Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 923
Totale 923
Nazione #
IT - Italia 923
Totale 923
Città #
Genova 306
Vado Ligure 259
Genoa 221
Rapallo 129
Bordighera 8
Totale 923
Nome #
A multi-sensor dataset for human-human handover 92
Can human-inspired learning behaviour facilitate human-robot interaction? 92
On the role of gestures in human-robot interaction 92
Online human gesture recognition using recurrent neural networks and wearable sensors 85
A software architecture for multi-modal semantic perception fusion 61
From collaborative robots to work mates: a new perspective on human-robot cooperation 56
Careful with That! Observation of Human Movements to Estimate Objects Properties 55
Is kinesthetic teaching what smart factories really need? 51
From Movement Kinematics to Object Properties: Online Recognition of Human Carefulness 47
Robots with Different Embodiments Can Express and Influence Carefulness in Object Manipulation 37
Gesture-Based Human–Machine Interaction: Taxonomy, Problem Definition, and Analysis 25
Gestural and Touchscreen Interaction for Human-Robot Collaboration: A Comparative Study 23
Embodiment Perception of a Smart Home Assistant 19
If You Are Careful, So Am I! How Robot Communicative Motions Can Influence Human Approach in a Joint Task 18
Leveraging symmetry detection to speed up haptic object exploration in robots 17
A multi-sensory dataset for the activities of daily living 16
Registration of 3D Point Clouds with Credibility for Changing Environments 15
RICO-MR: An Open-Source Architecture for Robot Intent Communication through Mixed Reality 15
Branched AND/OR graphs: Toward flexible and adaptable human-robot collaboration 13
Hand-Object Interaction: From Human Demonstrations to Robot Manipulation 12
The effects of selected object features on a pick-and-place task: A human multimodal dataset 12
In-hand manipulation planning using human motion dictionary 12
A Flexible Approach to PCB Characterization for Recycling 11
Dynamic Human-Robot Role Allocation based on Human Ergonomics Risk Prediction and Robot Actions Adaptation 11
A Systematic Review on Custom Data Gloves 11
Mixed Reality as Communication Medium for Human-Robot Collaboration 11
A Visual Odometry for Wide Angle Fovea Sensor SLAM 11
An ergonomic role allocation framework for dynamic human–robot collaborative tasks 11
Falcon: Wide Angle Fovea Vision System for Marine Rescue Drone 10
Toward Implicit Communication of Object Properties for Human-Robot Interaction 9
Expressing and Inferring Action Carefulness in Human-to-Robot Handovers 9
Sidewinder: Snake Robot’s Stereo Vision System for Rescue in Collapsed Debris at Disaster Sites 8
Like Robots, Like Humans: Pupil Dilation During Collaborative Object Manipulation 7
Totale 974
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.637
article - articoli 1.474
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 2.827
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 8.938

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202093 0 0 0 0 0 17 16 6 10 22 19 3
2020/202172 6 6 8 13 0 9 2 2 3 5 9 9
2021/2022101 3 6 1 8 3 8 5 25 11 10 9 12
2022/2023167 9 7 3 6 20 28 9 15 27 1 39 3
2023/2024216 3 13 4 22 10 24 8 24 3 43 28 34
2024/2025268 25 52 26 44 77 44 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 974