Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 3.931
Totale 3.931
Nazione #
IT - Italia 3.931
Totale 3.931
Città #
Genova 2.652
Rapallo 516
Genoa 383
Vado Ligure 368
Bordighera 12
Totale 3.931
Nome #
Combined orientation and confinement effects on saturated pool boiling of dielectric liquid 173
Nucleate boiling and critical heat flux of HFE-7100 in horizontal narrow spaces 147
Improving the thermal performance of coaxial borehole heat exchangers 141
Extending the Ashrae Tp8 method for vertical borefield design to uniform BHE temperature boundary conditions 135
Modelling the ground volume for numerically generating single borehole heat exchanger response factors according to the cylindrical source approach 122
Long-term performance of large borehole heat exchanger fields with unbalanced seasonal loads and groundwater flow 120
HFE-7100 pool boiling heat transfer and critical heat flux in inclined narrow spaces 117
Temperature response factors at different boundary conditions for modelling the single borehole heat exchanger 115
Constant temperature response factors for fast calculation of sparse BHE field g-functions 109
Effects of flow direction and thermal short-circuiting on the performance of coaxial ground heat exchangers 108
Finite element simulation of coaxial borehole heat exchangers 107
Effetto della direzione del flusso e del thermal short-circuiting sulle prestazioni di sonde geotermiche coassiali: funzionamento invernale 106
Measurement of flow parameters in solid–liquid slugging fluidised beds 104
Energy demand hourly simulations and energy saving strategies in greenhouses for the Mediterranean climate 104
An experimental investigation of two-phase pressure drop in small diameter horizontal channels 100
Investigation on the Effects of Different Time Resolutions in the Design and Simulation of Bhe Fields 99
Borefield Design and Enhanced Thermal Response Test for the Energy Building of the University of Genova 98
Thermal Response of Helix Ground Heat Exchangers 98
Hourly simulations of an hospital building for assessing the thermal demand and the best retrofit strategies for consumption reduction 97
null 96
Long-term performance of BHE (borehole heat exchanger) fields with negligible groundwater movement 95
Numerical evaluation of long-term performance of borehole heat exchanger fields 95
Superposition of the single point source solution to generate temperature response factors for geothermal piles 95
Short-term behavior and steady-state value of BHE thermal resistence 94
Effect of groundwater movement on the long term efficiency of borehole heat exchangers 90
Comparison of 2D conduction models for vertical ground coupled heat exchangers 90
Effects of flow direction and thermal short-circuiting on the performance of small coaxial ground heat exchangers 89
Validation of a simplified model to determine the long term performance of borehole heat exchanger fields with groundwater advection 86
Two-phase pressure drop of HFE-7100 in a horizontal small channel 74
Modelling Heat Pumps with Variable EER and COP in EnergyPlus: A Case Study Applied to Ground Source and Heat Recovery Heat Pump Systems 74
Pool boiling heat transfer and critical heat flux in horizontal narrow spaces 71
Loss of performance of double U-tube borehole heat exchangers due to thermal short-circuiting 71
Transient Thermal Resistance of Borehole Heat Exchangers for Hourly Simulations of Geothermal Heat Pumps Systems 68
Territorial mapping for the exploitation of low-enthalpy geothermal resources 64
Analisi sperimentale sull’effetto dell’orientazione della superficie nell’ebollizione nucleata: risultati preliminari 64
Effetto dell’orientazione superficiale sull’ebollizione nucleata e sul flusso termico critico di HFE-7100 62
Numerical evaluation of the Ground Response to a Thermal Response Test experiment 62
Long-Term Performance of Borehole Heat Exchanger Fields with Groundwater Movement 57
Evaluation of supervised learning models in predicting greenhouse energy demand and production for intelligent and sustainable operations 38
Greenhouse cultivation in Mediterranean climate: Dynamic energy analysis and experimental validation 34
Effect of surface orientation on nucleate boiling and critical heat flux of dielectric fluids 34
Model predictive control versus traditional relay control in a high energy efficiency greenhouse 34
Energy saving strategies in sustainable greenhouse cultivation in the mediterranean climate – A case study 33
Reduced scale experimental modelling of distributed thermal response tests for the estimation of the ground thermal conductivity 31
Extending the ASHRAE method to a 25-year horizon through the Tp8 model for temperature penalty accurate estimation 24
Accurate design of BHE fields for geothermal heat pump systems: The ASHRAE-Tp8 method compared to non aggregated schemes applied to different European test cases 24
Low-Cost Distributed Thermal Response Test for the Estimation of Thermal Ground and Grout Conductivities in Geothermal Heat Pump Applications 21
Energy demand parametric analysis and geothermal heat exchanger design applied to a nearly zero energy PV building in northern Italy 19
Extended version at 25 years of the ASHRAE-Tp8 method for the design of BHE fields operating with geothermal heat pumps 11
Totale 4.000
Categoria #
all - tutte 12.008
article - articoli 6.330
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 5.678
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 24.016

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020669 0 0 0 0 0 0 185 63 97 175 115 34
2020/2021248 19 21 18 18 13 31 15 17 14 40 24 18
2021/2022445 17 26 42 54 15 34 28 97 23 41 18 50
2022/2023597 43 42 7 76 68 105 3 41 125 3 74 10
2023/2024241 13 29 6 45 15 23 7 15 18 9 26 35
2024/2025462 81 65 39 28 146 102 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.000