Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 7.686
Totale 7.686
Nazione #
IT - Italia 7.686
Totale 7.686
Città #
Genova 5.510
Rapallo 804
Vado Ligure 685
Genoa 684
Bordighera 3
Totale 7.686
Nome #
Two models of Synthetic Domain Theory 154
A modular approach to denotational semantics 142
Synthetic Domain Theory and Models of Linear Abadi-Plotkin Logic 127
Sobriety for equilogical spaces 126
Completions, comonoids, and topological spaces 124
The discrete objects in the effective topos 124
Unifying Exact Completions 122
Algebraic types in PER models 120
Polymorphism, set theory, and call-by-value 119
Locally cartesian closed exact completions 118
Comparing models of higher type computation 117
The category of equilogical spaces and the effective topos as homotopical quotients 115
Explicit Constructive Logic ECL: A New Representation of Construction and Selection of Logical Information by an Epistemic Agent 111
An abstract look at realizability 109
Repleteness and the associated sheaf 108
A categorical view of process refinement 107
Representation theorems for p-categories 106
Categories and effective computations 105
Quotient completion for the foundation of constructive mathematics 104
Reflexive graphs and parametric polymorphism 103
Synthetic domain theory and models of linear Abadi-Plotkin logic 102
Studying repleteness in the category of cpos 102
Category Theory. Proceedings of the International Conference held in Como, Italy, July 22–28, 1990 102
Fixpoint operators for domain equations 102
Relating Quotient Completions via Categorical Logic 102
Custom automations in Mizar 100
Colimit completions and the effective topos 100
CT2010. Special issue of Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 99
Domains in H 95
An algebraic description of some state-dependent failure mechanisms 95
Category Theory and Computer Science. 7th International Conference, CTCS '97 Santa Margherita Ligure Italy, September 4–6, 1997. Proceedings 94
A note on Cauchy completeness for preorders 92
Equilogical spaces and filter spaces 90
Lifting 87
Triposes, exact completions, and Hilbert's ε-operator 87
The category of cpos from a synthetic viewpoint 87
Workshop on Realizability Semantics and Applications. Special Issue of Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 86
Recent developments in domain theory: a collection of papers in honour of Dana S. Scott 85
Elementary doctrines as coalgebras 84
Realizability. Special Issue of Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 83
About modest sets 83
Equilogical spaces and algebras for a double-power monad 82
Sulla orme di Alice nel paese della Scienza 80
A Category Theoretic Formulation for Engeler-style Models of the Untyped Lambda-Calculus 79
Domains and Denotational Semantics: History, Accomplishments and Open Problems 79
Semilattices and frames in a topos 78
Extensional PERs 77
Spaces as comonoids 76
Il gioco della logica di Lewis Carroll (e di altri) 71
Categories of partial maps 70
Functorial Parametricity 69
Preface to the volume on Recent developments in domain theory: a collection of papers in honour of Dana S. Scott 69
CT2000 Conference. Special Issue of Theory and Applications of Categories 68
30x5 - Il luna-park della matematica 67
Extensional PERs 67
Il gioco della logica di Lewis Carroll e i sillogismi 67
Una fetta di scienza 66
La resa della logica 65
Paral-lex 64
Matematica al bar 62
Logica nelle applicazioni 61
Frames and Topological Algebras for a Double-Power Monad 61
Dinaturality for free 59
Type theory via exact categories (extended abstract) 59
Odissea 58
An ExPER model for QUEST 58
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science: Preface 58
Le direzioni della ricerca logica in Italia: teoria delle categorie e logica categoriale 58
Alan Turing: tra logica e informatica 57
Sfida coi numeri 57
The Italian Team Competition 57
A characterisation of elementary fibrations 57
Agorà 56
MateFitness - La Palestra della Matematica 55
Cantor e gli insiemi 55
MateFitness - La palestra della matematica 54
Domains and dominical categories 53
Una matematica diversa 53
MateFitness - La Palestra della Matematica 53
On lattice extensions 53
Frame extensions in a topos 52
Didattica della matematica 52
Turing, biografia di un pioniere 52
Cantor Al Bar 52
Doctrines, modalities and comonads 51
Discorrendo in un bar a Genova, in via Albaro 48
Editorial 48
Dagli insiemi alle categorie 46
Le stanze dei numeri 43
Etnomatematica 42
Digilandia 42
La fabbrica dei numeri 38
Gödel al bar 37
Connessioni 37
Elementary fibrations of enriched groupoids 37
Elementary quotient completions, church’s thesis, and partitioned assemblies 34
A comonad for Grothendieck fibrations 26
Local and global problems: the sheaf approach 11
Totale 7.772
Categoria #
all - tutte 24.112
article - articoli 14.165
book - libri 381
conference - conferenze 2.631
curatela - curatele 1.816
other - altro 2.540
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 2.579
Totale 48.224

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.470 0 0 0 0 0 178 300 90 145 400 254 103
2020/2021387 29 22 27 31 17 34 20 31 55 45 35 41
2021/20221.086 19 116 56 148 32 73 96 221 40 100 42 143
2022/20231.018 117 38 5 108 137 195 30 78 212 7 67 24
2023/2024400 35 63 5 60 26 57 18 12 28 7 32 57
2024/2025763 135 125 48 71 281 103 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.772