Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 7.237
Totale 7.237
Nazione #
IT - Italia 7.237
Totale 7.237
Città #
Genova 4.365
Genoa 971
Rapallo 955
Vado Ligure 919
Bordighera 27
Totale 7.237
Nome #
ChAMBRe: a new atmospheric simulation Chamber for Aerosol Modelling and Bio-aerosol Research. 178
An integrated PM2.5 source apportionment study: Positive Matrix Factorisation vs. the Chemical Transport Model CAMx 177
ED-XRF set-up for size-segregated aerosol samples analysis 158
Spectral- and size-resolved mass absorption efficiency of mineral dust aerosols in the shortwave spectrum: a simulation chamber study 151
Black Carbon determination in particulate matter deposited on standard Teflon filters 140
PM2.5 chemical composition in five European Mediterranean cities: A 1-year study 136
An alternative way to determine the size distribution of airborne particulate matter 135
Comparative characterization of bio-aerosol nebulizers in connection to atmospheric simulation chambers 134
A multi-wavelength optical set-up for the characterization of carbonaceous particulate matter 133
Multi-wavelength optical determination of black and brown carbon in atmospheric aerosols 132
Production of particulate brown carbon during atmospheric aging of residential wood-burning emissions 131
PM10 source apportionment applying PMF and chemical tracer analysis to ship-borne measurements in the Western Mediterranean 127
Two-wavelength thermo-optical determination of Light Absorbing Carbon in atmospheric aerosols 124
Cryoconite as a temporary sink for anthropogenic species stored in glaciers 123
Self-organized metal nanowire arrays with tunable optical anisotropy 123
Size-resolved comprehensive characterization of airborne particulate matter 122
Developing air quality forecast and evaluation in the city of Genoa and in the Liguria Region (Italy) 121
Spatial and seasonal variability of carbonaceous aerosol across Italy 121
Results of an interlaboratory comparison of analytical methods for quantification of anhydrosugars and biosugars in atmospheric aerosol 120
Multi-wavelength optical determination of black and brown carbon in atmospheric aerosols 119
Carbonate measurements in PM10 near the marble quarries of Carrara (Italy) by infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and source apportionment by Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) 117
PMF5.0 vs. CMB8.2: An inter-comparison study based on the new European SPECIEUROPE database 115
Comparison of different Aethalometer correction schemes and a reference multi-wavelength absorption technique for ambient aerosol data 112
Tailored coefficients in the algorithm to assess reconstructed light extinction at urban sites: A comparison with the IMPROVE revised approach 111
Source apportionment of PM10 in the Western Mediterranean based on observations from a cruise ship 109
Infrared-absorbing carbonaceous tar can dominate light absorption by marine-engine exhaust 109
A synergic approach for PM2.5 source apportionment through receptor modelling and chemical transport model simulations 107
Estimation of the contributions of the sources driving PM2.5 levels in a Central Mediterranean coastal town 97
Exploiting multi-wavelength aerosol absorption coefficients in a multi-time source apportionment study to retrieve source dependent absorption parameters 94
The Multi-Wavelength Absorption Analyzer (MWAA) Model as a Tool for Source and Component Apportionment Based on Aerosol Absorption Properties: Application to Samples Collected in Different Environments 93
Evaluation of the impact of harbour activities on airquality in the urban area of Genoa (Italy) 92
Brown carbon and thermal-optical analysis: A correction based onoptical multi-wavelength apportionment of atmospheric aerosols 84
Impact of impurities and cryoconite on the optical properties of the Morteratsch Glacier (Swiss Alps) 82
Summertime surface PM1 aerosol composition and size by source region at the Lampedusa island in the central Mediterranean Sea 77
Caratterizzazione dimensionale del particolato nell’isola di Lampedusa 72
Trace Metals in Soot and PM2.5from Heavy-Fuel-Oil Combustion in a Marine Engine 71
The MWAA Model as a Tool for Carbonaceous Aerosols Apportionment and as an Input for the Improvement of TOT Measurements. 69
Determinazione termo-ottica a più lunghezze d'onda di Elemental, Organic e Brown Carbon 68
An overview of optical and thermal methods for the characterization of carbonaceous aerosol 68
Un sistema ottico automatico per la determinazione del contenuto di Black Carbon in filtri standard per la raccolta del particolato atmosferico 66
Retrieving information on black and brown carbon emission sources exploiting aerosol optical properties in an advanced receptor model 65
Comparative characterization of the performance of bio-aerosol nebulizers in connection with atmospheric simulation chambers 63
Bioaerosol investigation: new experimental activity in ChAMBRe, an atmospheric simulation chamber 61
Brown and Black Carbon Emitted by a Marine Engine Operated on Heavy Fuel Oil and Distillate Fuels: Optical Properties, Size Distributions, and Emission Factors 60
Multi-wavelength aerosol light absorption measurements in the Amazon rainforest 60
Sviluppo e applicazioni di una catena modellistica per la qualità dell'aria in Liguria - Source apportionment e confronto fra modelli a recettore e modelli chimici di trasporto 59
ChAMBRe – the development of an atmosferic simulation chamber for bioaerosol studies and aerosol optical properties investigation 59
The impact of harbour activities on the air quality of the city of Genoa: source apportionment and simulation by dispersion models 58
ChAMBRe: studi su bio-aerosol in camera di simulazione atmosferica 57
Artificial and natural radionuclides in cryoconite as tracers of supraglacial dynamics: Insights from the Morteratsch glacier (Swiss Alps) 57
