Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 11.330
Totale 11.330
Nazione #
IT - Italia 11.330
Totale 11.330
Città #
Genova 7.255
Genoa 1.585
Vado Ligure 1.144
Rapallo 1.098
Bordighera 248
Totale 11.330
Nome #
Liquid phase catalytic hydrogenation of adiponitrile with supported catalyst 289
Novel polytetrafluoroethylene tubular membranes for membrane distillation 263
A pilot system for the characterization of hydrophobic membrane contactor modules to be used in air handling processes 217
Catalytic membrane reactors for the oxidehydrogenation of propane: experimental and modelling study 194
Thermal Barrier Coatings Based on Alumina Microparticles 188
ChAMBRe: a new atmospheric simulation Chamber for Aerosol Modelling and Bio-aerosol Research. 183
NIR-Reflecting Properties of New Paints for Energy-Efficient Buildings 166
Steam reforming of methane in a membrane reactor: An industrial case study 161
Application of membrane processes for the filtration of extra virgin olive oil 161
Microporous layers based on poly(vinylidene fluoride) and sulfonated poly(vinylidene fluoride) 158
Wetting of polypropylene membranes by aqueous solutions in CO2absorbing devices 155
Rate of CO2 transfer to loaded MEA solutions using a membrane contactor device 154
Catalytic conversion of trichloroethylene over HY-zeolite 152
Supported vanadium oxide-based catalysts for the oxidehydrogenation of propane under cyclic conditions 144
Characterization and performance of different types of hollow fibre membranes in a laboratory-scale MBR for the treatment of industrial wastewater 142
Numerical simulation of CO2 diffusion and reaction into aqueous solutions of different absorbents 141
Characterization of defectiveness of oxygen transport membranes deposited by Low Pressure Plasma Spraying – Thin Film processes 131
Exploring CO2capture from pressurized industrial gaseous effluents in membrane contactor-based pilot plant 129
Multiphase Membrane Reactors 128
CO2 removal from a gas stream by membrane contactor 126
Nafion-zirconium phosphate nanocomposite membranes with high filler loadings: conductivity and mechanical properties 124
Multi-phase catalytic membrane reactors 124
Dense membranes for oxygen and hydrogen separation (DEMOYS): project overview and first results 122
Separation of carbon dioxide from flue gases using membrane contactors 121
Dehydration of Basil Leaves and Impact of Processing Composition 119
Comparison between reverse osmosis and membrane distillation for bilge water treatment 119
Preparation and characterization of novel porous PVDF-ZrO2 composite membranes 116
Synthesis of mesoporous alumina-titania membranes by the sol-gel method 116
Membrane technologies for water treatment and agroindustrial sectors 115
Sol-gel synthesis of thin alumina layers on porous stainless steel supports for high temperature palladium membranes 115
Water purification from pesticides by spiral wound nanofiltration membrane 112
Zeolite Membrane Reactors 110
Evaluation of the water gas shift reaction in a palladium membrane reactor 109
Critical flux in submerged membrane bioreactors for municipal wastewater treatment 109
Polymeric and ceramic membranes in three-phase catalytic membrane reactors for the hydrogenation of methylenecyclohexane 108
Zeolite membrane reactors 106
Catalytic ceramic membrane in a three-phase reactor for the competitive hydrogenation-isomerization of methylencyclohexane 105
The catalytic hydrogenation of adiponitrile to hexamethylenediamine over a rhodium/alumina catalyst in a three phase slurry reactor 104
Steam reforming of methane in equilibrium membrane reactors for integration in power cycles 104
Effect of Absorbent Type and Concentration on CO2Capture from a Gas Stream into a Liquid Phase 104
Kinetics of adiponitrile hydrogenation over rhodium-alumina catalysts 103
Catalytic ceramic membranes in a three-phase reactor for the competitive hydrogenation-isomerization of metylencyclohexane. 103
Novel PVDF membranes for desalination by membrane distillation 101
Effect of preparative parameters on the characteristic of poly(vinylidene fluoride)-based microporous layer for proton exchange membrane fuel cells 100
Hydrocarbon removal from industrial wastewater by hollow-fibre membrane bioreactors 100
Properties and membrane distillation performance of polypropylene porous membranes 99
Catalytic Membrane Reactors for the Oxidehydrogenation of Light Paraffins 98
Low temperature volatile organic compounds (VOC) combustion by using catalytic membrane reactor 98
Preparation and characterization of palladium alloy membranes for catalytic membrane reactors 98
Kinetic investigations on the oxidehydrogenation of propane over vanadium supported on gamma-Al2O3 97
Synthesis and characterization of Pd membranes on alumina-modified porous stainless steel supports 97
Preliminary study of electrodialysis with model salt solutions and industrial wastewater 97
