Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 6.728
Totale 6.728
Nazione #
IT - Italia 6.728
Totale 6.728
Città #
Genova 4.508
Genoa 1.016
Rapallo 652
Vado Ligure 545
Bordighera 7
Totale 6.728
Nome #
Biogas production and valorization by means of a two-step biological process 164
Chromium(III) removal by Spirulina platensis biomass 164
A new kinetic and thermodynamic approach to phenol biosorption by chitosan and keratin 149
Nitrate and phosphate removal by Spirulina platensis 147
Copper removal by dry and re-hydrated biomass of Spirulina platensis 145
Kinetic and process considerations on biological reduction of soluble and scarcely soluble sulfates 135
Cultivation of Spirulina platensis in a combined airlift-tubular reactor system 134
The effect of acid pre-treatment on the biosorption of chromium(III) by Sphaerotilus natans from industrial wastewater 134
A Maximum Likelihood-based Method for the Nonlinear Estimation of Equilibrium Adsorption Parameters 134
Effects of carbon dioxide feeding rate and light intensity on the fed-batch pulse-feeding cultivation of Spirulina platensis in helical photobioreactor 132
Biological removal of heavy metals from acid wastewaters 130
Batch and fed-batch cultivations of Spirulina platensis using ammonium sulphate and urea as nitrogen sources 128
Adsorption of Ni2+, Zn2+ and Pb2+ onto dry biomass of Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis and Chlorella vulgaris. I. Single metal systems 127
Influence of the ratio of the initial substrate concentration to biomass concentration on the performance of a sequencing batch reactor 126
Phenol oxidation by mushroom waste extracts. A kinetic and thermodynamic study 126
Sorption of Cd(II) and Pb(II) from aqueous solutions onto Agave americana fibers 125
Cadmium biosorption on Spirulina platensis biomass 125
Fed-batch mixotrophic cultivation of Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis (Cyanophycea) with carbon source pulse feeding 124
Biological degradation of phenol in a one-stage biofilter using different Pseudomonas strains 118
In-situ ethanol recovery and substrate recycling during continuous alcohol fermentation 117
Utilization of NOx from combustion gases by biological processes. A preliminary study 117
Cadmium, zinc and chromium(III) removal from aqueous solutions by Zoogloea ramigera 116
“Microalgae-based Carbon Sequestration: growth of Spirulina platensis with flue gas feeding” 115
Effect of heavy metals on germination and growth of Cucumis sativus. 114
Arthrospira platensis cultivation by fed-batch feeding of ammonium and urea 113
Nitrogen and phosphorus removal from wastewater by microalgae cultivation 113
Metal biosorption onto dry biomass of Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis and Chlorella vulgaris: multi-metal systems 113
Chromium (VI) removal by methylated biomass of Spirulina platensis: The effect of methylation process 112
Removal of exhausted oils by adsorption on mixed Ca and Mg oxides 110
Spirulina platensis Culture with Flue Gas Feeding as a Cyanobacteria-Based Carbon Sequestration Option 109
Batch and fed-batch uptake of carbon dioxide by Spirulina platensis 109
Effect of extracts from Spirulina platensis bioaccumulating cadmium and zinc on L929 cells 105
Ammonium and urea removal by Spirulina platensis 104
Phenol removal from waste gases with a biological filter by Pseudomonas putida 98
Batch mixotrophic cultivation of Spirulina platensis 93
Biosorption of copper from water by dry and pre-hydrated biomass of Spirulina platensis 93
Biological elimination of acetone in a one stage biofilter using P. fluorescens strains 91
Biofiltration of benzene vapours in gaseous streams from soil-venting 88
Alkaline hydrolysis for the treatment of the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes and sludge 87
A kinetic study of Saccharomyces strains: performance at high sugar concentrations 87
Cadmium, zinc, copper, silver and chromium(III) removal from industrial wastewaters by Sphaerotilus natans 86
Influence of temperature on cadmium removal by Sphaerotilus natans from acidic solutions 85
Effect of pre-hydration on Cu removal by Spirulina platensis 85
Bioprocesses for the degradation of organic pollutants and carbon dioxide removal 85
Study on biological removal of cadmium and copper 84
Cadmium removal from aqueous solutions by biosorbents: study of the operating conditions 84
Treatment of effluent containig micropollutants by means activated carbon 84
Chitin as biosorbent for phenol removal from aqueous solution: equilibrium, kinetic and themodynamic studies 83
Preliminary study of competing cations on cadmium biosorption by Spirulina platensis 81
Influence of application time of shear stress on biological activity and cell viability 81
Effects of pH on chromate(VI) adsorption by Spirulina platensis biomass: batch tests and FT-IR studies 80
Influence of the hydration degree on copper removal by Spirulina platensis biomass 79
Anaerobic digestion of biomass, urban solid wastes and sludges 79
Reactivity and stability of mycelium-bound carboxylesterase from Aspergillus oryzae 77
Controllo di emissioni gassose di fenolo dell'industria alimentare mediante sistema biologico di filtrazione 74
”Abbattimento NOx tramite Spirulina Platensis, Analisi Energetica ed Ambientale” 74
Rimozione di cromo III mediante colture di Sphaerotilus natans 72
Carbon dioxide removal for the photoautotrophic cultivation of the microalga Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis 70
Oxygen influence on the nitrification/denitrification process in a FBR system. 68
Impiego di Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis per l'abbattimento di CO2 e la rimozione dei metalli pesanti 64
Rimozione batch e fed-batch di anidride carbonica mediante Spirulina platensis 59
Produção fotossintética de Spirulina platensis. Efeito do tempo de alimentação da uréia 55
Produzione ed utilizzo di biomassa microalgale: applicazioni ambientali ed energetiche 53
Magnesium uptake by Sphaerotilus natans. The inhibiting effect of ethanol 44
Spirulina platensis biomass as adsorbent for copper removal 37
Crescita di biomassa microalgale quale materia prima per la produzione di biodiesel 35
Totale 6.751
Categoria #
all - tutte 20.231
article - articoli 14.421
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 4.253
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.557
Totale 40.462

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020680 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 123 295 181 81
2020/2021355 18 32 23 23 24 18 28 69 42 35 22 21
2021/2022803 15 87 96 86 21 45 46 199 21 66 41 80
2022/2023799 102 76 6 110 103 132 1 36 140 6 75 12
2023/2024434 27 60 3 66 41 73 19 13 25 17 40 50
2024/2025987 66 93 55 108 167 131 119 237 11 0 0 0
Totale 6.751