Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 11.285
Totale 11.285
Nazione #
IT - Italia 11.285
Totale 11.285
Città #
Genova 7.717
Rapallo 1.431
Genoa 1.259
Vado Ligure 836
Bordighera 42
Totale 11.285
Nome #
Woody species diversity as predictor of vascular plant species diversity in forest ecosystems 173
Climate change hastens the urgency of conservation for range-restricted plant species in the central-northern Mediterranean region 158
Reproductive biology of an Alpic paleo-endemic in a changing climate 140
Data Mining for floral distribution pattern detection 128
Are the responses of plant species to Quaternary climatic changes idiosyncratic? A demographic perspective from the Western Alps 127
Do floral and niche shifts favour the establishment and persistence of newly arisen polyploids? A case study in an Alpine primrose. 126
Natural hybridization in Saxifraga callosa Sm. 122
Analysis of in vitro performances and genetic variability of several Campanula sabatia populations in Italy. 120
The flower biology of Daphne gnidium L. (Thymelaeaceae) 120
Strategy to improve the quality, the acclimatization and the ex vitro re-introduction of micropropagated plants of Limonium cordatum (L.) Mill., a Mediterranean endemism. 115
Moehringia argenteria (Caryophyllaceae) a new species in the Maritime Alps (Italy). 114
Micropropagation of Limonium cordatum (L.) Mill. for conservation purposes. 109
Molecular phylogeny of the Caryophyllaceae (Caryophyllales) inferred from chloroplast MATK and nuclear rDNA its sequences 109
Genetic variability of the narrow endemic Rhamnus persicifolia Moris (Rhamnaceae) and its implications for conservation 109
Distribution range and ecological niche of Primula marginata Curtis (Primulaceae) 108
Ecological and historical factors affecting distribution pattern and richness of endemic plant species: the case of the Maritime and Ligurian Alps hotspot 107
The plant endemism in the Maritime and Ligurian Alps 107
Population decrease of Thymelaea hirsuta (L.) Endl. in Liguria: conservation problems for the North Tyrrhenian sea. 106
Spatial genetic structure of Campanula sabatia a threatened narrow endemic species of the Mediterranean basin. 106
A critical evaluation of different methods for the determination of areas of endemism and biotic elements: an Alpine study. 106
Floral features and reproductive ecology in Thymelaea hirsuta (L.) Endl 105
Seed morphology in Moehringia L. and its taxonomic significance in comparative studies within the Caryophyllaceae 105
Applying a hierarchisation method to a biodiversity hotspot: Challenges and perspectives in the South-Western Alps flora 105
Thorn, spine and prickle patterns in the Italian flora 105
Distribution pattern and richness of endemic plant species in Maritime and Ligurian Alps 103
Data Mining for endemic plant species distribution pattern identification 103
Genetic diversity in the endangered Sicilian endemic Brassica rupestris: Proposals for a conservation strategy 102
Divergence is not enough: the use of ecological niche models for the validation of taxon boundaries 102
Phylogeography of Primula allionii (Primulaceae), a narrow endemic of the Maritime Alps. 101
The role of polyploidy evolution in flowering plants: a case study from the alpine species Primula marginata 99
Sequence capture using RAD probes clarifies phylogenetic relationships and species boundaries in Primula sect. Auricula 98
The abundance & diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are linked to the soil chemistry of screes & to slope in the Alpic paleo-endemic Berardia subacaulis 97
Prime esperienze di reintroduzione in Liguria: il caso di Leucojum nicaeense Ard. nel Comune di Ventimiglia (IM). 96
Sexual polymorphism and spatial segregation of Thymelaea hirsuta in Liguria (north-west Italy) 95
Ecological characteristics and rarity of endemic plants of the Italian Maritime Alps. 95
Climate change fosters the decline of epiphytic Lobaria species in Italy 94
Reproductive biology of the threatened Lilium pomponium (Liliaceae), a species endemic to Maritime and Ligurian Alps 94
Allopatric divergence and secondary contacts in Euphorbia spinosa L.: influence of climatic changes on the split of the species. 94
Piano d’azione per la conservazione di Campanula sabatia in Liguria 93
Allopatric divergens and secondary contact observed in Euphorbia spinosa L. 93
Phylogeographic insights into a peripheral refugium: the importance of cumulative effect of glaciation on the genetic structure of two endemic plants 93
Biogeographic and genetic aspects on the relationship between two endemic Moehringia sp. (Caryophyllaceae) of Provence and Liguria. 92
Polyploid evolution and Pleistocene glacial cycles: a case study from the alpine primrose Primula marginata (Primulaceae). 92
Demographic structure and reproductive success of Primula allionii, a plant endemic to Maritime Alps 90
Pollination ecology in the narrow endemic winter-flowering Primula allionii (Primulaceae) 89
Ecogeographic and genetic evaluation of endemic species in the Maritime Alps: the case of Moehringia lebrunii and M. sedoides (Caryophyllaceae) 88
Allopatric divergens and secondary contact observed in Euphorbia spinosa L. 88
Pollen vector in Thymelaea hirsuta (L.) Endl. 88
Phylogeographical investigation on Silene cordifolia and Viola argenteria endemic to the Maritime Alps: similitude in their genetic history. 88
Recent biogeografical studies about Maritime and Ligurian Alps. 87
