Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 10.008
Totale 10.008
Nazione #
IT - Italia 10.008
Totale 10.008
Città #
Genova 6.727
Rapallo 1.413
Genoa 1.076
Vado Ligure 765
Bordighera 27
Totale 10.008
Nome #
Il contributo di Robbie Case allo studio dell'apprendimento. 203
Cognitive Development: Neo-Piagetian Perspectives. 194
Cognitive aspects of change in drawings: A neo-Piagetian theoretical account. 169
Memory components and control processes in children's drawing. 166
A cross-cultural study of response to Icelandic and Italian folktales. 145
Developmental evidence for working memory as activated long-term memory. 140
A test of a neo-Piagetian model of the Water Level Task. 138
M capacity as a lifespan construct: A study of its decrease in ageing subjects. 137
Relationships Between the Early Development of Drawing and Language: The Role of Executive Functions and Working Memory 137
A new model of verbal short-term memory 129
On the relationship between partial occlusion drawing, M capacity, and field independence. 121
Nothing left in store… But how do we measure attentional capacity? 119
Which tasks measure what? Reflections on executive function development and a commentary on Podjarny, Kamawar, and Andrews (2017) 118
Attention and control deficits following closed head injury. 118
Vocabulary learning in primary school children: Working memory and long-term memory components 117
Investigating mental representation of order with a speeded probed recall task 116
Horizontality of water level: A neo-Piagetian developmental review. 115
Planning, encoding, and overcoming conflict in partial occlusion drawing: A neo-Piagetian model and an experimental analysis. 114
Working Memory and its Impact on Cognitive Development in Very Young Children 114
Social and developmental aspects of Icelandic pupils' interest and experience of Icelandic culture. 112
The role of working memory in the development of emotion comprehension. 111
Issues in working memory measurement: Testing for M capacity. 111
From scribbling to drawing: the role of working memory 111
How do we learn to "kill" in volleyball?: The role of working memory capacity and expertise in volleyball motor learning 110
Developmental differences in the use of verbatim versus spatial representations in the recall of spatial descriptions: a probabilistic model and an experimental analysis. 107
Drawing a dog: Cognitive underpinnings 102
Speeded probed recall is affected by grouping 101
On the information-processing demands of spatial reasoning. 101
Cultural literacy: Developmental and social aspects of experience and knowledge of Icelandic culture. 97
Issues in testing for processing capacity: portrait of convergent validity with oblique rotations in the background 93
How do subvocal rehearsal and general attentional resources contribute to verbal short-term memory span? 93
Mental representation of literary characters as a distinct aspect of response to literature. 93
Working Memory (or the M Operator) and the planning of children's drawings 93
On the validity of working memory measures for elementary school children 92
Working Memory Capacity and the Development of Quantitative Central Conceptual Structures 91
A neo-Piagetian approach to children's drawings. 90
La casetta magica: un nuovo strumento per indagare l'aggiornamento (updating) della memoria di lavoro in età prescolare 90
A quantitative approach to the complexity of analog thinking 89
Drawing a dog: The role of working memory and executive function 89
Modelling working memory capacity: Is the magical number four, seven, or does it depend or what you are counting? 88
Processi cognitivi e apprendimento scolastico 88
Come disegnare una persona che non sta diritta in piedi? 87
Lo sviluppo cognitivo 85
Drawing a partial occlusion: Hidden line elimination or looking again at different objects? 84
Classification in children: two information-processing models. 84
Representation of item order in verbal short-term memory. 83
Untitled paper (presentation at the Workshop on Working Memory) 82
La capacità della memoria di lavoro nei bambini da 18 a 36 mesi. 82
Refining a model of verbal short-term memory capacity. 81
The Compound Stimuli Visual Information (CSVI) task revisited: presentation time, probability distributions, and attentional capacity limits 81
Working memory capacity and math comprehension in junior high school. 80
