Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 1.680
Totale 1.680
Nazione #
IT - Italia 1.680
Totale 1.680
Città #
Genova 993
Vado Ligure 252
Genoa 250
Rapallo 170
Bordighera 15
Totale 1.680
Nome #
Industrial policies at a time of liberalization: the internationalization of European transport enterprises 95
Multilevel policy implementation and the where of learning: the case of the information system for school buildings in Italy 93
Italian state-owned enterprises after decades of reforms: Still public? 91
From the Change of the Pattern to the Change in the Pattern. The Trilateral Game in the Italian Intergovernmental Relations 85
Alitalia, or the inability to align regulation with industrial policies 85
Reshaping State Structure and Strategy: The Reform of Railway Policy in Germany and Italy 76
Strong interests, weak groups? The structure and strategies of interest groups in Italian transport policy 76
The Internationalization of Network Industries: A Comparative Policy Analysis of Italian Railways and Utilities 76
Divergence in Convergence. Governance Patterns of Italian Former Public Enterprises through Social Network Analysis 70
Principals or Beginners? The Regions and the Local Railway System (1997-2011) 70
Political coalitions, local leaders and the internationalization of local public services in Italy 67
Un nuovo "ircocervo". Privatizzazioni, regolazione e ibridizzazione nelle aziende multi-utility italiane 63
Ridefinire l’interesse economico nazionale. La regolazione dei diritti di proprietà industriale come politica pubblica 53
And yet it moves? Territorial rescaling beyond the global crisis 49
Gli ambiti di servizio nel trasporto pubblico locale: scoperta e traslazione di uno strumento di policy 46
Apprentice Sorcerers. Evaluating the Program Theory of Regulatory Governance in Italian Public Utilities 45
Strategie della regolazione. La difficile costruzione del mercato ferroviario in Europa 44
Implementing digitalization in the public sector. Technologies, agency, and governance 44
I gruppi di interesse in sanità 43
Toward a Catalytic State? The Evolution of EU Cybersecurity Policy in Turbulent Times 42
I servizi pubblici fra "politica" e "politiche" 42
Dismissioni! E poi? Cosa fare delle ex-municipalizzate 39
Alitalia, o dell’incapacità di coordinare regolazione e politiche industriali 37
Managing incoherence. Social democratic parties and transnational issues in Europe 36
I gruppi di interesse nei trasporti 35
Dangerous Liaisons? The Reform of Local Service Delivery in Italy and Germany as an Institutional Policy 34
Varieties of regulation? Implementing the regional governance of local utilities in Italy 34
Did Elitists Really Believe in Social Laws? Some Epistemological Challenges in the Work of Gaetano Mosca and Vilfredo Pareto 34
Detecting anticipatory design strategies: the case of asylum policy in Italy 33
On the eve of ecological transition? The failed institutionalization of sustainable development in Italy (1992–2020) 27
How “institutionalization” can work. Structuring governance for digital transformation in Italy 26
Principali, principianti. Le regioni ed i servizi di trasporto ferroviario locale (1997-2011) 25
Preventing children’s death by heatstroke: How alternative accident theories affect policy design and evaluation 24
Fit for the Digital Age? Natura e ruolo dei portatori di interesse nella formazione delle politiche europee per la sovranità digitale 20
Nonuse and hypocritical use of strategic narratives in Megaprojects: The case of the Florence high-speed railway 13
Implementing NRRP policies and the interest groups perspective in the justice sector: the “Ufficio per il processo” reform 12
What makes paradigms last? A study of defense policy change in Germany and Italy (1989–2022) 10
Does it matter that an ally is democratic during crises? Public diplomacy and attitudes towards international allies in times of crisis 7
Totale 1.801
Categoria #
all - tutte 7.644
article - articoli 6.623
book - libri 349
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 672
Totale 15.288

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020496 0 0 0 0 0 72 115 67 59 101 67 15
2020/2021178 9 22 19 21 36 8 0 18 3 26 10 6
2021/2022283 10 18 12 31 3 14 9 92 22 25 11 36
2022/2023259 31 1 1 8 42 35 3 33 40 7 42 16
2023/2024185 6 35 8 29 8 12 15 17 5 2 17 31
2024/2025282 50 41 41 18 74 58 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.801