Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 6.108
Totale 6.108
Nazione #
IT - Italia 6.108
Totale 6.108
Città #
Genova 3.130
Genoa 1.319
Vado Ligure 855
Rapallo 788
Bordighera 16
Totale 6.108
Nome #
A comparative analysis of algorithms for the magnetoencephalography inverse problem 174
Particle filters for the magnetoencephalography inverse problem: increasing the efficiency through a semi-analytic approach (Rao–Blackwellization) 163
Interaction Between Words and Symbolic Gestures as Revealed By N400 154
A Rao-Blackwellized particle filter for magnetoencephalography 151
Allogeneic cell transplant expands bone marrow distribution by colonizing previously abandoned areas: An FDG PET/CT analysis 146
Interplay between spinal cord and cerebral cortex metabolism in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 140
Application of Possibilistic C-Means for fault detection in Nuclear Power Plant data 138
Adult Advanced Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Computational Analysis of Whole-Body CT Documents a Bone Structure Alteration 137
A Hybrid Supervised/Unsupervised Machine Learning Approach to Solar Flare Prediction 136
A discrepancy principle for the Landweber iteration based on risk minimization 134
Assessment of skeletal tumor load in metastasized castration-resistant prostate cancer patients: A review of available methods and an overview on future perspectives 129
Highly Automated Dipole EStimation (HADES) 123
Direct inhibition of hexokinase activity by metformin at least partially impairs glucose metabolism and tumor growth in experimental breast cancer. 118
null 113
A PET/CT approach to spinal cord metabolism in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 113
Automated Definition of Skeletal Disease Burden in Metastatic Prostate Carcinoma: A 3D Analysis of SPECT/CT Images 113
Tumor Burden and Intraosseous Metabolic Activity as Predictors of Bone Marrow Failure during Radioisotope Therapy in Metastasized Prostate Cancer Patients 109
Non-linear canonical correlation for joint analysis of MEG signals from two subjects 104
Particle filtering, beamforming and multiple signal classification for the analysis of magnetoencephalography time series: a comparison of algorithms 103
Estimating the whole bone-marrow asset in humans by a computational approach to integrated PET/CT imaging 103
Functional Activation of Osteoclast Commitment in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia: A Possible Role for RANK/RANKL Pathway 103
Spatiotemporal dynamics in understanding hand-object interactions 99
Spinal canal and spinal marrow segmentation by means of the hough transform of special classes of curves 98
Forward simulation and inverse dipole localization with the lowest Raviart-Thomas elements for electroencephalography 97
Cognitive abilities in siblings of children with autism spectrum disorders 97
Spinal cord hypermetabolism extends to skeletal muscle in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a computational approach to [18F]-fluorodeoxyglucose PET/CT images 96
null 92
FLARECAST: An I4.0 Technology for Space Weather Using Satellite Data 89
Radiomics and artificial intelligence analysis of CT data for the identification of prognostic features in multiple myeloma 88
Failure in Pantomime Action Execution Correlates with the Severity of Social Behavior Deficits in Children with Autism: A Praxis Study 87
FDG-PET and the assessment of spinal cord metabolism in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) 86
Impact of treatment on cellular immunophenotype in MS: A cross-sectional study 83
Radiomics and artificial intelligence for outcome prediction in multiple myeloma patients undergoing autologous transplantation: A feasibility study with ct data 78
Flare forecasting and feature ranking using SDO/HMI data 77
Artificial intelligence of imaging and clinical neurological data for predictive, preventive and personalized (P3) medicine for Parkinson Disease: The NeuroArtP3 protocol for a multi-center research study 73
The Hough Transform and the Impact of Chronic Leukemia on the Compact Bone Tissue from CT-Images Analysis 73
Metabolic and densitometric correlation between atherosclerotic plaque and trabecular bone: an 18F-Natrium-Fluoride PET/CT study 72
Bayesian Tracking of Neural Activity in Biomagnetic Data 70
Prognostic power of the human psoas muscles FDG metabolism in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 70
Use of Cefiderocol in Adult Patients: Descriptive Analysis from a Prospective, Multicenter, Cohort Study 69
Dynamical MEG source modeling with multi-target bayesian tracking 69
[18F]FDG PET/MRI versus contrast-enhanced MRI in detecting regional HNSCC metastases 68
18F-FDG-PET correlates of aging and disease course in ALS as revealed by distinct PVC approaches 66
Cancer immunotherapy is accompanied by distinct metabolic patterns in primary and secondary lymphoid organs observed by non-invasive in vivo 18F-FDG-PET 66
null 66
Validation of an Automated System for the Extraction of a Wide Dataset for Clinical Studies Aimed at Improving the Early Diagnosis of Candidemia 63
Myocardial metabolic response predicts chemotherapy curative potential on hodgkin lymphoma: A proof-of-concept study 61
Geometry of the Hough Transforms with Applications to Synthetic Data 58
Quantitative imaging and radiomics in multiple myeloma: A potential opportunity? 58
Learning via variably scaled kernels 58
Opportunistic skeletal muscle metrics as prognostic tools in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer patients candidates to receive Radium-223 53
Cardiorespiratory function and VO2 kinetics after sleeve gastrectomy: a follow-up analysis 46
18F-FDG-PET/MRI texture analysis in rectal cancer after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy 46