Genetic structure of Rhamnus glaucophylla Sommier endemic to Tuscany 85
Caratteristiche ecologiche e rarità delle piante endemiche delle Alpi Marittime italiane 85
Between past and future: legacy and fate of an important centre of endemism for the Mediterranean region 85
Preliminary survey of the nutritional and palynological traits of honey bee-foraged pollen from Liguria (Italy) 84
Conservazione della diversità vegetale in Liguria. Attività ed iniziative in Liguria. 83
Learning from the past to forecast the future: a case study on Berardia subacaulis, a paleo-endemic species of the SW Alps 82
Haplotype richness in refugial area of Maritime Alps: phylogeographical structure of Saxifraga callosa. 80
Haplotype richness in refugial area of Marittime Alps: phylogeographical structure of Saxifraga callosa. 79
Species distinction within Campanula sect. Heterophylla in the SW Alps: molecular, morphological and chemotaxonomic evidences. 79
Biotic elements and areas of endemism approach applied to endemic plant species of Maritime and Ligurian Alps hotspot 78
An anatomical study of floral variation in Thymelaea hirsuta (L.) Endl. related to sexual dimorphism 78
Future adaptations of plant species to environmental changes. 75
Pollination strategies in the narrow endemic species Primula allionii Loisel. (Primulaceae). 74
Phylogeography of Euphorbia spinosa L. 74
Reproductive success in Daphne gnidium (Thymelaeaceae) 74
Daphne gnidium L. (Thymelaeaceae): una specie androdioica? 72
Dispersal mechanisms in some reprentatives of the genus Moehringia L. (Caryophyllaceae) 72
Comparazione fra differenti metodi per la determinazione delle aree di endemismo e per gli elementi biotici: un esempio nelle Alpi Marittime e Liguri 71
Thorns, spines and prickles in the Italian flora. 71
Esperienze di studi demografici e genetici di popolazioni vegetali in Liguria. 71
Specie patrimoniali dei M. Toraggio e Pietravecchia (Liguria occidentale) 70
Reproductive efficiency of Primula allionii: is this endemic plant really threatened? 69
Biodiversità senza frontiere. Progetto ALCOTRA 016. Natura 2000 A.d.M. Rapporto finale 69
Dati preliminari sulla biologia riproduttiva di Thymelaea hirsuta (L.) Endl. nella popolazione ligure. 68
Una Base di Dati con interfaccia Web per analisi biogeografica ed ecologica: l'esempio delle piante endemiche delle Alpi Marittime italiane 68
Strategy to improve the quality, the acclimatization and the ex vitro re-introduction of micropropagated plants of Limonium cordatum (L.) Mill., a Mediterranean endemism 68
Biotechnological approaches for the conservation of Campanula sabatia De Not., a endangered Italian species 67
The role of polyploidy evolution in flowering plants: a case study from the alpine species Primula marginata. 67
Phylogenetic and Phylogeographical structure of Saxifraga callosa: Haplotype richness and identification of hybrids in refugial areas 66
Saxifraga callosa Sm.: a complex taxon resolved by a combination of morphological and molecular approaches 65
The importance of stability throughout time in affecting the geographical pattern of endemism richness 65
Climate change and the future of endemic flora in the South Western Alps: relationships between niche properties and extinction risk. 65
Didattica e conservazione: l'esperienza pilota diAndora (Ponente Ligure) 64
Effects of environmental heterogeneity on phenotypic variation of the endemic plant Lilium pomponium in the Maritime and Ligurian Alps 64
Campanula sabatia De Not.: primi risultati di propagazione in vitro per una specie protetta. 63
An integrative taxonomic approach in the genus Erysimum (Brassicaceae). 63
Phylogeographical structure of Saxifraga callosa Sm. 62
Thymelaea hirsuta(L.) Endl.: monitoraggio della popolazione ligure 62
Fattori che influenzano i modelli di ricchezza degli endemismi vegetali delle Alpi Occidentali 61
Evoluzione verso il dioicismo in Thymelaea hirsuta (L:) Endl.: prime osservazioni in Liguria 61
Niche divergence between putative taxa: ecological niche models in taxonomic researches 61
Studi sulla biodiversità delle Alpi Marittime. 60
Il significato sistematico della morfologia dei semi nella subfam. Alsinoideae (Caryophyllaceae) con l’uso del SEM: primi risultati 60
Il seme, culla della diversità vegetale 59
Thymelaea dioica (Gouan) All.: conferma e localizzazione della sua presenza in Italia 59
Banche dati e reti di monitoraggio della flora e della vegetazione: esperienze italiane e transfrontaliere 59
Effects of environmental heterogeneity on phenotypic variations of Lilium pomponium L. 59
Sviluppo embrionale di fiori di Thymelaea hirsuta in relazione alla sua evoluzione verso il dioicismo 58
Priority species and sites for plant conservation in the Mediterranean Alps: an example of a cross-border approach 58
Totale 8.762
Categoria #
all - tutte 38.456
article - articoli 24.111
book - libri 628
conference - conferenze 12.658
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 190
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 869
Totale 76.912

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.362 0 0 0 0 195 211 528 122 198 584 399 125
2020/2021739 23 45 52 59 59 114 23 49 91 76 80 68
2021/20221.885 14 153 137 229 95 105 137 408 159 175 52 221
2022/20231.737 172 140 16 195 339 275 11 115 297 5 130 42
2023/2024991 63 91 20 133 77 187 58 71 64 23 77 127
2024/2025869 77 252 146 135 259 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 11.564