Analysis of the relation between M-Capacity development, expertise, and motor learning in young volleyball players 79
Understanding spatial descriptions: experimental test of a mental capacity model. 78
La rappresentazione mentale di personaggi letterari. 78
Replica agli interventi sulla memoria a breve termine, ovvero: elogio dei modelli formali. 77
Learning new words: Is the phonological loop doing all the job? 77
Young Icelanders’ mental representation of Saga characters. 76
Working memory training: From metaphors to models 76
Relazione tra disegno e linguaggio in età prescolare: il ruolo della memoria di lavoro e delle funzioni esecutive 76
Working memory and the intentional depiction of emotions. 75
Presentazione del nucleo monotematico "Psicologia della lettura di testi letterari". 74
The role of working memory in emotion comprehension. 74
From general theories to specific models: Successive approximations to a working-memory model of the planning of children's drawings. 74
Assessing individual performance in team sports: A new method developed in youth volleyball 74
La memoria operativa e la sua misurazione. 73
Memoria di lavoro e attività grafica: lo sviluppo dello scarabocchio. 73
Spatial structures in children's drawing: How do they develop? 72
Classe, inclusione, numero: alcuni modelli neopiagetiani. 71
Analisi evolutiva dei processi attentivi in giovani giocatori di pallavolo. 69
Italians do it better? M-capacity measurement and cross-linguistic differences in the Direction Following Task. 68
L'acquisizione della conservazione del numero. 65
Lo sviluppo mentale: prospettive neopiagetiane. 65
What does speeded probed recall tell us about working memory processing? 64
I concetti numerici nella scuola primaria e il programma “Number Worlds” 64
L'attesa di frequenze nulle 63
Processi cognitivi nella comprensione delle emozioni: il ruolo della memoria di lavoro nella prestazione al TEC. 61
Sviluppo grafico e memoria di lavoro fino ai 3 anni. 61
Quando E(F(A)) = 0. 59
Magazzini di memoria? Pronti per l'oblio! 59
Orðræður ungs fólks um íslenska menningu og skólastarf í ljósi hnattvæðingar. 59
Ragionamento spaziale e memoria di lavoro in compiti con un diverso grado di conflitto cognitivo 58
The roles of working memory and cognitive conflict in number conservation: Theory of Constructive Operators and Catastrophe Theory. 58
Validazione italiana del Questionario di Risposta alla Letteratura. 58
L'apprendimento di vocaboli in età scolare. 57
Ragionare sulle regole: Per una revisione di un modello di Johnson-Laird e Wason 57
Misure della memoria di lavoro da 18 a 36 mesi. 56
Orðræður um sjálfsmyndir, þjóðarvitund og hnattvæðingu. 55
Predittori dell'abbandono e del successo accademico nel Corso di Laurea in Psicologia di Cagliari 55
Modelli evolutivi neo-piagetiani della comprensione della matematica 55
Conservazione del numero, campodipendenza e memoria di lavoro 54
Comprendre la cognition infantile pour comprendre l'élève. 54
La mente mente, ma perché non si accorge di mentire? 53
Il significato dei termini che indicano abilità mentali e tratti di personalità 53
Refining a model of verbal short-term memory span. 53
On the relationship between M-Capacity development, expertise, and motor learning in young volleyball players 53
Memoria di lavoro e attenzione: un nuovo modello predittivo 53
The role of working memory in motor learning and sports performance: Two studies with young volleyball players 53
Nonword learning in school children: A causal analysis. 52
Evoluzione del concetto di memoria di lavoro e sue relazioni col linguaggio. 52
Moduli e "facoltà orizzontali": considerazioni sull'architettura della mente 51
Totale 8.715
Categoria #
all - tutte 29.645
article - articoli 16.237
book - libri 851
conference - conferenze 8.555
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 766
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 3.236
Totale 59.290

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.148 0 0 0 0 180 182 385 169 236 530 352 114
2020/2021638 37 45 110 28 29 66 32 60 72 34 79 46
2021/20221.407 32 134 79 185 26 75 83 347 98 126 38 184
2022/20231.685 157 108 59 175 244 287 15 119 271 11 216 23
2023/2024832 30 119 16 119 82 195 49 36 28 6 58 94
2024/2025778 68 223 63 104 320 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 10.124