Blockchain in radiology research and clinical practice: current trends and future directions 45
Neurological long-COVID in the outpatient clinic: Two subtypes, two courses 45
Segmentation agreement and the reliability of radiomics features 42
Some finite bounds for testing the Hough regularity of special classes of algebraic curves 42
18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography and Computed Tomography With Magnetic Resonance for Diagnosing Adult-Onset Still's Disease 42
Artificial intelligence and prescription of antibiotic therapy: present and future 41
MRI T2-weighted sequences-based texture analysis (TA) as a predictor of response to neoadjuvant chemo-radiotherapy (nCRT) in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC) 41
Brain Stem Glucose Hypermetabolism in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis/Frontotemporal Dementia and Shortened Survival: An 18F-FDG PET/MRI Study 41
Freehand 1.5T MR-Guided Vacuum-Assisted Breast Biopsy (MR-VABB): Contribution of Radiomics to the Differentiation of Benign and Malignant Lesions 38
Longitudinal Cluster Analysis of Hemodialysis Patients with COVID-19 in the Pre-Vaccination Era 37
Machine Learning as a Flaring Storm Warning Machine: Was a Warning Machine for the 2017 September Solar Flaring Storm Possible? 37
Flare-forecasting Algorithms Based on High-gradient Polarity Inversion Lines in Active Regions 37
null 36
High resolution computed tomography texture analysis identifies patients at risk of pulmonary fibrosis after COVID-19 pneumonia 36
Less Is Enough: Assessment of the Random Sampling Method for the Analysis of Magnetoencephalography (MEG) Data 34
Localization of neural activity from neuromagnetic data using varying-support sources 33
PET/MR in recurrent glioblastoma patients treated with regorafenib: [18F]FET and DWI-ADC for response assessment and survival prediction 33
Distinct features of immune activation and exhaustion markers in people with perinatally-acquired HIV 32
The flare likelihood and region eruption forecasting (FLARECAST) project: Flare forecasting in the big data & machine learning era 31
High Blood Pressure Is Associated with Tubulointerstitial Damage along with Glomerular Damage in Glomerulonephritis. A large Cohort Study 30
Radiomics: a new tool to differentiate adrenocortical adenoma from carcinoma 26
Gene’s expression underpinning the divergent predictive value of [18F]F-fluorodeoxyglucose and prostate-specific membrane antigen positron emission tomography in primary prostate cancer: a bioinformatic and experimental study 25
Explainable and Interpretable Machine Learning for Antimicrobial Stewardship: Opportunities and Challenges 25
The role of68ga-dota derivatives pet-ct in patients with ectopic acth syndrome 25
Oversampling errors in multimodal medical imaging are due to the gibbs effect 25
Radiomic and clinical model for predicting atypical ductal hyperplasia upgrades and potentially reduce unnecessary surgical treatments 24
T2-weighted, apparent diffusion coefficient and 18F-FDG PET histogram analysis of rectal cancer after preoperative chemoradiotherapy 24
Implementation paradigm for supervised flare forecasting studies: A deep learning application with video data 22
HT-BONE: a graphical user interface for the identification of bone profiles in CT images via extended Hough transform 21
A Study on the Role of Radiomics Feature Stability in Predicting Breast Cancer Subtypes 21
The CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure 19
Localized FDG loss in lung cancer lesions 18
Early diagnosis of candidemia with explainable machine learning on automatically extracted laboratory and microbiological data: results of the AUTO-CAND project 17
Data-driven analysis of regional brain metabolism in behavioral frontotemporal dementia and late-onset primary psychiatric diseases with frontal lobe syndrome: A PET/MRI study 17
Score-Oriented Loss (SOL) functions 16
Operational solar flare forecasting via video-based deep learning 16
A comprehensive theoretical framework for the optimization of neural networks classification performance with respect to weighted metrics 15
Feature Ranking of Active Region Source Properties in Solar Flare Forecasting and the Uncompromised Stochasticity of Flare Occurrence 15
Prediction of candidemia with machine learning techniques: state of the art 13
Spinal canal and spinal marrow segmentation by means of the hough transform of special classes of curves 12
Prediction of solar energetic events impacting space weather conditions 11
Nodal staging with MRI after neoadjuvant chemo-radiotherapy for locally advanced rectal cancer: a fast and reliable method 11
Prediction of candidemia with machine learning techniques: state of the art 10
Three-dimensional numerical schemes for the segmentation of the psoas muscle in X-ray computed tomography images 10
Semi-Quantification of Myocardial Uptake of Bone-Seeking Agents in Suspected Cardiac Amyloidosis 10
Profile Detection in Medical and Astronomical Images by Means of the Hough Transform of Special Classes of Curves 10
CT Texture Analysis of Adrenal Pheochromocytomas: A Pilot Study 8
Totale 6.295
Categoria #
all - tutte 25.983
article - articoli 21.715
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 3.920
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 348
Totale 51.966

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020578 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 144 182 132 30
2020/2021584 26 28 42 101 40 39 36 53 47 73 49 50
2021/2022839 31 55 54 96 30 49 45 174 51 69 56 129
2022/2023972 80 90 17 96 117 131 18 83 159 31 124 26
2023/2024683 36 72 27 87 52 109 40 32 40 46 47 95
2024/20251.387 129 143 61 139 297 235 220 163 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.313