Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 18.019
Totale 18.019
Nazione #
IT - Italia 18.019
Totale 18.019
Città #
Genova 13.722
Vado Ligure 1.518
Genoa 1.502
Rapallo 1.248
Bordighera 29
Totale 18.019
Nome #
A Model of Buffer Occupancy for ICNs 178
On Dimension-Independent Approximation by Neural Networks and Linear Approximators 158
Approximating networks, dynamic programming and stochastic approximation 157
A stochastic knapsack problem with nonlinear capacity constraint 148
Commitment-Based Equilibrium Environmental Strategies Under Time-Dependent Absorption Efficiency 144
Narrowing the search for optimal call-admission policies via a nonlinear stochastic knapsack model 142
Suboptimal solutions to team optimization problems with stochastic information structure 140
On Spectral Windows in Supervised Learning From Data 139
Suboptimal Solutions to Dynamic Optimization Problems via Approximations of the Policy Functions 139
The Extended Ritz Method in stochastic functional optimization: an example of dynamic routing in traffic networks 136
Supervised and Semi-Supervised Classifiers for the Detection of Flood-Prone Areas 133
A multimodal dataset for the analysis of movement qualities in karate martial art 133
Model complexities of shallow networks representing highly varying functions 133
Smooth Optimal Decision Strategies for Static Team Optimization Problems and Their Approximations 133
Learning as constraint reactions 131
Approximation structures with moderate complexity in functional optimization and dynamic programming 126
Comparison of Worst Case Errors in Linear and Neural Network Approximation 124
Dynamic programming and value-function approximation in sequential decision problems: Error analysis and numerical results 123
Optimization Based on Quasi-Monte Carlo Sampling to Design State Estimators for Nonlinear Systems 120
The weight-decay technique in learning from data: An optimization point of view 120
Batch-mode identification of black-box models using feedforward neural networks 120
Approximation Schemes for Functional Optimization Problems 120
Geometric Rates of Approximation by Neural Networks 120
A theoretical analysis of buffer occupancy for Intermittently-Connected Networks 120
Stable approximate estimators for a class of nonlinear systems 119
The Extended Ritz Method for Functional Optimization: Overview and Applications to Single-Person and Team Optimal Decision Problems 119
Accuracy of Suboptimal Solutions to Kernel Principal Component Analysis 118
Error Bounds for Suboptimal Solutions to Kernel Principal Component Analysis 118
Estimates of Approximation Rates by Gaussian Radial-Basis Functions 118
An approach to transportation network analysis via transferable utility games 118
Approximate solution of optimal estimation problems in Lp spaces 117
Minimization of Error Functionals Over Variable-Basis Functions 116
An Application to Two-Hop Forwarding of a Model of Buffer Occupancy in ICNs 116
A theoretical framework for supervised learning from regions 116
Classifiers for the Detection of Flood Prone Areas Using Remote Sensed Elevation Data 116
Accuracy of approximations of solutions to Fredholm equations by kernel methods 116
Approximate Dynamic Programming for Stochastic N-Stage Optimization with Application to Optimal Consumption under Uncertainty 115
Online Learning as an LQG Optimal Control Problem with Random Matrices 115
Some Comparisons of Complexity in Dictionary-Based and Linear Computational Models 113
Approximating Multivariable Functions by Feedforward Neural Nets 111
Design of asymptotic estimators: An approach based on neural networks and nonlinear programming 111
Geometric Upper Bounds on Rates of Variable-Basis Approximation 111
Optimization-based learning with bounded error for feedforward neural networks 109
On the detection of the level of attention in an orchestra through head movements 108
Towards automated analysis of joint music performance in the orchestra 108
A nonlinear programming algorithm for neural-network learning based on the Kalman filter 107
A recursive algorithm for nonlinear least-squares problems 107
Error Estimates for Approximate Optimization by the Extended Ritz Method 107
Foundations of Support Constraint Machines 106
Design of Observers for Continuous-Time Nonlinear Systems Using Neural Networks 106
Minimizing Sequences for a Family of Functional Optimal Estimation Problems 105
Suboptimal policies for stochastic N-stage optimization problems: Accuracy analysis and a case study from optimal consumption 104
