Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 23.237
Totale 23.237
Nazione #
IT - Italia 23.237
Totale 23.237
Città #
Genova 17.586
Genoa 2.224
Rapallo 1.966
Vado Ligure 1.425
Bordighera 36
Totale 23.237
Nome #
How Growing Conditions and Interfacial Oxygen Affect the Final Morphology of MgO/Ag(100) Films 188
Molecular Ordering and Adsorbate Induced Faceting in the Ag{110}-(S)-Glutamic Acid System 188
Anisotropic Dispersion and Partial Localization of Acoustic Surface Plasmons on an Atomically Stepped Surface: Au(788) 187
Chemisorption of CO on N-doped Graphene on Ni(111) 180
Dynamics of the interaction of O2 with stepped and damaged Ag surfaces 178
Influence of electron reflectivity on the analysis of surface processes:O 2 /Ag(110) 174
Chemisorption dynamics in presence of well defined surface defects 172
Coverage dependence of the sticking probability of ethylene on Ag(410) 172
Breakdown of normal energy scaling at high impact energy for O2 on Ag(001) 168
Enhanced Chemical Reactivity of Pristine Graphene Interacting Strongly with a Substrate: Chemisorbed Carbon Monoxide on Graphene/Nickel(1 1 1) 165
Correlated Motion of Electrons on the Au(111) Surface: Anomalous Acoustic Surface-Plasmon Dispersion and Single-Particle Excitations 164
Angular Dependence of Dipole Scattering Cross Section: Surface Plasmon Losses on Ag(001) 162
Morphology of Monolayer MgO Films on Ag(100): Switching from Corrugated Islands to Extended Flat Terraces 162
Oxygen interaction at Ag(511): from chemisorption to the initial stages of oxide formation 161
Anharmonic shift in the stretching frequency of O2 chemisorbed on Ag(110) 161
CO chemisorption at vacancies of supported graphene films: a candidate for a sensor? 160
Stereoselectivity in catalytic reactions: CO oxidation on Pd(100) by rotationally aligned O2 molecules 158
Comment on “Adsorption of hydrogen and hydrocarbon molecules on SiC(001)” by Pollmann et al. (Surf. Sci. Rep. 69 (2014) 55–104) 158
Anharmonicity of the O-2-Ag(001) chemisorption potential 157
K adsorption on Ag(110): effect on surface structure and surface electronic excitations 155
Ethene adsorption and decomposition on the Cu(410) surface 152
Accretion disc origin of the Earth's water 151
HREELS study of CO oxidation on Ag(001) by O2 or O 150
Influence of growing conditions on the reactivity of Ni supported graphene towards CO 150
Substrate reconstruction and electronic surface states: Ag(001) 150
From adsorption at the surface to incorporation into subsurface sites: the role of steps for O/Ag 150
LEED fine structures and trapping phenomena in inelastic scattering of electrons off Ag(001) and Ag(110) 148
Coverage dependence of the dynamics of ethylene adsorption on Ag(210) 147
Common fingerprint of hydroxylated non-polar steps on MgO smoke and MgO films 145
Phase Transition of dissociatively adsorbed oxygen on Ag(001) 145
Anisotropy of the Oxygen Interaction with Ag surfaces 145
Interaction of rotationally aligned and of oriented molecules in gas phase and at surfaces 144
Adsorption of molecular oxygen on Ag(110) 143
Surface plasmon dispersion on sputtered and nanostructured Ag(001) 142
Morphology of monolayer MgO films on Ag(100): Switching from corrugated islands to extended flat terraces 142
Enhanced collision induced desorption and dissociation of O2 chemisorbed on Ag (001) at grazing incidencE 142
A simple and compact mechanical velocity selector of use to analyze/select molecular alignment in supersonic seeded beams 142
Spontaneous Oxidation of Ni Nanoclusters on MgO Monolayers Induced by Segregation of Interfacial Oxygen 141
Subsurface Oxygen Stabilization by a Third Species: Carbonates on Ag(210) 139
Hydrogen-induced nanotunnel opening within semiconductor subsurface 139
Effect of surface interband transitions on surface plasmon dispersion: O/Ag(001) 138
Enhanced hydrolysis at monolayer MgO films 138
Acoustic surface plasmon on Cu(111) 138
Band structure effects on the Be(0001) acoustic surface plasmon energy dispersion 138
X-Ray photoemission study of the temperature-dependent CuO Formation on Cu(410) using an energetic O2 molecular beam 138
Dynamics of Ethene Adsorption on Clean and C-Contaminated Cu(410) 138
Azimuthal dependence of sticking probability of O2 on Ag(110) 137
Ethylene Decomposition at Undercoordinated Sites on Cu(410) 136
Selective adsorption and desorption of electrons from image potential states 136
Adsorption distance of S on Ni(001): an electron-energy-loss spectroscopy-cross-section-analysis of the Ni(001)-c(2x2) S System 136
