Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 6.393
Totale 6.393
Nazione #
IT - Italia 6.393
Totale 6.393
Città #
Genova 4.832
Rapallo 772
Genoa 508
Vado Ligure 274
Bordighera 7
Totale 6.393
Nome #
Integral equation formulation of electromagnetic scattering by nonlinear dielectric objects 170
Use of redundant testing functions in moment-method solutions for block models 144
A numerical approach based on the moment method and Wolfe's procedure for nonlinear electromagnetic scattering in free space 139
A microwave inverse scattering technique for image reconstruction based on a genetic algorithm 132
Bistatic scattering width computation for nonlinear isotropic infinite multilayer circular cylinders 131
An Inverse Scattering Approach Based on A Neural Network Technique for the Detection of Dielectric Cylinders Buried in a Lossy Half-Space 129
Optimization of the difference patterns for monopulse antennas by a hybrid real/integer-coded differential evolution method 128
A global optimization technique for microwave nondestructive evaluation 127
A crack identification microwave procedure based on a genetic algorithm for nondestructive testing 126
A numerical approach for the evaluation of the nonlinear effects on the attenuation constant in high-temperature superconducting transmission lines 122
Multi-illumination approach based on a memetic algorithm for the electromagnetic imaging of cylindrical inhomogeneities 121
A reconstruction procedure for microwave nondestructive evaluation based on a numerically computed Green's function 121
Optimization procedure based on a statistical cooling method applied to scattering by bounded nonlinear objects 119
Two-dimensional microwave imaging approach based on a genetic algorithm 119
Numerical computation of the interaction between electromagnetic waves and nonlinear superconducting materials 116
A global optimization technique for microwave nondestructive evaluation 114
Rytov approximation: application to scattering by two-dimensional weakly nonlinear dielectrics 113
Crack detection in lossy two-dimensional structures by means of a microwave imaging approach 113
Iterative numerical computation of the electromagnetic fields inside weakly nonlinear infinite dielectric cylinders of arbitrary cross sections using the distorted-wave Born approximation 113
A reconstruction procedure for microwave nondestructive evaluation based on a numerically computed green's function 113
Approximate Solutions to the Scattering by Nonlilnear Isotropic Dielectric cylinders of Circular Cross-Sections under TM Illumination 112
A numerical solution to electromagnetic scattering by three-dimensional nonlinear objects in free space using a statistical cooling procedure 109
Microwave medical imaging: Potentialities and limitations of a stochastic optimization technique 107
Microwave imaging within the second-order Born approximation: stochastic optimization by a genetic algorithm 107
S. Caorsi, A. Massa, M. Pastorino, "A numerical approach to electromagnetic scattering by bounded weakly nonlinear objects of arbitrary shapes in free space 106
Reconstruction algorithms for electromagnetic imaging 103
A microwave inverse scattering techniques for image reconstruction based on a genetic algorithm 102
A numerical solution to full-vector electromagnetic scattering by three-dimensional nonlinear bounded dielectrics 100
A formal solution for wave propagation in rectangular waveguide with an inserted nonlinear dielectric slab 99
Bistatic scattering width evaluation for nonlinear isotropic infinite circular cylinders 99
Computation of electromagnetic scattering by nonlinear bounded dielectric objects: a FDTD approach 97
On the relationship for the bistatic modulated scattering technique in scattering applications using scattering properties of antennas 97
Assessment of the effectiveness of iterative techniques for the evaluation of the electromagnetic scattering by weakly nonlinear dielectric cylinders 95
New results in microwave imaging using a genetic algorithm 94
A passive antenna system for data acquisition in scattering applications 94
The monostatic MST for EMC: Theoretical formulation using minumum scattering antenna concepts 92
A nonlinear inverse problem for microwave NDE 90
Bistatic scattering width computation for weakly nonlinear dielectric cylinders of arbitrary inhomogeneous cross-sections shapes under transverse-magnetic wave illumination 87
Electromagnetic scattering by nonlinear dielectric cylinders with non-Kerr-like nonlinearities 86
A numerical approach to the direct scattering problem for nonlinear dielectric objects 84
An iterative approach to the computation of the bistatic scattering width for a nonlinear dielectric cylinder of arbitrary cross-section under TM illumination 79
A passive array antenna for microwave imaging applications 79
Optimization approaches for the detection of subsurface defects 79
A theoretical analysis of the electromagnetic field for bounded non-linear media in free space and rectangular waveguide 78
Interaction between microwaves and nonlinear materials: an optimization procedure based on genetic algorithms 77
Microwave imaging using a genetic algorithm 76
Method of moments as applied to arbitrarily shaped bounded nonlinear scatterers 75
Stochastic methods for electromagnetic inverse scattering 75
Nonlinear inverse scattering approach for image reconstruction by using a genetic algorithm 75
Application of the UMoM for the computation of the scattering by dielectrics coated with weakly nonlinear layers 75
Correction to: 'Scattering by a lossy dielectric circular cylindrical multilayer, numerical values,' by H. E. Bussey and J. H. Richmond 75
Numerical approach to the electromagnetic scattering by weakly nonlinear objects by using genetic algorithms 74
Computational numerical electromagnetic scattering: The case of superconducting materials 74
Extension of moment-method solutions to vector scattering by three-dimesional non-linear dielectric objects in free space 73
Scattering by two-dimensional weakly nonlinear dielectrics using the the iterative Born and Rytov approximations 73
Imaging from real-scattered data using a nonlinear iterative multi-scaling approach 71
Microwave nondestructive testing: A stochastic optimization approach 70
Subsurface detection and imaging by means of the iterative multi-scaling approach 65
Microwave imaging of two-dimensional scatterers using an iterative multi-scaling methodology 64
Current trends and future challenges on nonlinear inverse scattering strategies based on optimization algorithms 58
Microwave imaging using a genetic algoritm 57
Tecniche Numeriche Innovative per la Caratterizzazione del Campo Emesso da Terminali per la Telefonia Mobile ai Fini della Valutazione del SAR in Soggetti Esposti 55
Microwave nondestructive testing: A stochastic optimization approach 55
Numerical solution to electromagnetic scattering by nonlinear objects by using genetic algorithms 55
Novel electromagnetic-imaging technique for medical applications 51
Overconstrained moment--method (OMoM) numerical solutions for electromagnetic field prediction in biological systems 51
Tecniche Numeriche Per La Caratterizzazione Del Campo Emesso Da Terminali Per La Telefonia Mobile Ai Fini Della Valutazione Del SAR In Soggetti Esposti 44
Strategie di risoluzione basate su algoritmi genetici per problemi inversi di diffusione elettromagnetica 40
Scattering elettromagnetico da cilindri multistrato a sezione trasversale ellittica 28
Tecniche iterative per la determinazione della distribuzione di campo elettromagnetico in presenza di cilindri dielettrici a sezione trasversale arbitraria con caratteristiche nonlineari nel caso di illuminazione TM 28
Totale 6.399
Categoria #
all - tutte 18.498
article - articoli 11.365
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 6.092
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.041
Totale 36.996

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.281 0 0 0 0 130 169 232 95 121 312 169 53
2020/2021376 16 32 39 22 11 78 12 29 29 32 36 40
2021/2022802 11 89 32 74 34 63 98 184 8 58 40 111
2022/2023931 98 71 1 108 130 193 1 103 167 6 44 9
2023/2024335 17 53 9 35 22 72 9 12 15 4 29 58
2024/2025295 22 89 59 54 71 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.399