Analysis of atmospheric aerosol collected by multi-stage cascade impactors by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry 57
An integrated source apportionment study: Positive Matrix Factorization vs. the Chemical Transport Model CAMx 56
Characterization of carbonaceous aerosols over the Northern Adriatic Sea in the JERICO-NEXT project framework 56
Mountain glaciers darkening: geochemical characterizazion of cryoconites and their radiative impact on the Vadret da Morteratsch (Swiss Alps) 55
PM10 source apportionment based on PMF and chemical tracers during different cruises in Western Mediterranean 55
Advanced Receptor Models as a Tool to Improve the Knowledge of Aerosol Emission Sources at a Hot-Spot Pollution Site (Milan – Italy). 54
An automatic set-up for the measurement of Black Carbon collected on filters and impaction media 54
Infrared-Absorbing Carbonaceous Tar Can Dominate Light Absorption in Heavy-Fuel-Oil PM 53
Two-wavelength thermo-optical determination of Black and Brown Carbon in atmospheric aerosols 53
Characterization of the Chambre atmospheric simulation chamber 53
Intercomparison of source apportionment approaches within the EU‐MED APICE project 53
The effect of Brown Carbon on thermal-optical analysis: a correction based on optical multi-wavelength analysis 53
Exploiting the features of multi-λ polar photometers to retrieve optical properties of aerosols collected on filters 51
Cryoconite: a novel environmental monitor for atmospheric deposition? 51
Two-wavelength thermo-optical determination of Organic, Elemental and Brown Carbon. 51
Characterization of soot produced by the mini inverted soot generator with an atmospheric simulation chamber 50
An atmospheric simulation chamber to investigate dust-borne microbiota composition and viability 49
Multi-wavelength characterization of carbonaceous aerosol 49
The effect of Brown Carbon on thermal-optical analysis: a correction based on optical multiwavelength analysis 48
Metodologie ottiche per la caratterizzazione del particolato atmosferico 48
Infrared-Absorbing Carbonaceous Tar Can Dominate Light Absorption in Heavy-Fuel-Oil PM 47
Identifying the main sources of brown carbon in the atmosphere 47
Applicability of benchtop multi-wavelength polar photometers to off-line measurements of the Multi-Angle Absorption Photometer (MAAP) samples 47
Multi-wavelength aerosol absorption coefficient measurements: instrument inter-comparison and results of source and source-component modelling 45
An optical set-up for the multi-wavelength characterization of carbonaceous particulate matter 45
Cryoconite: an efficient accumulator of radioactive fallout in glacial environments 45
Multi-wavelength characterization of carbonaceous aerosol 43
The effect of Brown Carbon on thermal-optical analysis: a correction based on optical multi-wavelength analysis 42
Analisi TOT per la determinazione di OC ed EC: interconfronto fra due differenti protocolli di misura 41
Determination of Aethalometer multiple-scattering enhancement parameters and impact on source apportionment during the winter 2017/18 EMEP/ACTRIS/COLOSSAL campaign in Milan 41
Source-specific light absorption by carbonaceous components in the complex aerosol matrix from yearly filter-based measurements. 40
Multi-instrument intercomparison of aerosol light absorption coefficient measurements 38
Results of monitoring campaign from a cruise ship in the Western Mediterranean 38
Light extinction estimates using the IMPROVE algorithm: The relevance of site-specific coefficients 37
High time-resolved measurements of fine aerosol (PM2.5) in a hot-spot area during wintertime: multi-wavelength optical absorption properties and source apportionment 36
Bacterial viability and air quality: Experimental approach and results at the atmospheric simulation chamber ChAMBRe 34
Multi-Wavelength Measurement of Aerosol Optical Properties: Laboratory Intercomparison of In-Situ and Filter Based Techniques 34
High time-resolved multi-wavelength measurements of light absorption properties of atmospheric aerosol using a polar photometer 33
A New PM Sampler with a Built-In Black Carbon Continuous Monitor 33
Chemical composition of nanoparticles from $alpha $-pinene nucleation and the influence of isoprene and relative humidity at low temperature 32
Development of a dual-wavelength thermo-optical transmittance analyser: characterization and first results 31
Optical properties of aerosol particles over the Amazon rain forest: From background to biomass burning conditions 31
Consistent determination of the heating rate of light-absorbing aerosol using wavelength- and time-dependent Aethalometer multiple-scattering correction 31
Un sistema ottico per la caratterizzazione della frazione carboniosa del PM 29
A Practical Guide to Atmospheric Simulation Chambers 27
Synergistic HNO3-H2SO4-NH3 upper tropospheric particle formation 27
A new instrument prototype for aerosol light absorption measurements 26
On the Redox-Activity and Health-Effects of Atmospheric Primary and Secondary Aerosol: Phenomenology 26
Supplementary material to "Airborne bacteria viability and air quality: a protocol to quantitatively investigate the possible correlation by an atmospheric simulation chamber" 25
Totale 7.345
Categoria #
all - tutte 28.137
article - articoli 17.398
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 10.615
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 124
Totale 56.274

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.134 0 0 0 0 0 0 293 112 128 330 234 37
2020/2021797 61 46 58 65 35 50 103 72 66 94 56 91
2021/20221.125 32 54 83 91 44 77 65 239 111 91 103 135
2022/20231.157 114 80 15 72 156 184 3 111 201 35 164 22
2023/2024753 32 92 34 91 63 88 45 45 29 47 45 142
2024/20251.010 39 174 75 138 311 255 18 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.516