Approximate Minimization of the Regularized Expected Error Over Kernel Models 104
Tight Bounds on Rates of Neural-Network Approximation 103
Learning with Generalization Capability by Kernel Methods of Bounded Complexity 103
Bounds for approximate solutions of Fredholm integral equations using kernel networks 103
Water Reservoirs Management Under Uncertainty by Approximating Networks and Learning from Data 103
Regularization Techniques and Suboptimal Solutions to Optimization Problems in Learning from Data 102
On the design of approximate state estimators for nonlinear systems 102
Exploiting the Shapley value in the estimation of the position of a point of interest for a group of individuals 102
Complexity of Gaussian Radial-Basis Networks Approximating Smooth Functions 102
An Algorithm for Parameters Estimation: Bounds onthe Estimation Error and Application to Time-Series Prediction 101
An approximate solution to optimal Lp state estimation problems 100
Estimates of Variation with Respect to a Set and Applications to Optimization Problems 100
New Insights into Witsenhausen’s Counterexample 100
Estimates of Covering Numbers of Convex Sets with Slowly Decaying Orthogonal Subsets 100
Approximating networks for the solution of T-stage stochastic optimal control problems 99
Input-output stability for optimal estimation problems 99
Value and Policy Function Approximations in Infinite-Horizon Optimization Problems 99
Learning with hard constraints 99
Regularization and Suboptimal Solutions in Learning from Data 98
Nonlinear stabilization by receding-horizon neural regulators 98
Learning with boundary conditions 97
Learning with mixed hard/soft pointwise constraints 97
EKF learning for feedforward neural networks 96
On a Variational Norm Tailored to Variable-Basis Approximation Schemes 95
Evaluation of the Average Packet Delivery Delay in Highly-Disrupted Networks: The DTN and IP-like Protocol Cases 95
Bounds on the Complexity of Neural-Network Models and Comparison With Linear Methods 95
Editorial for the Special Issue: Operations Research and Data Mining in Biological Systems 94
Graph-Restricted Game Approach for Investigating Human Movement Qualities 94
Approximating networks and extended Ritz method for the solution of functional optimization problems 94
Design of parameterized state observers and controllers for a class of nonlinear continuous-time systems 94
Suboptimal Solutions to Team Optimization Problems with Statistical Information Structure 93
Can Dictionary-Based Computational Models Outperform the Best Linear Ones? 93
Water Reservoirs Management Under Uncertainty by Approximating Networks and Learning from Data 92
CAC with Nonlinearly-Constrained Feasibility Regions 92
Approach to Transportation Network Analysis via Transferable Utility Games 92
Evaluating flood hazard at the catchment scale via machine-learning techniques 91
Approximate Dynamic Programming by Value-Function Approximation via Variable-Basis Schemes 90
Complexity of Shallow Networks Representing Functions with Large Variations 90
Can Two Hidden Layers Make a Difference? 90
Average Packet Delivery Delay in Intermittently-Connected Networks 90
Optimality Conditions for Coordinate-Convex Policies in CAC With Nonlinear Feasibility Boundaries 90
Neural Approximations in Discounted Infinite-Horizon Stochastic Optimal Control Problems 90
Training feedforward neural networks trough a parameter-estimation-based algorithm 89
Approximation of Nonlinear Least-Squares Solutions in the Presence of Disturbances 89
A Generalized Stochastic Knapsack Problem with Application in Call Admission Control 89
Bounds on Rates of Variable-Basis and Neural-Network Approximation 89
Universal Approximation by Ridge Computational Models: A Survey 88
An Optimization Point of View of Learning Tasks 88
Totale 10.980
Categoria #
all - tutte 51.993
article - articoli 21.136
book - libri 247
conference - conferenze 21.830
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 8.780
Totale 103.986

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20203.151 0 0 0 0 0 0 769 307 428 910 577 160
2020/20211.239 65 104 78 121 78 124 77 108 131 170 86 97
2021/20222.340 51 139 112 296 51 184 190 569 121 243 98 286
2022/20231.628 159 102 20 186 222 272 28 113 284 17 177 48
2023/20241.000 60 140 19 113 90 160 64 53 40 18 83 160
2024/20251.730 166 289 118 199 593 363 2 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 18.433