excitation fluorescence 3-D imaging architecture based on a compact scanning head 102
Regulation of GABAA Receptor in Cerebellar Granule Cells in Culture: Differential Involvement of Kinase Activities. 102
Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of functionalized isoindolinones on GABA-activated chloride currents in rat cerebellum granule cells in culture 102
Modulation by Nitric Oxide of Rat Brain GABAA Receptors. 101
A Transient Outward Current Dependent on External Calcium in Rat Cerebellar Granule Cells 101
Evidence of two populations of GABAA receptors in cerebellar granule cells in culture: different desensitization kinetics, pharmacology, serine/threonine kinase sensitivity and localizatiion 100
Characterization of a two photon microscope based on a compact scanning head 99
Leptinotoxin-h Action in Synaptosomes, Neurosecretory Cells, and Artificial Membranes: Stimulation of Ion Fluxes 98
Domains Formation in Polymerized Monolayers Revealed by Fluorescence Microscopy 98
Fluid phase and receptor-mediated endocytosis in Paramecium primaurelia by fluorescence confocal laser scanning microscopy 97
Two photon microscopy and spectroscopy based on a compact confocal scanning head 96
Two-photon excitation of fluorescence for three dimensional optical imaging of biological structures 95
Inactivation of Voltage Dependent Calcium Current in an Insulinoma Cell Line. 95
Calcium Accumulations in Neurites and Cell Bodies of Rat Cerebellar Granule Cells in Culture: Effects on Gabaa Receptors Function 94
Pharmacology of GABAB receptors modulating cyclic AMP production and calcium currents in rat granule cells 93
Localisation of GABAA receptors at single cell level using confocal microscopi and image analysis 92
null 92
GABA A Receptors of Cerebellar Granule in Culture: Interaction with Benzodiazepines 92
Modulation by Zn2+ and Cd2+ of GABAA receptors of rat cerebellum granule cells in culture 89
Regulation of the expression of low affinity GABAA receptors in rat cerebellar granule cells 88
Effect of nitric Oxide Donors on GABA Uptake by Rat Brain Synaptosomes. Neurochem. Research 88
Involvement of phosphatase activities in the run-down of GABAA receptor function in rat cerebellar granule cells in culture 88
Immunocytochemical study of alfa_1 and beta_2/3 subunits of GABA_A receptors in free-hand isolated mature neurons vestibular Deiters cells and trigeminal neurons from the bovine 87
Immunocytochemical study by two photons fluorescence microscopy of the distribution of GABAA receptor subunits in rat cerebellar granule cells in culture 85
Prion protein fragment 90-231 induces microglia activation: role of ERK1/2 and p38 MAP kinases in nitric oxide production and CCL5 secretion 83
Confocal microscopic study of GABA(A) receptors in Xenopus oocytes after rat brain mRNA injection: modulation by tyrosine kinase activity 82
The Patch- Recording Technique: Different Approches in a Clonal Pancreatic-Cell Line 81
Synthesis of guanidinoacetate and creatine in neurons and glial cells 80
Study of the modulation of GABAA receptor by RuBi-GABA uncaging using electrophysiology and non-linear photoactivation in rat cerebellar granule cells in vitro 74
Effect of Surface Charge on the Electroporation Process in Lipid Bilayers 73
Two-photon excitation imaging based on a compact scanning head 71
Citofluorimetria e microscopia confocale a singolo pinhole nello studio della variazione dei lipidi neutri e polari durante la crescita della coltura di Paramecium primaurelia 70
Electric Shock Convulsion in the Rabbit and Brain Cortex GABAA Receptor Function. Neurochemical Research 70
Nitric Oxide and GABAA Receptor Function in the Rat Cerebral Cortex and Cerebellar Granule Cells. 70
Transport Properties Induced in Lipid Bilayer Membranes by an Insect Photopigment 69
GABAB receptor activation protects GABAA receptor from cAMP dependent down regulatiion in rat cerebellar granule cells 69
Internalizzazione e flusso intracellulare dell’estere colesterilico in Paramecium 66
Cambiamenti della struttura del reticolo endoplasmatico di Paramecium primaurelia in relazione a stress ambientali dovuti a variazioni termiche 66
Modulation of Rat Cerebellum Granule Cell GABAA Receptors by Second Messenger Dependent Mechanisms 65
Precise 3D modulation of electro-optical parameters during neurotransmitter uncaging experiments with neurons in vitro 65
Multi-photon excitation microscopy to study biological systems 64
Onset of a cholinergic-like system during neurogenesis of the sea urchin, Paracentrotus lividus 64
Two-photon excitation of fluorescence in three-dimensional microscopy 62
Totale 10.958
Categoria #
all - tutte 34.039
article - articoli 29.969
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 2.404
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.666
Totale 68.078

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 258 493 386 120
2020/2021690 46 55 80 44 44 107 39 56 69 63 47 40
2021/20221.313 31 98 87 164 49 114 86 288 63 121 35 177
2022/20231.326 116 74 19 141 227 266 2 105 221 6 119 30
2023/2024599 34 88 13 71 57 137 39 25 39 6 21 69
2024/20251.267 33 152 43 148 210 202 128 325 26 0 0 0
Totale 11.810