Hydrocarbons catalytic combustion in membrane reactors 96
Development of a Membrane-Aerated Mycofilm Reactor for Wastewater Treatment at a Laboratory-Scale 96
Novel hydrophobic PVDF membranes prepared by nonsolvent induced phase separation for membrane distillation 96
Relationship between biofouling and recovery ratio: the theoretical approach and one experimental case 94
Development of novel membranes with controlled porosity from fluorinated polymer 94
Oxidative dehydrogenation of propane using V2O5/ TiO2/ SiO2 catalysts prepared by grafting titanium and vanadium alkoxides on silica 93
Analysis of the behavior of almond shells biomass in the biosorption of lead(II) and nickel(II) cations in aqueous solution 93
Novel porous poly(vinylidene fluoride) membranes for membrane distillation 92
Preparation and characterization of hydrophobic composite inorganic membranes for gas and vapour 90
Polymer distributed bragg reflectors for vapor sensing 90
Synthesis and characterization of polyurethanic proton exchanges membranes 88
Inorganic membrane reactors for the gas phase partial oxidation of toluene 88
Development of a Model for a Catalytic Membrane Reactor Applied to the Oxidehydrogenation of Propane 87
Novel porous membranes from chemically modified poly(vinylidene fluoride) 86
Spectroscopic enlightening of the local structure of VOX active sites in catalysts for the Odh of propane 86
Gas phase partial oxidation of toluene on a vanadium Al2O3-TiO2 catalyst 84
Oxygen transfer to cell culture by membrane diffusers 83
Porosimetric characterization of polysulfone ultrafiltration membranes by image analysis and liquid-liquid displacement technique 81
Pitture finalizzate a migliorare la riflessione della radiazione infrarossa per l’efficientamento energetico degli edifici 80
Apparato e impianto di inertizzazione di sedimenti/fanghi di dragaggio 80
Polyphenols recovery from olive mill waste waters (OMWW) and synthesis of unusual hydroxytyrosol derivatives 76
Three-phase membrane reactors and aspects of membrane contactors 74
Tecnologie a membrana nell'industria agro-alimentare 71
Treatment of olive mill wastewater through integrated pressure-driven membrane processes 71
Processo ed impianto per la rimozione di CO2 da correnti gassose, e recupero della stessa 70
Preparation of Silica Membranes by Sol-Gel Method 70
Methane Dry Reforming In Catalytic Membrane Reactors 69
Efficacy of High-Ozonide Oil in Prevention of Cancer Relapses Mechanisms and Clinical Evidence 69
Bioaerosol investigation: new experimental activity in ChAMBRe, an atmospheric simulation chamber 68
The Maximal Pore Size of Hydrophobic Microporous Membranes Does Not Fully Characterize the Resistance to Plasma Breakthrough of Membrane Devices for Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation 65
Preparation and characterization of Rh/Al2O3 catalysts and their application in the adiponitrile partial hydrogenation and styrene hydroformylation. 65
Metodiche SEM e MOCF per l'analisi di fibre di amianto 64
ChAMBRe: studi su bio-aerosol in camera di simulazione atmosferica 63
Chapter 1 - Wastewater treatment by membrane distillation 63
Wastewater mycoremediation 61
Vapor phase oxidation of toluene in V/Al2O3-TiO2 catalytic reactors 61
VOC abatement: performance of different membranes in a catalytic membrane reactor 59
Membrane preparation and characterization 59
An environmentally sustainable cement composition, its use for inerting dredging sediments/sludges, relative method and apparatus for inerting 59
Membrane a conduzione protonica a matrice poliuretanica funzionalizzata per celle a combustibile 58
Characterization of the Chambre atmospheric simulation chamber 58
Towards upscaling of La5.5 Wo11.25−δ manufacture for plasma spraying-thin film coated hydrogen permeable membranes 57
Purificazione di Sughi di Zucchero da Barbabietola Mediante processi a Membrana 55
Carbon Black/Polyvinylidene Fluoride Nanocomposite Membranes for Direct Solar Distillation 55
Electron microscopic characterization of airborne micro- and nanoparticulate matter 54
An atmospheric simulation chamber to investigate dust-borne microbiota composition and viability 54
Totale 10.481
Categoria #
all - tutte 37.580
article - articoli 25.421
book - libri 203
conference - conferenze 7.805
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 938
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 3.213
Totale 75.160

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.231 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 165 228 464 277 97
2020/2021865 75 51 101 53 60 112 49 71 87 69 59 78
2021/20221.326 48 97 84 119 53 58 83 348 89 116 48 183
2022/20231.320 128 88 18 127 207 210 0 97 274 13 136 22
2023/20241.105 53 101 25 104 67 174 45 292 47 22 76 99
2024/20251.716 98 178 124 180 411 305 256 164 0 0 0 0
Totale 11.580