Spectroscopic Evidence for Neutral and Anionic Adsorption of (S)-Glutamic Acid on Ag(111) 136
2D Ni Nanoclusters on Ultrathin MgO/Ag(100) 136
Negative Ion Resonances of O2 adsorbed on Ag Surfaces 135
High resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy study of O-Cu(410) 135
Low-energy acoustic plasmons at metal surfaces 135
Atom-Surface Elastic Scattering with additive Potential 135
Quasi-elastic scattering of Neon from (001)LiF surface 134
HREELS and ELS-LEED Studies of Surface Plasmons on Ag and Pd Single Crystals 133
Tuning the Stoichiometry of Surface Oxide Phases by Step Morphology: Ag(511) versus Ag(210) 133
Sticking Probability and Reactivity of Hyperthermal O2 Molecules Impinging on CO Pre-covered Pd(100): Effect of Rotational States with K > 1 133
Formation of d-holes in the initial stages of the oxidation of Ag(001) 132
Plasmon confinement in ultrathin continuous Ag films 131
Accurate He-Ag(110) interaction potential determination by selective adsorption 131
Anisotropy of surface plasmons in metals 131
EELS Study of the Dynamics of clean Ni(100): Surface Phonons and Surface Resonances 131
Adsorbate induced Reconstruction of Ni(100) 131
ELS-LEED study of electronic excitations on Ag(110) and Ag(111) 131
Adatom Extraction from Pristine Metal Terraces by Dissociative Oxygen Adsorption: Combined STM and Density Functional Theory Investigation of O/Ag (110) 130
Sticking and thermal desorption of O2 on Ag(001) 129
Unravelling the Role of Steps in Cu2O Formation via Hyperthermal O2 Adsorption at Cu(410) 129
Initial sticking coefficient of O2 on Ag (001) 128
Collisionally aligned molecular beams: a tool for stereodynamical studies in the gas phase and at surfaces 127
Subsurface incorporation of Oxygen on Ag(001) during Molecular Dissociation 127
Acoustic Surface Plasmon Dispersion on Nanostructured Cu(111) 127
Initial Sticking Coefficient of O2 on Ag(001) 127
Pulsed electron deposition (PED) of single buffer layer for ‘low-cost’ YBCO coated conductors 127
O2 dissociation on Ag(001): the role of kink sites 127
New insights on the stereodynamics of ethylene adsorption on an oxygen precovered silver surface 126
Surface Phonon Dispersion of Surface and Adsorbate Layers 126
Isothermal desorption of O2 from Ag(001) 126
Switching from molecular to dissociative adsorption with vibrational energy: ethylene on Ag(001) 125
Collective excitations of thin films of disordered potassium adsorbed on Ag(110) 125
Dynamics of the gas-surface interaction in presence of well defined defects 125
Surface plasmon dispersion and damping on Ag(111) 125
Coupling scanning tunneling microscope and supersonic molecular beams: A unique tool for in situ investigation of the morphology of activated systems 125
Energy and angle dependence of the initial sticking coefficient of O2 on Ag(001) 125
Formation of channels for oxygen migration towards subsurface sites by CO oxidation and growth of the surface oxide phase on Ag(001) 125
Study of the Ag(100) surface by He diffraction 124
The influence of d electrons on surface plasmon dispersion: Pd(110) 124
O2 dissociation before the onset of added row nucleation on Ag(110): an atomistic scanning tunnelling microscopy view 124
Carbon Dioxide hydrogenation on Ni(110) 124
Coverage dependence of the sticking coefficient of O2 on Ag(110) 123
Co-evaporated YBCO/doped-CeO2/Ni–W coated conductors oxygen improved using a supersonic nozzle 123
Interaction of ethylene and oxygen with stepped Ag surfaces 122
Oxygen interaction with disordered and nanostructured Ag(001) surfaces 122
Comment on 'Dissociative and non-dissociative sticking of O2 at the Ag(111) surface' by A. Raukema, D.A. Butler, F.M.A. Box and A.W. Kleyn 122
Influence of Defects on Adsorption—Model Studies With Stepped Surfaces 121
Heterolitic photolysis of O2 on Ag(001) 120
Ethene stabilization on Cu(111) by surface roughness 120
Totale 14.043
Categoria #
all - tutte 67.974
article - articoli 59.814
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 2.230
curatela - curatele 215
other - altro 971
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 4.744
Totale 135.948

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.547 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 727 960 652 208
2020/20212.143 177 174 277 90 166 274 89 205 157 270 128 136
2021/20222.579 90 198 297 178 116 118 207 576 146 258 123 272
2022/20232.367 238 113 15 274 356 543 5 191 420 7 167 38
2023/20241.152 57 174 31 111 102 297 66 58 48 13 79 116
2024/20252.160 56 240 110 228 501 401 212 356 56 0 0 0
Totale 23.458